If you question you are the enemy

in GEMS4 years ago

Suddenly it is possible. After all those years, decennials of asking, protesting, writing letters. So many people have been killed. Killed by trains while they crossed the railroad crossing. No, not each one of those being hit by a train liked to take risks. They took care, took care but weren't safe. A train, a fast one ran over them.
These terrible accidents happen to people of all ages. Not only to the elderly or the mental ill who ran off from a psychiatric hospital.

It wasn't that long ago a woman, whose husband asked for many years to change the crossing, was killed by a train. Finally, 137 railroad crossing are changed, made safer and the front of the trains are painted more visible and guess what? This is news. Many people dying isn't news but railroad crossings be made safer is.
I wonder why, why now? How come suddenly the money can be found during the worst economical crisis but not ten till twenty years ago? Why after all those years after so many have died at a time we all sit at home for a year or longer and the trains are empty? Is it because of the elections which will take place in two weeks?

The politicians haven't much to offer, their promises are as empty as always. For sure those who have sold the country, our history, gave away our pensions will reign on since a dictator will not leave that easily. He already proved that. Officially there's no government but it still reigns. The judges who forbid restrictions, the curfew and so much more are ignored, doctors are kicked out and the media is owned by those who set the rules. The media is not objective and will never be. Journalists died a long time ago. All those people who don't agree, have an opinion of their own are removed, hunted, locked up and of course, it is all conspiracy what they spit out and they shouldn't be believed and not be allowed to vote. If you are not voting for the P.M. you are against him and not only the enemy but an illiterate too. I ask myself why people accept it if a P.M. looks down on him. It's the people, the taxpayers who pay for his salary. What happened to democracy? In the past two years we lost a lot. So much it's hard to recall. We lost our organs, freedom, our right of referendum, our pension, our privacy, our friends, our social life, our source of income...


It's the world upside down. Generations have been taught to use their brain, think by themselves, have an opinion of their own but today it's forbidden. Today everyone who does is an enemy of the nation, not only the nation but the EU as well. It's no longer permitted to think and if to speak out.
Itmes have changed, we have to watch our steps. We are forced into a change and no answers are given to those who ask. Those who ask why and search for a reason.

Today isn't different from hundred years ago. The enemy are those who don't agree, those who wonder, ask and search for answers. They need to be removed from society. Equality, freedom, a voice, the constitution... it's all history. 'Everyone has to agree and the final push is spreading more fear till no one is left except for some dumb fat vaccinated followers who still believe the government does it to keep them alive.


I am your friend never your enemy 💗😄

Good friends can question, they can have an opinion of their own. 👍

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I noticed your answer too late and am sorry for that. I will follow you. Good you write about it, dare to write about politics and share.👍🍀

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