My Quest with Fire Splinter | My investment
Hi there,
After decades finally, i decided to go with my fire splinter and completed my quest. Yep, whenever i get #FireSplinter the first thing i do i hit change quest option :P.
right now my current league is Gold 1 and i am just playing splinterlands to complete my quests. I am not playing extra games because i dont wanna get to #Diamond league right now.
My Quest Reward Cards

This is what i got and it's fine
My Investment in Splinterlands
For the past few days, i have been buying Alpha cards. I am not buying blindly so i wait for good opportunities. One day ago someone listed #TyrusPaladium Bcx 9

It was a fantabulous opportunity. so now my #TyrusPaladium is level 6 yoo
That's all, for now, see ya goodnight
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