Thirty fourth Week as a Steem Representative - CW 17

in Steem POD Team6 months ago

What you can't discover in the deep forest... / Was man nicht alles entdecken kann im tiefen Wald...

Deutsch im Anschluß...

Dear Steemians and Dear Steemit Team!

My report today will (once again ;-)) be a little strange because I want to appeal rather than report...

In the past two weeks there have been a lot of discussions between users who felt unfairly treated in the SEC of some Communities: by weighting the number of extensive comments without taking into account the quality and meaningfulness of the content, high votes would be unfairly awarded to those Steemians who either copy and constantly repeat their comments or have them written by AI. On the other hand, the Communities justify themselves by claiming that they are of course free to organise their rules and evaluations as they see fit.

For example, @dove11 and @waqarahmadshah were able to demonstrate how such comment spammers could be tracked and made suggestions on what to do about it. @alejos7ven launched his own appeal in his Make Noise! project to the users who cheat their way into his rankings unjustifiably using these methods.

I am left with the stale feeling that we talk a lot and change nothing. Or that we are missing the real point: nobody is forced to be treated unfairly. So - if you can't formally accuse the Communities of anything and you still feel cheated (I know that you certainly don't read my report; too bad!), then just don't write there anymore!

It's complex; everything is connected to everything else.
If there are no more serious authors in these Communities, then there is nothing left to comment on. AI or not. If good and truly committed authors are concentrated elsewhere than in the SEC Communities, they will have to rethink their procedures, their selection processes and their calls for submissions in general.

People - yes, the problem that you rightly address is systematic. But - you are the system! Break through it! Publish your posts where you feel comfortable. That makes sense and is consistent. With eternal complaints and lamentations you will achieve nothing except the secret triumphs of those who take advantage of the system, i.e. you.

Reflect on the origins of this platform, which I myself only know from the stories of the very early pioneers on Steem: write, read and curate. Be interesting, creative and open. The accounts with high voting power will find you! Don't support a sick system, heal it!

So - that had to get out... ;-)) Apart from that, I was again somewhat below average in terms of my own posts. Interaction and curation naturally took place to the usual extent with my private and the Community and Charity Accounts of the Dream Steem Community.


After the high of up to 70 active authors and up to 12 daily posts in the two weeks with several active contests, I noticed the drastic decline to our modest normal level. However, I am unsure whether I should artificially maintain this higher level of activity with more and more campaigns or whether a Community should not prove to be sustainable and stable as an end in itself... To get back to my introduction: here, too, the operation of an actually unnecessary and unwanted system takes its revenge at some point.


Moreover, it's clearly spring (sometimes it already feels like summer!) and I'm drawn out of the house and into real life: don't forget that you can only find the really exciting topics for your blog out there, in the offline world, in your surroundings and in your everyday life! Go on...! And come back when you have something to share ;-))

Yours @weisser-rabe


Deutsche Version:

Liebe Steemians und liebes Steemit Team!

Mein heutiger Report wird (wieder einmal ;-)) etwas seltsam ausfallen, weil ich weniger reportieren als appellieren möchte…

In den vergangenen beiden Wochen gab es zuhauf Diskussionen zwischen Usern, die sich ungerecht behandelt fühlten in den SEC mancher Communities: durch die Gewichtung der Anzahl umfangreicher Kommentare ohne Berücksichtigung der inhaltlichen Qualität und Sinnhaftigkeit würden hohe Votes zu Unrecht an solche Steemians vergeben, die ihre Kommentare entweder kopieren und ständig wiederholen oder sie durch KI verfassen lassen. Auf der anderen Seite rechtfertigen sich eben die Communities damit, daß sie in der Ausgestaltung ihrer Regeln und ihrer Auswertungen natürlich frei sind.

Es meldeten sich exemplarisch @dove11 oder @waqarahmadshah zu Wort, die gut belegen konnten, wie sich solche Kommentar-Spammer verfolgen ließen und Vorschläge machten, was dagegen zu tun wäre. @alejos7ven startete einen eigenen Aufruf in seinem Make Noise! Projekt an die Nutzer, die sich mit diesen Methoden ungerechtfertigt in seine Rankings schummeln.

Mir bleibt das schale Gefühl, daß wir viel reden und nichts ändern. Bzw. daß wir uns am eigentlichen Punkt vorbei bewegen: Es ist niemand gezwungen, sich ungerecht behandeln zu lassen. Also – wenn man den Communities formal nichts vorwerfen kann und Ihr Euch dennoch übervorteilt fühlt (ich weiß, daß Ihr meinen Bericht sicher nicht lest; schade!), dann schreibt einfach nicht mehr dort!

Es ist komplex; alles hängt mit allem zusammen. Wenn es keine ernsthaften Autoren mehr in diesen Communities gibt, kann man auch nichts mehr kommentieren. KI hin oder her. Wenn sich gute und wirklich engagierte Autoren woanders konzentrieren als in den SEC-Communities, müssen diese wohl oder übel ihr Prozedere, ihre Auswahlverfahren, ihre Ausschreibungen generell überdenken.

Leute – ja, das Problem, das Ihr zu recht ansprecht, hat System. Aber – Ihr seid das System! Durchbrecht es! Veröffentlicht Eure Beiträge dort, wo Ihr Euch gut aufgehoben fühlt. Das ist sinnvoll und konsequent. Mit ewigen Beschwerden und Klagen erreicht Ihr nichts außer den heimlichen Triumphen derer, die sich das System, also Euch, zunutze machen.

Besinnt Euch auf den Ursprung dieser Plattform, den ich selber nur aus den Erzählungen der ganz frühen Pioniere auf dem Steem kenne: schreibt, lest und kuratiert. Seid interessant, kreativ und offen. Die Accounts mit hoher Vote-Power werden Euch finden! Unterstützt kein krankes System, sondern heilt es!

So – das mußte raus… ;-)) Abgesehen davon war ich wieder etwas unterdurchschnittlich aktiv, was eigene Posts angeht. Interaktion und Kuratierung fanden natürlich im gewohnten Umfang mit meinem privaten und den Community und Charity Accounts der Dream Steem Community statt.


Bei uns ist mir, nach dem Höhenflug von bis zu 70 aktiven Autoren und bis zu 12 täglichen Posts in den beiden Wochen mit mehreren aktiven Wettbewerben, der drastische Rückgang auf unser bescheidenes Normalniveau aufgefallen. Ich bin allerdings unsicher, ob ich diese höhere Aktivität mit immer mehr Aktionen künstlich aufrecht erhalten sollte oder ob sich eine Community nicht aus ihrem Selbstzweck heraus als tragfähig und stabil erweisen sollte… Um die Kurve zu meinem Einstieg zu kriegen: auch hier rächt sich irgendwann das Bedienen eines eigentlich unnötigen und ungewollten Systems.


Darüber hinaus ist eindeutig Frühling (teilweise wirkt der schon richtig sommerlich!) und es zieht mich aus dem Haus und ins richtige Leben: vergeßt nicht, daß Ihr nur dort draußen, in der offline-Welt, in Eurer Umgebung und in Eurem Alltag, die wirklich spannenden Themen für Euren Blog findet! Geht schon…! Und kommt fein wieder, wenn Ihr etwas mitzuteilen habt ;-))

Euer @weisser-rabe


hehe, yes you nailed it, brought it to the point, but anyway that´s nothing new, if I had to look back to my time as one of a small team of curators for the German community and others it looks very familiar and in those days that escalated in a war between our community founder, me and a bunch of degenerated witnesses shortly before the split of Steemit and Hive, so somebody could say "nothing new out there" the only thing what´s actually missing is the downvote-war, even quality of the post hasn´t changed that much since then -with or without AI-.
You´re right when you look to adress these issues early on so there might be the chance to find propper solutions to overcome those bad habits.

 6 months ago 

Well - I certainly don't ‘miss’ the downvote war ;-))

My problem is and remains that everything could be so simple. If we really all pull together. But by trying to bring so many strings into play and valuing them differently, it gets complicated - and opens up loopholes for abuse and advantage taking.

There is also the phenomenon that the masses like to follow the pied pipers who shout the loudest ;-))

There is also the phenomenon that the masses like to follow the pied pipers who shout the loudest ;-))

...absolutely, but they don´t understand that this doesn´t help them really to come forward on Steemit

 6 months ago 

Hi @weisser-rabe, It is a complex situation, friend, particularly, after some time on this platform and seeing so many things, I have a different vision, I think.

And I'm going to the bases that you propose: write, read and heal.

It is assumed that being here should give us pleasure by doing these things (writing, reading and healing.), the detail is that since the economic factor is involved, attention tends to focus mainly on that, the economic, more beyond curating, voting, commenting, building a community, expanding the platform, among other things that are also very important, in order to project this project into the future.

I think that a lot needs to be adjusted, of course, but part of the adjustments must come from management, because whether we like it or not, there is a global tendency for there to be guidelines from those at the top so that things are walk

It is a complex world, and unfortunately those complexities tend to be carried everywhere, and Steemit is one of those sides that receive those complexities.

Thank you for bringing this topic up for discussion, have a good week.
By the way, that cover photo is very good. GREETINGS.

 6 months ago 

Thank you, Josè! But you know me well enough to know that I'm not calling for more rules and guidelines, but for fewer ;-)) I don't want to be deprived of the belief that we humans can really work together towards a goal without bending and adapting to it. So I would rather convince than regulate...

 6 months ago 

Not an appeal - it's the best advice.

 6 months ago 

Thank you very much! You're one of those early adopters and you know exactly what I'm talking about... Anything is possible!

In the past two weeks there have been a lot of discussions between users who felt unfairly treated in the SEC of some Communities

It was stuff like this that made me reduce my participation in SEC. There are moments when you feel you actually did very well, and you can see that from the moderator’s review, but unfortunately, you don’t get to come out at the top. Then when you look at the winners' write-up, you will be so disappointed. So I felt the community has their criteria on how they make their selections, so I don’t really allow it to get to me. So instead of bothering myself and spending a lot of time making a post that won’t be recognized in the end, I'd rather stick with our everyday contests, and it has been favoring me so far

Apart from that, I was again somewhat below average in terms of my own posts.

Well, we all know the reason for this, your building project has taken so much of your time.

 6 months ago 

Thank you for making it plausible: you have withdrawn from the SEC for the reasons I mentioned. You are still getting by, you are being read, you are being noticed. There is a Steem life alongside the SEC. If that's what the SEC Communities want...

Hi, dear friend

What I value in this "appeal" report is that you are no longer just a "tree" in the middle of the forest, other trees are also warning that the system is poorly focused.
It is true that many variables are intertwined (as in any complex system), my opinion on this occasion is a call for democratization within the communities. 🤣🤣😶😶😶

I rescue between your lines, a path to healing, in the phrase of the pioneers of Steemit:

"write, read and curate. Be interesting, creative and open. Accounts with high voting power will find you!"

I am a witness to that, I came to Steemit in 2017, and that's how it worked. How can we return to that value system of our origin?

 6 months ago 

All it takes is the power of the crowd ;-))

 6 months ago 

You have said it all so I don't think I will say something different!

 6 months ago 

Thank you very much! Maybe some of those affected will actually read it and give it some thought...

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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You are really doing a great job my dear friend as the steem representatives. I know it is not easy but putting all your effort to it I must say is very commendable. Keep doing that which you are doing. You are really an inspiration to many I must confess. I am also hoping someday I will become a Steem representative

 6 months ago 

I don't know if you had read a single word... But that's exactly the kind of comment (and the strategy behind it) I was against.

Of course I read the post. I went through the post

I decided to use that comment to appreciate you for all the work you have actually been doing as the steem representatives which I haven't had the opportunity to appreciate you on. I knew you talked about the activities of author and how it has fall recently. But I chose not to talk about that because I just want to appreciate you for the work you have been doing.


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