Ethereum TA: Where [was] the triangle!

in #trading7 years ago

In my previous post, I discussed that we might expect a 'triangle pattern' to form during the recent downward consolidation period in Ethereum. I think it's fair to say that one did form(!), and that this resulted in a trading opportunity from the break upwards. Unfortunately, with all the activity surrounding BTC split and also with being a bit busy, I didn't get a chance to make a post about it at the time :( ... so apologies. However, I thought it still might be of some interest to discuss it (even if it's too late for trading the particular break-out point).


First thing I wanted to mention, though, was that in, I drew a possible sketch of what such a triangle could potentially look like:

Screen Shot 2017-07-24 at 03.20.02.png

Now - I really don't know what I was thinking (even though I said I chose a random point for the bottom line) -- because the obvious point to choose was at the very bottom of the dip!!!!!

Here's what actually happened in the weeks since - and I've marked what looks to me like the obvious triangle which formed:

Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 01.10.35.png

So, a natural trading opportunity would have been to buy when the break-out occurred (I've marked this point with an arrow).

Here's also a zoomed up version, which shows the maximum profit that you could have got (although, of course, it's very difficult to sell right at the top..):

Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 01.11.33.png

In fact, for me, there were pointers which I saw in the chart which changed my position from being moderately pessimistic about an upward bounce (after we dropped down from $230) - to becoming quite positive by the time the triangle completed:

Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 02.34.07.png

(1) [yellow arrow] This point that we bounced at was pretty much the perfect point to give a just-about a perfect symmetrical triangle, formed by touching both the highest and lowest points of the whole correction period.
(2) [cyan arrow] The green bar rebounded higher than the red bar which preceded it. Very bullish!
(3) [blue arrow] The third low point is higher than the bottom line of our triangle. Very bullish!
(4) [magenta arrow] The green bar on this next low point also (again!) rebounds higher than the red bar which precedes it. Very bullish!

So, personally, I built a position as this triangle was closing due to the above factors - so perhaps my overall buy price-in was around $190. (However, my exiting of the move has so far been the opposite! ;( I was expecting more of a bounce, so didn't sell around the $230 mark, and instead lost quite a bit of the gain by selling low and then re-buying back higher (haha...) - but still in profit (for now!))

Anyway, this retrospective analysis isn't very useful for deciding whether to buy or sell now. I was therefore going to discuss the current charts, but probably I should make a separate post for it. But, with that said, I'm perhaps leaning a bit towards the bullish side right now.

One reason is that on the 1-day chart, the EMA lines are getting very close to each other! In the chart below, I've marked a cyan circle around this:

Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 03.03.55.png

The implication of this is that if the price were to move just a bit more upwards, then these lines might cross and therefore provide a buy signal on this timeframe (and using this method for choosing signals); On the other hand, however, a 'close miss' of a cross-over is very much a strong reason to sell (from my experience). So, it could go either way - but because they are coming close together, a trading opportunity for a break-up or break-down could occur soon (based on this methodology) :-)

But this is not trading advice. Also, since I'm always looking to trade bullish-looking moves (since I don't short-sell), I'm often wrong a lot of the time (e.g., buying in advance of something I think could happen, but doesn't!)

DISCLAIMER: This post does not offer trading advice, and I am not suggesting the reader should buy (or sell) Ethereum. Any trading decisions the reader may make after reading this must be completely at their own responisbility. Any comments I make are simply describing reasons I may make for my own trades, and do not have any non-subjective 'scientific' backing.


I check the price of Ethereum with my friend now. It's $272! Awesome!

It is..... as I mentioned in my posts, I was hoping for / expecting a 50% retrace back up, I.e., around $740. When crypto is so predictable, it's basically free money!!!!!

Have an upvote😀

I believe you must be an expert in trading, right?
It is not so predictable for me. It's super hard to predict. My predictions are usually wrong :D

Just experience, nothing else.

It's predictable in the sense of good probabilities.

Here's an example: If something goes up in value, it is likely to then retrace 50% back down of the upward movement; If something goes down in value, it is likely to then retrace 50% back up up of the downward movement! Hopefully I'll write some more posts 😀

It seems like ETH did will and it may do even better when Bitfinex releases Ethfinex. I think that the price will continue to rise but I don't think it will reach the highs as we saw before during this years.
Thank you for your analysis @xaero! :)

Awesome...hadn't heard of that until now! Thanks 😄

Agree with you too.... I'm expecting a longish period of consolidation, but maybe with some bounces:)

Well today is a good day for crypto. Just in a couple of hours, so much money has been pumped into crypto and bitcoin is passed $3100. Luckily for me I bought some bitcoin yesterday because I was going to turn it into fiat to put it towards paying my rent and now I've got a little extra to help out haha
I recently wrote a post about do you need sadness to be happy but it doesn't seem like it since with this has just put a huge smile on my face.
Seems like this extra money pumped into the market has also trickled down to Ethereum.
It is time to pop open a bottle of wine @xaero1 and celebrate haha

Yes, last night was amazing! I took big positions in ETH, BTC, and a small one LTC. Nice when things do everything you wanted ;). Congrats on your trading!!😎

There is loads of speculation that Litecoin will be the main currency to do transactions in Asia and that Litecoin can reach highs of $80 sooner or later.
How far do you agree with this?
Congratulations om your success as well @xaero1
Now we just need steem to follow everyone else haha
Smiles all around! <3

I haven't been following any news really....other than the BTC fork, and that segwit will activate on BTC by Tuesday. Therefore I plan to sell before then!!! Buy the rumour, sell the news...I believe many people expect this, and therefore it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy even. But yes, Litecoin has a lot of volume, but I'm not up with any news.

Apart from the BTC stuff, I'm just trading on the technicals, and ETH and LTC both looked like they were about to break positive on the 1 day EMAs crossing over! So that's why I bought those :). No idea of an upper bound for LTC, but for ETH, I'm hoping for a 50% retrace back upwards from the lowest point😄

Hi @xaero1 I've written an article about you, check it out if you can, thanks.

21 Best Steemians Of The Day To Follow 6th August 2017

Wow...thanks ;D

Yes this is not a get rich quick scheme.

... any more 😅

@xaero1 thanks for this post. I found other comments on what is happening on the cryptomarkets very technical and incomprehensible (for the layman). This is something completely different. Perhaps you will give more articles more often ;-). Wish you good luck!

Thanks! Although I already had good luck (just need to try to avoid losing all my gains) ;). But I wish you great luck! 😄

in spite of many factors you made it obtaining good results, I believe that the knowledge at the moment is shining in your favor, thanks for the information provided in advance, I will continue reading you dear @xaero1

Thanks for your kind comment😄

Who are you..??
Have you angry to me..?
If i was wrong, im so sorry,,
What can i do for you,
Say something to me,,
Im so said, my article empty vote, just you always vote my article


Believe it or not, but steemit isn't my full time job! 😀 So, Just like with a business, if their tech support dept gets overwhelmed with emails, they aren't going on be able to respond in a timely fashion - or at all if there are too many!😰

The right word is i hope you respond to my article because i assume that you you are the person i rely on, if you have time please see my post

You are good,,
So smart ..
@xaero it🤣

Very very beautiful post @xaero1
Good job

Great analysis @xaero1!! This is exactly the pattern i was following. It helped me to hold onto my ethereum, such that once this break happened, I knew there would be quite a strong move up. But as you imply in your blog above, need to closely monitor for pull backs. At least there is a great place below which to keep a stop now!

Awesome! Thanks......that ethereum move was like 'free money' so obvious. Whereas the bitcoin spike up was so much more difficult to predict in my opinion since it wasnt a fact I think the return was even better (I had money in both, so that was kinda nice😄)

Always nice to have money in both!! just a case of limiting your risk, knowing when you are wrong, and playing the odds using patterns and fundamentals such as this. if this can be done with discipline, more often than not, you find that many things will go up at the same time!! love it! #tradingcrypto

Cheers! I find I'm not bad at trading well and making money when I'm staring at the problem is whenever I need to look away for a bit / do something else / sleep / haha ....that's when I normally lose money! I guess everyone in crypto not using an auto trading system has this same problem :-/ Haven't figured out a solution, and there probably isn't one!😂

I think solution is to use steemit all day long, I generally find it keeps me awake for most hours of the day and night, so that I manage to catch most of the moves up and avoid the really bad moves down ;)) but essentially, If you are making profits trading, my rule of thumb is to take some profits out and use those to put very very small positions on interesting ICOs and then re balance out to some good value alt coins. this way, I manage to sit through the drops that i miss a bit happier knowing that i took profits already. The other thing I do is to accept that I will never catch all the drops and get out in time, so it is therefore, a serious game of phsychology against myslef. can i get through the hard losses during the pull backs or am i too much of a chicken to hold through? Am I able to wait for the exact right moment to average down if I have gotten into trouble? but most importantly, can I learn to love the pains of being a trader, i mean really learn to love those difficult days and laugh at them! see them as part of the joys of trading, when the market drops say "Oh yes! I love this! BRING IT ON!!" And also I try to avoid going for a crap. whenever I crap, the market goes down. I should start and SMS trading indicator called the starkerz crapometer

Thanks for taking the time to write that - very Interesting to read!!
Agree about having to have to right attitude - all trades whether good or bad are part of job - as are factors that you can't control either😂

thanks for empathising with my rant! with trading, my opinion is that the only thing u can control is ur mind and ur reactions to the market everything else is just noise and time :))

Sorry, but my post is getting cluttered up with people asking to upvote a post - therefore I decided that I must avoid upvoting any post that people request I upvote, in order to discourage this!

Otherwise, if I happen to see a post of yours and I like it, i can upvote that in the future.

Anyway, have an upvote for that really cute gif 😀

Oooo I understand, by the way thanks for his praise 😁

Here you go buddy
giphy (2).gif

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