Big Failure Comes After Big Success
Sometimes big successes lead to big failure. In business, as in life, the unexpected can catch up with you. The unexpected epiphany that your idea is a good one or that your marketing plan will work should not be welcomed. Instead, the unknown causes angst and delay, perhaps even despair.
After all, if your idea was really ground breaking, you would be the talk of the town, and everyone would want to know it. Then, when it does come time for you to sell it, people would want to buy it right away. Your success would then propel you into the "good conversation" category. Success breeds success. There are just some things in the world that are bigger than that.
Other times, your success breeds failure. When you make a bad choice, someone might criticize you for it. Or, when you fail at a marketing strategy, people might think that it's the end of the world.
No matter what the criticism, your ultimate goal should be to learn from the experience. Learn from the criticism, but also from the success. There is a great quote by Denis Waitley "To err is human. To forgive and learn from our mistakes is the only way to progress."
The difference between the two is quite simple. Sometimes, failure is a necessary part of growing. But, at other times, failure should serve as a cautionary tale to help us become wiser and more aware of what could have been. Failure, after all, is what teaches us what we should and shouldn't do.
When I talk to clients who are just getting started with their online businesses, the biggest fear is usually the financial burden. They're so excited about the potential growth that they don't stop to consider how the constant financial burden will set them back. Of course, in all these other things, there is a chance for big failure. And that's why it's important to consider the reasons for the big failure and plan for them before it happens.
A couple of the common reasons why some internet entrepreneurs slip into the trap of thinking that their big business idea will expand into grandeur faster than they can think. The first one is the desire to bring down costs and save time. The second is because many newbies are not very good at gauging the true profitability of a venture. The biggest danger when it comes to achieving success is often in failing to realize that sometimes big success can come after big failure.
For example, a successful Internet entrepreneur failed to understand that he needed a deeper understanding of his target market. Before his business began to take off, he was successful. However, when his business started to slow down, he realized that he needed to improve his marketing skills and re-examine what he was doing. If you're likely to encounter a big failure along the way, make sure you're prepared to deal with it. After all, failure doesn't have to mean the end of your dreams.
Another thing to keep in mind when thinking about the possibility of big success is that it's okay to lose a couple of times in the beginning. It's part of the learning process. Patience and determination will allow you to gain the experience and knowledge you need to eventually overcome any obstacles that may get in your way.
A very common issue that many Internet entrepreneurs face is not having enough confidence. In an atmosphere where every decision is being made in a flash, it's very easy to be cocky or arrogant. Unfortunately, this doesn't pay off. If you're worried about failing, you won't make progress in your business. Be careful not to let pride cloud your judgment.
A big mistake that many newbies make is that they delay their online business investment until it's too late. Don't forget that it is never too early to start investing. If you delay investing, you might end up with a business that's not mature enough for the marketplace. Some people fail because they got so wrapped up in the moment that they didn't stop and think about what they want their business to be. This may sound counterproductive but if you don't have a clear direction in mind, you'll end up running in circles.
Having the right attitude is the secret to achieving success. There's no big failure if you don't have the right attitude. Think of it like this: Have you ever tried to run a business without a clear direction? Chances are you failed miserably. If you want to succeed online, you need to think about your long term goals and then set a plan to get there.
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