
i loved that. I really enjoyed your writing style. I felt your personality coming through... it made me feel i was listening to a close friend tell a story. I was so sucked in by the Jazz hands the end i secretly wished you had of stayed with them and it led to a raw chicken cooked in some dive they demanded you go to with them...haha...
this is the kind of work i search for on steemit and for that reason i present to you this.....
Badge of Originality BUTTBADGE.jpg
'The Butt believes you have demonstrated #proofofpost '

Boom! Double Badge! Mmmm. Raw chicken! Yeah you probably should have just went with the jazz hands guys. Love your style brother can't wait to read more.

Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot" Gnash / @carlgnash

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Human Certified Original Works

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