The eyes are the window to the soul

in #ungrip6 years ago

Have you ever stood in front of somebody, even a stranger, and peered into their eyes for a few minutes?  This activity can be very intimate as we look past the vessel and make a connection to spirit.  When we do that, we glimpse into an idea that can change our whole outlook on life.  When we change that outlook we make a paradigm shift that changes everything.  

When I peer into the eyes of another being, I'm looking for a spiritual connection.  I work hard to look past the physical vessel and instead make an intimate spiritual relationship.  That way I can bypass the physical bias that I often carry around with me and challenge myself to confront that bias.  

I see this similar to looking through the window of a car to see who is sitting inside.  Do I judge them based on the car or do I work hard to look through the window to connect with the actual being in the car?  Our relationship with our body is no different.  Some people have a mini-van or pick up truck while others travel around in boats, plains or even trains.  Each vessel is unique, different and has it's own challenges and benefits. Some have lots of mechanical problems while others perform wonderfully.  But they all wear down and quit over time.  Some longer or shorter than others.  

Do you see me or do you see the physical world reflected around me?  

Judging our lives or each other based on the vessel we are in command of, is crazy.  Thinking or believing that we are the vessel is misguided.  This belief is what the church uses to claim our vessels.  If Spirit loses touch with the reality of who it is and believes the lie that it is a person, human or even a Man, then that spirit is lost.  The church lays a claim to all lost souls.  But when Spirit remembers and claims it's vessel as a sacred temple of spirit, the churches claim becomes null and void.  We are not physical beings, but rather spiritual beings in command of an avatar here in this physical realm.  Much like when we play video games and control our character on the screen.  There is a real and present separation between the Spirit and the physical that we must acknowledge.  

When it comes to death, we must also acknowledge that our vessel, being a biological machine, does indeed wear out and cease functioning after a while.  Spirit does not die, but our bodies do.  Just like the old Gremlin or Ferrari sitting in the drive way, our bodies have a limited life time.  Yes, good maintenance, having replacement parts, good fuel and all those sorts of things can extend the life time of the vessel.  But in the end, there is only so much we can do.

My vessel is slowing down.  I've spent 10 months dumping my thoughts and feelings online for others to read.  Take it or leave it, it matters not to me.  My memory continues to degrade and I fatigue easily.  I find myself trusting spirit more and more as my vessel no longer has the energy to put in a full days work, no matter the type of fuel or medicine I use.  I witness other spiritual beings around me going for surgery to remove cancer and body parts to extend the life of the vessel.  I refuse to go to such extremes.  

As I've written in the past, I want a good death.  I'm not here to fear death and do all I can to extend life.  I refuse to have the medical system cut me open or violate my vessel any longer.  My vessel is a sacred temple that houses me, a divine spiritual being.  It is an avatar that allows me to experience life and relationships in a unique way. When I view life from this perspective, then all the systems, greed and control makes absolutely zero sense to me.  It is like people building empires in a massive multiplayer online roll playing game (MMORPG).  They spend a tremendous amount of energy and time in these games that can be turned off at any moment.  Have they moved their lives forward in any way?  Have they learned how to have healthy relationships with other spiritual beings?  Or are they caught up in the game play governed by internal rules and as a result, they completely missed the point?

What if the promise of eternal life is actually a promise that we no longer have to live life trapped inside a vessel? What if we Graduate Life with Honours and join the universal spiritual community that no longer needs avatars to learn lessons as we learned here the basics of acceptable behaviours in the spiritual community?  What if we finally graduate kindergarten and move onto the real world; the spiritual realm!

What if those who failed to behave themselves in the universal spiritual community are brought here to re-learn what it takes to be self-governing, loving, peaceful, respectful, patient, meek, empathetic, prosperous spiritual beings?  What of we are the fallen?  Are we willing to forgo those kinds of rewards in exchange for accumulating wealth in this realm?  Are we judging our success based on how much gold and resources we managed to store in our Minecraft chests?  

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. - Matthew 19:24

Spiritual success is based on our behaviours and our capacity to hold healthy relationships with others.  Forgiveness, peace, non-violence and freedom is a hall mark of spiritual success.  It is hard to detach from the physical, especially when I viewed myself as being physical for so long.  Now that I see myself as spiritual, I am starting to say good bye to the physical attachments.  That includes my own vessel.  

So as I explore the last phase of my life, I find myself making yet another surrender.  I love the experiences and I find it easier to break the last bonds left with those who chose greed, control, power and lust.  I forgive them all and I look forward to the journey that unfolds as my wife and I take this next major leap forward in our relationship with each other, Mother Earth and all the other spiritual beings caught within their own vessels, no matter what shape or form those avatars take.  They are all spiritual brothers and sisters to me and I am working hard to love them unconditionally.

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The eyes are the windows to the soul. When I meet someone for the first time, I look into there eyes. It tells so much. If they avert the gaze, what are they hiding?

My memory continues to degrade and I fatigue easily. I find myself trusting spirit more and more as my vessel no longer has the energy to put in a full days work, no matter the type of fuel or medicine I use.

I wish you the good health of your vessels so that you may continue teaching us. We have so much to learn and we are only given a finite amount of time in which to complete the tasks that the spirit has set out for us.

When a man looks into a woman's eyes, he loses his mind! And then you can control it! Thank you for reminding me!

If a man loses his mind when he looks into a woman's eyes, he is not a man but rather a boy who has not found his strength, power and divine masculine energy within himself ... yet.

Very enlightening 😊. I had a moment of eye contact with a woman on an elevator today. I could feel something else....definitely felt spiritual. It was very pleasant and I enjoyed it. We did not speak, but I feel that if we had perhaps it would had taken some value from my "feeling". I wonder if when we find ourselves locked in a moment with another person...are they feeling the same, or something else as good. Maybe i missed my moment by NOT speaking to find out 😁. I don't know. Think about primal man and women. They may had not had great language skills, but body language and eye contact is where it happens. The same rules still apply today 🤗

This excellent post was included in the latest issue of The Inbox Runneth Over. Stop by when you have a minute and see what else I found along the trail. Your companions here are all interesting in their own way, and your support for this project and especially its occupants would be very much appreciated. Thank you for everything. Have a lovely day!

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