Happy 3rd Birthday Steem and Some Developmental Expectations

in #happybirthday5 years ago


Happy Birthday Steem!

Well, well, look who's 3 years old. It is a pleasure to write my thrid happy birthday post to Steem and set some expectation for the upcoming year!

The source for some of this is www.verywellfamily.com

Expected Developments of a three-year-old:

As your 3-year-old's attention span grows and more verbal skills develop, they will be better able to follow instructions and express their own needs and thoughts. The transition from toddler to preschooler, though, can often be a bit bumpy. Expect a fair share of meltdowns and tantrums, but know they come in tandem with silliness and creative spirit that will bring plenty of joy, too.

Not only are 3-year-olds growing in height and weight, but they are also fine-tuning gross and fine motor skills. Like everything else, mastery of these skills will vary by child and by their ability and size.

As your 3-year-old grows, they are learning more about their own body and how to control it. Balance will get better and, with practice, your child will be able to do things they hadn't been able to before.

Key Milestones

Gross motor skills: Most 3-year-olds are able to walk a line, balance on a low balance beam, skip or gallop, and walk backward. They can usually pedal a tricycle, catch a large ball, and jump with two feet.
Fine motor skills: By age 3, kids can usually wash and dry their hands, dress themselves with a little assistance, and turn pages in a book. Most preschoolers can hold a writing instrument with their fingers, not their fist.
Major highlights: Some 3-year-olds are also ready to be potty-trained.

Emotional Behaviors

Temper tantrums tend to peak around this age as your child learns to deal with stressful situations. So even though your 3-year-old may insist on independence, they’ll struggle to deal with frustration when given the opportunity to try something on their own.

Some 3-year-olds have a hard time being separated from their caregivers. So your child may cry when you drop them off at preschool or may express sadness about going to daycare, even if they like it there.

Key Milestones

Starts to understand emotions, both their own and others. Your child may use simple expressions such as "I'm mad!," "I'm sad!," or "I'm happy!" to let you know how they feel.

Social Development

Around your child's third birthday, you may notice a change in how they interact with other children. This is often the point where many children start to move away from parallel play (where kids play near each other) to group or interactive play (where they actually cooperate and play with others). This means they'll also need some help learning how to navigate those relationships.

And, while there may still be a special adult in your child's life that they don't like to let out of sight, 3-year-olds are able to start developing true friendships with new friends (and sometimes imaginary ones). Preschoolers are influenced by the things they love. So it’s common for them to copy their favorite characters from TV or books, too.

Key Milestones
Begins to show empathy when another person is hurt or upset and may even attempt to comfort the person.
May start to tattle if they feel they've been "wronged" by another child or sibling.
Shows affection for others on their own (without you suggesting they give a friend a hug).

Cognitive Development

Cognitive development in a 3-year-old isn't just about learning the alphabet or how to count. It envelops the entire learning process of absorbing information, which includes asking questions, and processing and understanding information.

Most 3-year-olds are like sponges and they absorb everything around them. As a parent, help them know what to do with that information. Because they are now able to sit still and focus for a longer period of time, they can take in even more around them.

Your child’s mind and imagination will blossom this year. As they develop their memory and start to understand more about the world around him, you should expect lots of questions. You might find there are times when you don’t know how to answer. Try to be patient with your child’s constant questions because it’s their way of learning more about the world.

It can be a challenge to know what your child actually does understand and what still needs to be learned, but these are some of the milestones you look for them to achieve by the end of the year.

It seems Steem will be growing up this year, gaining better social skills and learning to have empathy. While there will still be temper tantrums, they shoud begin to stabilize.

As parents we should try to set higher expectations for better behavior on Steem this year, and although it is funny to compare Steem to Human development each year I've seen some parallels each year! I'm looking forward to the year ahead.

Here are my Birthday posts from the 1st 2 years.



What to chat? Stop in and say hi in SteemChat https://discord.gg/9njF5V

Considering following and support @dramatoken if you think it is a fun project!

See ya on the Blockchain..



With the launch of SMT I think you might also very busy with your token!


Happy Birthday Steem! We all need to firmly believe in our ecosystem @whatsup and keep moving forward!

Go Steem Go! It's too late to quit we have to make it work. :)

Potty trained? Not sure we are there yet as there is still plenty of *hitposts around!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Can't wait until we become teenagers lol

Oh man, that should be interesting. :)

Toilet training... I wonder if that will ever happen!

I also wonder...


Let's see.

Hmmm... Potty trained!

Happy birthday to steemit and it's wonder community I wish the platform the best years ahead because I know this blockchain is going to be the most viable blockchain on the crypto space 👍👍👍

Happy birthday to steemit, more years ahead, more sucess ahead for steemit. Steemit is going to places

Happy happy birthday! Wishing the best of all.

Posted using Partiko Android

Precious post I say lol.

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