Crazy/Interesting Things That We Humans Do

Dear Friends,

It's mid week Wednesday and on my way to work I heard on the radio some pretty interesting things that we humans do that are amazing, quirky, weird, strange and sometimes crazy. Truthfully, in my earlier post about motivations and trying to debate why humans do what we do - today's post is meant to be funny and a little lighthearted for a Wednesday.

  1. Did you know that as humans with all our arms and legs really actually only prefer one hand? Yes, that's right. I didn't realise it too until I heard it and after some thinking, I realised that I would sometimes move a certain way so that my "favourite" hand or preferred hand would be able to grab that cup, eat that burger, write (which is obvious) but in the Animal kingdom, you don't see such a bias or skew towards one particular hand or leg by any of the other animals.

  2. The next thing that I found interesting is that we don't really enjoy or like ourselves. Or rather to be specific, the skin we are born in. We strive to modify and make changes to our physical appearances. The more traditional ones are dieting and body building/sculpting to get a specific body or shape. But the radio host spoke more about the extreme cases where you had piercings and tattoos and all and in a way that really sets us apart as humans compared to animals. We truly want to be unique even amongst our own species and kind. I think that is good as it displays a higher cognitive function.

  3. The third thing on my list is that we are risk takers - or more specifically, we do risky things which could be bad for us. Is this because of a Risk vs. Reward thing that we rationalise within ourselves? Not too sure as some of the harmful and abusive behaviors we humans do are very well illogical - Alcohol, Drugs, you name it and someone has gone too far. Or is it the fact that we are in nature selfish? Hmm....

  4. We are the only species that would kill our own kind (not for food but for pleasure and/or to gain an upper hand). Yes, I had shivers too when I thought about this. We are so bad and evil to our own kind. We kill, enslave, conquer, abuse haha.. the list goes on! World War One and Two were examples of these evilness in humans on a massive scale. Not just one or two individuals but a whole world! It is scary that the prisons are continuously being needed to be upgraded and more room is needed and it is scary that we have to be judge, jury and executioner to govern ourselves - or do we? Is it the system that generates and cultivates the evil in humans? Food for thought... Hmm...

  5. But finally, to end it off, we have the capacity to do all the good and wonderful things that point 4 above talks negatively about. So yes, as much as we have the capacity to do evil, we have the capacity to do good. The most beautiful thing is that we still do not really know who we are as a species, what we are here on earth for, nor why we are here. The journey of the unknown is so exciting because of the fact that it is unknown.

So there you have it - my Wednesday random thoughts inspired by a radio talk show. Haha.. hopefully you are having a great day and have a good week ahead!




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