Day 123: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday-Prompt: fumigate

in #freewrite7 years ago

Day 123: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Monday-Prompt: fumigate

Four days after the new tenant moved into the apartment downstairs, the rotten trash odor made its way up the staircase and into Fran's apartment. The trash was collected once a week and instead of the man putting his trash in a trashcan outside, he kept it in an open bag in his kitchen. Fran sprayed a deodorizer 3 times a day down the staircase and made a complaint to the landlord. No help there with the deodorizer, or the landlord.

One night Fran smelled something burning. She ran down the steps and frantically banged on the neighbors door yelling, "Hurry! Answer the door!" The man was half asleep when he opened his door and angrily said, "Lady...this better be good. It is 3 AM!" Fran explained that she smelled something burning and that there must be something on fire in his apartment. The man chuckled and said, "The only thing burning in here is my ass; I'm loaded with gas. And don't you dare light a match or you will blow us both to smithereens!"

A few days later, Fran became nauseous and couldn't believe what she smelled. She was livid and yelled down to the neighbor, "What in the hell crawled up inside of you and died?!?!"

Fran then placed fragrant dryer sheets in the corner of each step. At the top of the stairs, she placed an atomizer and timed it to spray every 2 minutes; aimed down the staircase. Every night, the man yelled up to Fran, "I love beans! Beans, beans, good for your heart! The more you eat the more you fart!"

The landlord finally evicted the foul smelling man. His odors had crept into every nook and cranny, and a hazmat team had to fumigate both apartments to make them livable once again.

Disclaimer: This took me longer than 5 minutes to write.

This honorable badge was made by @fireawaymarmot. Thank you!


your posts are golden.... yeah.. i thik writing might have its advantages as well as & also thanks for sharing....

Thank you for your nice compliment! : )

Awesome write : 0 I got to start making : ) Longer stories too 5 minutes are not enough imo . I am really looking for that Badge you got . Well I guess I got 18 writes to go yay :)

Thanks so much! Oh, you will get that badge in no time. : )
Sorry for the late reply. I haven't been here for 4 days.

Well I have been a bit off myself lately too much real life but will catch up for sure ;)

Where do you come up with these ideas? Childhood? lol

HaHa! It is crazy where you mind goes when you are given just one word and 5 minutes. It still boggles my mind. : )
Sorry for the late reply. I haven't been here since Monday.

My teenage son will love this!

HaHa! I bet he will...boys will be boys! : )

Ha! I really, really liked this story. You know how to have fun with words ;) Great write

Here's the latest prompt:

Thanks so much! : )

Bwahahahaha!! You are hilarious Whatisnew! I've met some pretty smelly people but he sounds like he'd slay them all!

Hello you wonderful Encouragers & Prompt Deliverers!!! First of all, each one of you ROCKS!! 😁 Thank you so very much!!! I'm grateful to be in a group with people who take time out of each day to help their fellow freewriters (insert your pat on the back here would you please)! 🤗

I've attached an editable spreadsheet (Ugg..yes I know - I groaned making it LOL!😂) to help organize our deliveries.
It is also pinned in the room Marianne's Plans on Isle of Write's Discord Channel. Please feel free to message me if you'd like a link to the room.

Many of the Encouragers use the room to leave messages for the others so as there isn't any overlap in delivering the prompts (time is precious and who wants to double back?⌚ ).

Please check the schedule to see if there are others slated to deliver prompts for that day. If so, it would be great if you would message (or leave a comment for them on a Freewrite in case they are not on Discord) prior to beginning and then put that on(update) the spreadsheet. This way, each one of us can check our messages and know who starts where and when. (Again, to prevent two people delivering prompts to the same freewriter twice).

If you have any questions or would like me to adjust the sheet, please let me know.
THANK YOU ALL!!! You're doing this is truly appreciated! 💙
(Sorry for leaving such a long comment!)😿

Hi @brisby! Please send me the link to the room for prompt deliverers. I want to sign up for this coming week beginning Feb. 26th. I went to the spreadsheet in this link and it is for last week. Thanks! : )

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