3 Tips To Breaking Writers Block On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Creating content can be difficult, even for the most experienced writers and content creators. Here are some tips on how to stimulate creativity and how to develop the skill to write when you need to write. No more frustrating writers block.

"If you get writers block on Steemit, is that called writers blockchain?"

I know... stupid joke, but the following info is good... I promise.

1. What You Put In Determines What Comes Out

Not talking about hard work, I'm talking about what information you put in your brain determines what comes out.  If you consume political news all day, you are most likely to write abut politics. If you watch reruns of Friends all day, then you evening blog will likely include a quote or something from Friends.

Sometimes we forget that what our creative mind creates still comes from information we've put into the brain.

TIP - If you want to write about crypto, read and consume crypto news. If you want to write travel, you have to travel. If you are having trouble creating new content, maybe you need to spend some time putting new information into your brain so it can sort out some new creative ways to express your ides.

2. Record Good Ideas

For me, my best blog ideas come when I'm not sitting at my computer ready to write. Instead they hit me while I'm driving to a meeting or watching my son's basketball practice. Some of my best ideas don't hit me when I need them, they just come out when they are ready.

If this happens to you, make sure you write down the idea. Often I think in terms of headlines so when it is time to write I can start there. I write down headlines in my phone or my notepad beside my computer whenever they strike. I don't brush them off, I take a moment to write them down. 

I can't tell you how many time's I've sat down at the computer and didn't know what to write until I glanced at my list. Sometimes I just took the headline and twisted it all around when I wrote it and have gone back to change the title. It doesn't matter, it got me writing.

3. Make It Work Exercise

I use this in my profession a lot, and whenever I am really in a jam and don't know what to write I use this technique. Especially when I'm in a time crunch.

What you do is pick two polar opposite topics and find a way to make them work together. WhenI do marketing consulting, I often use this technique in meetings to come up with ideas.

EXAMPLE: I'm consulting for a race track and I asked who was the hardest person to get to come to the races? They said higher income families who don't like racing. Now I had my opposites... racing and rich families who like "sophisticated" sports. Now I worked backwards from there...

What do need can the each other fill? Racing=excitement and rich families=bored. It doesn't matter how much money you have, you eventually run out of things to do that are different in your home town. If the raceway can market an exciting family experience to rich people, it could work... lol, and it is working. We tested it and it has been very successful in just two weeks.

When you write you can do the same thing. You can take two opposites and make them work. Find what each need to tell a story and then tell it. I did this with 10 Reasons You Should Not Use Steemit.

I started with a seemingly contradictory statement and then twisted it around to make sense in the blog. It was a solid performer for me and I didn't have anything write about. So I picked Steemit and Don't Sign Up. Everything just worked out from there. 

(all gifs from www.giphy.com)

I hope you found these tips helpful, I use them all the time to help me in all kinds of situations where I am forced for forcing myself to write or create ideas. Writing on demand is a skill that you develop over time, but if you spend more time writing it really makes it easier. I hope these tips help do just that!

Let me know what breaks your writers block and if you found these helpful in the comments below.

To my followers, you are Notre Dame in my Story of Rudy... You inspire me.


Very handy tips. Will be sure to apply them.
If all else fails and I don't want to miss a day and stay consistent, I recycle some of my old work and put a new twist to it with additional information.

That is a good strategy. Yeah, you don't want to miss a day if you can help it.

Totally agree. I also try to maintain quality so if I'm working on a post and unable to complete it due to commitments, then I save it for later instead doing a botched up job.

All great tips! I just started so hopefully no writers block any time soon :D

Awesome!! Welcome to Steemit. I suggest writing down extra ideas when your mind is focused and rolling with good thoughts. It will help when you are not as focused. Good luck. You got a new follower.

Thank you! How are things? Hope you are doing well.

Cool tips. Thanks.

No problem. Thanks for reading. You got a new follower.

This is exactly what I needed. Thanks for the tips! :)

You are more than welcome. Thank your for reading and replying.

I get writers block when i make a list to the grocery store, and I forget something i need until i get home, is that the same thing? 😝

I don't think that is writers block, that is just human nature. lol

Hahaha. Well said. 😄

Oooh! I love all this advice, especially #1. Oh and I wanted to say I love your cheesy joke, writers blockchain hahhaha, I giggled.

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