A centered and balanced relationship cannot be accomplished within master/servant relationshipssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ungrip5 years ago

My wife came home yesterday from an event with my old tribe.  With her, she brought a message from a lady I've not seen in years.  The message was confronting my intellect, a similar message that prompted me to leave the tribe over two months ago.  Not only was her actions cowardly as that message should have been spoken to me directly, but it was also violent in that she put my wife in the middle, which also showed disrespect and contempt for her.

If people want to confront me, they are more than welcome to do so.  However, it must be done non-violently and definitely not through a proxy, such as my wife.  I am livid that somebody would put my wife in the middle like that.  

I want to explore this topic of this confrontation that I've now received from several members of the tribe.  The original premise that they were confronting me on was the idea that my intellect must surrender and be sub-servant to my spirit.  They were so adamant at this point that I was yelled at, sworn at and rebuked violently in an attempt to get my intellect to surrender.  I was left curled up in the fetal position, bawling and snot running down my face and onto my shirt.  That violent, shit behaviour is not acceptable!  I forgive them, broke off the relationship, walked away and will not return.

My intellect is a gift from Creator.  My work for years has been founded on the principle that we are to find a balanced and centered relationship between our physical body and spirit.  That relationship is very much like a marriage, one where both parties are equal and join together in partnership for the benefit of both.  Both parties acknowledge and recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each other and work together in cooperation.

The moment one party takes charge and forms a master / servant relationship with the other, then we are no longer in a mutually beneficial relationship and have crossed the line of balance & freedom into a world of co-dependency, violence, narcissism, abuse, greed and control.  My relationship between my body, my intellect, emotions and spirit cannot and must not fall into a master / servant relationship.

My spirit cried out during the time my 'friends' were working hard to get my intellect to surrender.  I knew deep in my heart that this was NOT the type of relationship that I AM to have with my body.  It is too easy to swing from one extreme to the other.  The hardest part of this journey is to ensure that Spirit respects and honours the physical vessel and visa versa.  

The intellect has a critical role to play in our life.  It is the tool that helps us discern, criticize, evaluate, calculate, and analyze our physical environment and relationships.  It's primary purpose is to keep us safe and it does a great job at it.  However, it is a poor decision maker outside of the typical life & death choices.  Spirit's gifts include the sight, knowledge and wisdom to help make healthy decisions for all the choices we make in our life.  Spirit is connected to the universal consciousness and can help us work through life's problems and challenges by making the perfect decision based on the work of the intellect.  They must work together!!!!

When we allow Spirit to make that choice, life flows much easier.  I've been doing that for 20 years when I had my intellect surrender control that should belong to Spirit - decision making and connecting to others.  But Spirit must not control the intellect either as the Physical Realm is not the Spiritual Realm.  Spirit has no business doing the job that the Intellect is designed by Creator to do!

When we obtain the balanced and centered life that reflects Christ Consciousness, we will find that the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ALL find a mutual respect, honour, non-violence, peace, patience and freedom within and among all aspects of our being.

The moment we engage in violence and demand that any one aspect of our being be a slave to the other, we have lost that balance and sacrificed one part of us in favor of the other.  That is not love.  That is not respect.  That is not honour.

This is no different than our relationships with each other, whether it be our spouse, family, friends or neighbours.  

I'm deeply saddened by what transpired with my old tribe and disturbed that the violence is still oozing out of the group towards me.  My views are fundamentally different than theirs in this regard and I will not compromise those views in favor of maintaining the relationship.  I forgive them for what happened but I refuse to participate in violent relationships.  While the whole tribe is shocked by my sudden withdraw, it is not anything new to me as I've set very firm boundaries in my life for nearly 20 years.  

If people are going to be violent towards me, I will say good bye and cut the ties.  It does not matter if it is a friend, family, tribe or people who hide behind fictional constructs like governments & corporations.  What surprises me is that people are surprised and shocked when I do it.  

If we are going to confront violence in our lives, then it is best that we have a zero tolerance to it.  The moment we start tolerating violence, then it will grow like a plague and result in the mess we see today in our world.  If people want to heal, then I'm more than willing to help.  When we join circle, the ground rules are the same.  We can talk about the violence, our feelings, struggles, addictions, etc.  But if violence is done, it will be confronted.  If it continues, then out the door you go!  

But if I don't know you or only have a casual relationship, you will not receive the courtesy of being confronted.  

I rebuke my old tribes efforts to get me to surrender to their vision of what constitutes a healthy relationship.  My intellect is not a slave to spirit, but rather an equal partner in this journey we call life on Mother Earth.  It is my responsibility to explore the strengths and weaknesses of all aspects of my being and find a healthy balance between them all so that I can center myself and move forward with my life purpose in balance.  

My intellect has already done it's surrender back in 2001.  That surrender was to teach it to stay within it's own realm of expertise and not violate the other aspects of my being.  I had to teach my intellect that I have feelings and a spirit as well.  So instead of controlling my life, it now works hard to listen to my feelings, find the words to express those feelings to others and give spirit a voice as well.  To have it surrender to spirit so that spirit is 100% in control violates and disrespects my vessel, intellect and all the work that I've done over my life time.  

I also put everyone on notice that using my wife to get to me is beyond any level of decent behaviour.  In fact, it is abusive, violent, cowardly and down right morally & ethically corrupt!  

Any form of slavery violates all that I AM.  If you don't comprehend that, then go back to my book.  If you cannot respect me and my wife, then say good bye and leave us alone, otherwise I will do it for you!

My book can be downloaded from our @homesteaderscoop vendor page located here:


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