Two funny but pointed news articles I wrote a few months back. I hope you enjoy them for Christmas.

in #humor7 years ago

Oct 2, 2017 News Report from Tawatinaw Valley, Turtle Island

As fall grips the land, trees shed their leaves to cover the forest floor for winter.  The plant nation consortium confirms that the leaf drop is progressing on schedule and should be completed in two weeks time. They report that losses through the past year were heavy but are hopeful that their grievances with the two legged cartel will be heard  shortly so that compromises can be found before the consortium folds.   They are hopeful that the diplomats can communicate their concerns.    

Squirrels are found high in the tree tops dropping spruce cones on the heads of anybody who ventures near their work site as the harvest is in full swing.  Squirrel health and safety officials state that  communication with the two legged cartel and four legged alliance has been a challenge in the past but find that relations are improving over the last few years and are hopeful.  So far this season, a two legged cartel member was slightly injured when venturing into the work site without permission or the proper safety equipment.  The four legged alliance issued a statement saying that despite all their efforts to notify the two legged cartel, they  must insist that the cartel make better efforts to work with the four legged alliance so that matters like this don't happen in the future.    

The winged confederacy reports that the migration is also proceeding very well with low losses and no accidents taking place between confederacy members.  There are reports of minor incidences with metal objects that speed across the sky, but communications with the two legged cartel progresses slowly.  The winged confederacy is hopeful that a breakthrough can happen quickly to ensure losses on both sides are mitigated. 

The belly crawling guild indicated in their last correspondence that losses this season have been unacceptable due to a foreign substance found in the soil.  Strongly worded communications have been sent to the plant nation consortium, four legged alliance, two legged cartel and the winged confederacy, however to date no one has  taken responsibility for the attack.   The single celled  conglomerate has indicated that despite what happens, they are able and willing to clean up the mess.  So they stand by to serve no matter what and continue to work on ensuring that they do their part to keep the sun shining, waters flowing and grass growing.  

There are rumors that the there are key individuals within the consortium, alliance,  cartel, confederacy and conglomerate who are willing to open communications in order to work together to build a world wide union  where open communication and cooperation can allow peace and prosperity to unfold despite the actions of a few bad apples.  The plant nation consortium took offense to the statement stating that one of their fruit should not be used as an analogy for the evil acts of others.  An apology has since been issued and the term was changed to 'unloverly'.   

The plant nation consortium accepted the apology and signed onto the  union.   The union is now moving forward to confront the unloverly individuals in a show of solidarity and peace.  Union members expect the confrontation to proceed slowly at first but are fully confident that changes will take place.  Heavy losses are expected but all are hopeful that the changes will be in line with each signatory to the union. 


Breaking News:  October 9, 2017 Tawatinaw Valley, Turtle Island

The fin water league has reported that calm stands of water is now starting to experience a thin layer of ice every morning, but the big bodies of water on the lakes, ponds, streams and rivers are still clear and cautioned the two legged cartel and four legged alliance that it is still dangerous. Mother Bear from the four legged alliance took no heed to the warning as she felt that the warning was just a ruse to keep her away so that the fin water league could live in peace as they are anxious for freeze over to protect them for the winter.  The fin water league issued an appeal for peace, but lamented when they realized that they did not want to piss off a mother bear and if they break the circle of life, it could cause a catastrophic failure for the union as a whole. Their wise decision to recognize the circle just saved us all. An appeal to the two legged cartel has been sent to remind them of the  same.     

The plant nation consortium issued a press release stating that the busy beaver from the four legged alliance has been busy trying to get his work done before freeze over.  We were waiting to hear from this member of the four legged alliance but his mouth was too full to make a comment.  We only heard blub blub blub blub chomp chomp  chomp and were unable to translate.  The four legged alliance did give notice to the two legged cartel that their hunting season is causing great disturbance and the plant nation consortium supported the allegation but felt that the complaint would most feel like they were barking up the wrong tree.   A notice has been submitted to the Mother  Earth to see if actions can me made against those that kill for fun rather than need.  Mother Earth is holding judgement until later next year. 

The members of the winged confederacy that decided to stay the winter has reported that the belly crawling guild has hunkered in for the winter.  They now report that the plant nation consortium has chipped in with berries and other staples to help them through the winter.  The winged confederacy sent a thank you letter to the plant nation consortium in appreciation for the assistance.  In return, the winged confederacy has re-iterated that certain members will pick up their efforts to dig holes into the trees in an attempt to eradicate the  belly crawling guild who has taken refuge inside specific members of the plant nation consortium.   

The union, which at last report included the consortium, alliance, cartel, confederacy and conglomerate are welcoming the fin water league in the hopes that all members of Mother Earth can find prosperity.  They are hopeful that the league can  fill in some gaps within the union.

If you enjoyed these let me know.  I loved writing these and would love to do more.


I really enjoyed these articles! Please write more! You are an incredible story teller. Mother Earth needs some one like you on her side...

Hahaha, I loved them! Like some of them are news reporters! I like the negotiations going on to work together for the greater good of everyone, even the dispuptive ones. Cool short stories, and educational too!

Smiling as I read them again.
So nice to address issues in a way that touches your heart and funny bone!

Hello again @wwf

Cool idea you had. The stories feel great and earthly. And what can a steward be if his story telling isn't on point?
Those nights at the fire are perfect to practice anyway. :)


Thank you Max. I was shooting for a way to show how we all have to work together with some give and take to ensure we can all prosper. Personifying life was a fun way of getting the message across. Kind of like finding peace between gangs in the hood or something like that. I'll write some more. Sounds like people like the idea which pleases me.

I'm tired of understanding because of my bad English, but in the end I could understand most of the stories... It's fun, but behind it is a lot of meanings... Thank you, my brother @wwf

Yes, there is meaning behind it. Good for you for picking that out and having fun with it. You are doing great with your English. <3 You are welcome brother!

i agree to you say...
i enjoyed the days...

you shared really awesome photography
thanks for sharing.....

The winter fog reduces the fertility of any tree

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