What happens when you stop watching TV

in #television6 years ago

After years of a compulsive addiction to consume as much culture as possible, an attempt to know every "relevant" thing that appeared in the mainstream and the especially the underground, one day I decided to prioritize my inner peace and my ability to live in the NOW. It happened when my computer broke and I only had an old Nokia, I think it was around the time Iphone 4 had come out, I still hadn't touched a smart phone. My concerns about privacy and the subconscious acknowledgement that I was, in fact, addicted and wasting a ton of time on the internet prevented me from seeking out a smartphone, and I barely had any money at that time, so it would have been hard to buy one anyway.

television people

So for about a year and a half, I spent half of my time staring into space and enjoying whatever was surrounding me. I was busking and volunteering full time and had plenty of things to do, a vibrant community around me to play with and little money to pay for distractions. I finally managed to put an end to my media consumption addition. I didn't even realize it happened.

There were side effects of living without television though. I had no idea who Lady Gaga was and she had already been famous for 4 years. That in itself was fine, but imagine all the all other things I had never heard about. I was listening exclusively to James Blake and Fela Kuti and had very little shared culture with ANYONE I met unless they listened to those too and happened to read "Conversations with God" or "Spiritual Enlightenment, the Damndest thing" which I was reading at the time.

Many of my friends were stoned artists who were living in squats and the like so it wasn't that bad when I was in a familiar group of friends, but I can't tell you how hard it was to interact with academics and the corporate crowd, or basically anyone who had their own apartment. I felt like we spoke different languages, even in predominantly English speaking crowds....ESPECIALLY in English speaking crowds and English is my mother tongue. The vocabulary was changing faster than I was being exposed to the changes. Pot had become legalized and Gay was OK in the States, and I wasn't there when it happened, nor did I really pay much attention to the culture that had followed these changes.

Unlike many of my friends, I made an effort to interact with all the "normal people" but it was a struggle. It was already hard enough to answer questions like "What do you do?" but even "What are you into?" became a struggle to answer. "I like to jam with musicians who aren't really that good at any particular instrument" Their response was usually a long drawn out "OOOOOOOKKKKKK" or a change in the conversation back to "Me".

As I write this I realized that being an "ex-pat" compounds the degree of complication I felt when trying to relate to almost anyone, even in the "indie scene" and so I feel it's hard to really paint a picture in a short article or two. But I suppose someone who is essentially introverted and hangs out by themselves in nature most of the time can imagine very well how I felt.

I thought Iphone 5 was coming out when iphone 8 came out. By that time I had a pad to make up for the lack of a smartphone. I try not to look down on people who tweet responses to whatever Kanye West or Donald Trump are saying this week, but it's become hard to relate to those who are part of a strong culture and don't realize the influence that culture exerts on them, be it mainstream or underground. Those who judge the gossipers are just as difficult for me to relate to as the gossipers themselves.

Some friends are difficult to stay in touch with because we literally have nothing to talk about other than past shared experiences. I know that is a common problem but it's expounded when you've practically been living in separate planets for over 10 years.

Now even though I'm back on social media, it's all steemit and discord....hah, I asked some old friends if they had discord accounts expecting them to know what it was. They did not. I did not ask if they have telegram, but I'm curious to know if they know what that is. Do they have snapchat? I don't even really know what snapchat is. Instagram? I've never used used it. Do they even still check facebook? I have no idea what people are doing these days. What is normal for 13 year olds and what is normal for 35 year olds, it all kind of blends together for me.

The funny thing is, I can actually relate with others easily, it's more that others have a hard time relating to me. I can enjoy scenery together with anyone, tease and joke without words, create art and enjoy music with anyone and everyone. It's not hard for me to meet someone half way, but I do find I leave many people with a big question mark over their head. In those moments, I guess I could bring up Westworld or Game of Thrones since those are the two mainstream shows I bothered to watch. If I sense the person really wants to ramble about the stuff they know, I might bring those up in order to avoid any other TV talk, or sports talk or celebrity gossip or polarized political debates. We could talk about older music or other nostalgia, but those conversations don't do much for me unless I've already developed a bond with someone. So I guess in all other situations I'm ok with weirding people out.

I hope one day we can relate on what we are experiencing in the NOW rather than trying to look every which way to find something else to focus on and relate on those things. Maybe one day a beautiful sunset and a playful attitude will be enough for everyone to make friends.

This article wasn't as articulate as I had hoped, maybe one day I'll write more on this topic and go deeper on it.


I have not look TV last 6 years... and I not want more... all what I get there is one big lie :(

It’s great that you don’t want it! Focus on things that are more meaningful. Right?

I became very selective about what I watched on TV about 3 years ago and I only watch about 2-3 hours a week. This means I don't know who any of these celebrities are and, if I have heard of them, I can't tell anybody much about them, but then again, I don't think I need to know that kind of thing. If I watch a quiz show on TV, they ask a lot of questions about music, actors, films etc and I've know idea who the vast majority of these people are and, in the past, I don't remember quiz shows being made-up of questions about such frivolous nonsense. I think it's a good thing to divorce my mind from the crazy, low-mentality noise that prevails. I happier just reading, doing some artwork, spending time in nature and enjoying animals.

I really love bein part of a community whose culture doesn’t involve much television. I can connect with others in a more natural way where you don’t get cred for knowing about this show or that one.

I cut my series down to just 3 and just started Silicon Valley because it’s relation to crypto, not planning on starting any more.

Oh and I don’t spend time talking about any of it unless it’s about how it relates to philosophy or society. I guess sometimes it’s fun to predict what happens but I just have one friend I talk to about all that.

3 years ago, the political debate on TV and facebook became unbearable, it reached a point where there are only lies, each party does its best demonizing the others and it became very difficult to distinguish lies from facts. The anxiety I felt kept intensifying each day until I decided to stop watching TV and boycott facebook.

Now, I only get a hint of what is going on when my work colleagues chat about News, From time to time I check my facebook news feed to find the same people say the same things and have the same debates.

I came to a realization that peace of mind requires not caring about what you can't influence. Now I have a lot of time and mental energy to focus on what really matters to me.

I went through something similar. People fool themselves into thinking they are being a responsible adult by watching the news but it’s all presented in such an awful way. I read headlines about twice a week. I don’t see any point in dwelling on the details of any story which does not affect me or someone I know directly, and it’s not because I don’t care, it’s because I’m ready to be in a better state of mind than the one of those sharing the news.

I believe I reached a point that I literally don't care. It might not sound good but caring about something that is beyond your control is fruitless.
When I watch the news I feel like I am on a ship that many parties immorally fight to control it.

I gave up Cable TV more ten years ago, and when I did have it last it was free but I hardly watched any. Junk, it's all a distraction away from myself being more productive.

Glad you are more productive now...whether it’s for peace of mind or productivity, life is always better with minimal tv

well i have a tv but i have disconnected cable. i dont enjoy the relentless barrage of programming and i hate news. I like print media a whole lot so i am old fashioned that way.

i think being continuously connected to a never ending conversation like twitter or facebook is part of psychological health issues today. a human being needs to reflect. reflection brings understanding of the self so that we can deal with the world outside.

Unfortunately TV has become social media as well. the programming is purely based on TRPs. it is loud and invasive. the quality of programs have dipped. when was the last time you saw a clean situational comedy without sexual innuendo?

i think up giving up on TV is a good option right now. i am not sure that we can give up on social media just yet.

to really make friends, the wavelength and vibrations have to coincide. age does not matter, does it?

Sometimes, more than anything, we forget what life is like without any of this shit and so we get deeper into a bubble, however big or small the bubble is...like how many people can function for a week without internet?

I enjoy certain aspects of social media, I think it’s wonderful that we are able to build cultures together across borders. The only problem is that the culture on the internet is mostly dominated by the same mainstream culture of television, Hollywood, and general consumer culture.

That’s why I love steemit, because most people are making an effort to be original and so many are creators, either of art or technology or ideas. I think we’ve accidentally sssembled some of the best that the internet has to offer here and we hardly recognize how great it is because too much thought is given to the Trending the bigger names here. I can’t wait to see the communities built here start to bleed into the real world. Steemit is way bigger than steemit.

This sounds great! I want to stop watching TV too. What is a TV?

It is actually quite sad that most "normal" people talk about things they watch on TV. Sports, shows, news.

That is like their whole world.
There is nothing beyond that.
Scratch the surface, and their is nothing (well, sometimes if you dig you will find some broken dreams)

I’ve destroyed a bunch of lives Because I like to pick at those broken dreams when people feel compelled to show me them. My first advice to any of my students who are not happy with their life and see me at peace and want some of thst is “quit yer job, or at least demand a promotion or fewer working hours to free yourself up a bit if quitting is too big a step for you”.

From the destruction of a 9-5 new things can be born :-)

I still consume television, but it's mainly through the internet after I went through, not one but two, set top boxes to get digital television. They were cheap and nasty and didn't last long.

It's difficult when your social networks are through various forms of media. Some of my best friends are overseas and we've built up relationships over the last decade.

But I am becoming more and more disenfranchised with various forms of social media. People are becoming polarised and no one fact checks anything. The indefensible is excused and even praised when it would have been considered unthinkable in the 1980's.

It's a really strange world. I have no interest in Trump, and find his behaviour and attitudes disgusting. But it bleeds through as it's the only thing people are talking about.

I know this opinion is frowned upon, but I think people care TOO MUCH about what’s going on in the world. It’s good to care but only so far as it helps you to act in ways that work towards productive solutions. Apathy is pretty awful but binging on videos of “alt right nazis” or “alt left SWJs” and posting angry comments is probably worse.

Caring should lead us to go out and understand the situation first hand rather than relying on such polarized media. Alternative media is just as bad and even the best youtubers are going to paint a biased picture because we all have bias. We need to build communities that have friendly communication with each other despite differences of opinions and stop letting the media dictate our relationship with those who we disagree with the way they paint such exaggerated picture style of both sides.

Though my closest friends have similarly politics with me, my acquaintances include the politically ambiguous, communists, neo-liberals, religious conservatives, hard core capitalists, anarcho-socialist, libertarian and even a fascist, and we can all have respectful conversations because we all have a desire to hear each other out, and this desire to hear each other out without getting heated is what really matters.

I feel lucky to have not had to hear anything about trump in over a month, other than the headlines I skim once a week.

I have been consuming less and less of social media these past few months/years.

Of the "traditional" social media platforms I mostly check Twitter because there is where I get informed about what is happening with my country and its constant problems. I still have my FB but I don't check it.

And about TV I do enjoy watching movies and try to watch some movies or series every week. Netflix for example is producing some good original movies and series lately, and of course, the 2 from HBO you mentioned, especially GOT is a much watch for people that like watching TV.

I have even "discovered" some cool little known series like Channel Zero, but I have always find enjoyment consuming these content, so I am not looking to stop it, which is not the case with FB.

So that is the content I consume from TV, mostly entertainment and some documentary from time to time, oh and football :P

I don’t think all media is bad, traditional media or social media, it’s more about how we interact with it...can we pull ourselves away from it when we have something else we want to do which requires a little more effort? That’s the real question. Is it an escape or just something we enjoy?

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