Fear of water

in Freewriters5 years ago

My days in the tub are over.

I am allergic to water. If I take a bath once it eats my skin and it's dry for at least three months no matter if I use a cream or lotion 8 times a day.

I always feel cold and could use a hot bath. It's not in it so I try to compensate it with a hot bed. It partly works as long as I do not move. The good news is I can not sweat. At least one plus for a dehydrated person like me.

I miss the sauna, hot temperatures, good weather but not water.
I never really liked it no matter if it's a shower, pool or rain.
Rain is worse of all. Before it starts raining I can feel it, next I smell it and if I go outside it bites imy skin off as if it's acid. Believe me you can see the difference.
A friend said that if the acid rain effects the flora it for sure effects me/my skin which means it is not all in my head.
Does this mean I have more in common with a tree or some herb as humans or animals?

I have bad DNA.
If I knew what I know now I would never have taken children. My life is heavily affected by all those issues I have to deal with 24/24. People ask me how I can live this way. It's easier the older you get. A lot of what I cannot do became a habit. The good thing of habits is you do no longer need to think about it. It makes everything easier. I have had my periods of missing things, mainly if it comes to traveling. By now I care less and yes I could live for the rest of my life in a basement as long as it is warm, cosy and I have my peace.

If you like to join the freewriters see @mariannewest for the daily prompt. Hive-161155

Some other freewrites

  1. Twenty years
  2. Shit therapy
  3. Salsbury
  4. Scary
  5. A Christmas Carol
  6. Morgen (D) / Morning (En)
  7. Faking happiness
  8. Feiglinge (D) / Cowards (En)
  9. Digging around
  10. A matter of justice.
  11. Kartoffeln (D) / Potatoes (En)
  12. Dancing
  13. Sesame
  14. Breathtaking
  15. Air (En) / Luft (D)
  16. Bloodsuckers
  17. Wrinkled
  18. Little sprouts.
  19. A tiny help
  20. Life
  21. You are warned Winter is back


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Are you allergic to water?
Is the article tells a story or your real life ?

 5 years ago 

Yes I am allergic to water and the story is true. . believe in most of mine, even made up, a part is true. Happy day my friend. 💕

That's really let me very sad
Good luck for you

 5 years ago 

@cloudblade I get used to some allergies, things I cannot do but never to the pain.
I hope you are doing well. 💕

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 5 years ago 

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Have a great day. 💕

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 5 years ago 

Thank you for your tip. 👍

Lo entiendo perfectamente, no debería ser así, esa resequedad de la piel, tal vez sea el jabón el no adecuado. Me reí con tu expresión alérgica al agua, porque a veces cuando me baño el frio me hace estornudar y digo ya me dio la alergia al agua. Me alegra muchísimo leerte. @wakeupkitty

I understand perfectly, it shouldn't be that way, that dry skin, maybe soap is not suitable. I laughed with your water allergic expression, because sometimes when I take a cold bath it makes me sneeze and I say it already gave me water allergy. I am very happy to read you. @wakeupkitty

 5 years ago 

Water allergy and cold allergy do exist!
I.javen't used soap in 50 years so it can not be the soap. 💕

I feel much the same. I've been there, seen that and it wouldn't upset me if I never had to leave home again.

 5 years ago 

Me neither. I asked the youngest two. The buskid is fine with it, would like a small.window and fig tunnels from the badement to....internrt is asked.
The youngest isn't sure and I know my daughter wouldn't care either if what she needs it there (internet, computer, some food).💕

I have bad DNA and shouldn't have had children? I've said similar things - namely, that I had no business contributing to the gene pool, with all my defects. But then I look at three healthy children and rejoice. You may imagine you are a burden to others, but they are here because of you, thanks to you, and the world is a better place with you in it. I'm sorry you've had to give up so much that healthy people take for granted, but glad you take a positive outlook on it. Just a matter of re-thinking things and learning new habits? Easier said than done - but you do it!!

 5 years ago 

The thing is: my children have allergies too, the bus-kid most of all, the eldest next, my daughter....so far the youngest looks most healthy (the kid that only ate pancakes and french fries for yearbafter I cave up on breastfeeding afyer 1 year). So if my kids are in pain, suffer, are bullied I blame myself. There's nothing I can change about it and I see their fear if I suffer and getting worse. I do not believe it makes their world better but I am all they have.
Still, thank.for your encouraging words..😘💕

Oh no - we have heard this too often: "Everything is the mother's fault." I internalized that one early on, with the first of the three, and I haven't shaken it off even after all three are adults and on their own now. I hope you don't really mean this:

So if my kids are in pain, suffer, are bullied I blame myself.... but I am all they have.

Let me know if you stop feeling that way and how - logically, I know this is wrong thinking, yet I think this way myself. Somebody tell us it isn't so!!!

 5 years ago 

Well, it is my bad DNA so it is plus I gave first to them. I hope they will never say it to me, are creative, find a way and their lives will improve.
I am realistic so I know and say it and mean it. Wanting children is selfish. We never think about all the misery that will come over them.
Let's see who can cheer us up and say it's not true...@myjob perhaps?

In the end, no matter what we do or say or are, it's the child who will say if we are a good parent or suck and if they managed to live with whatever happened to them. Perhaps we make a great example if it comes to surviving. 😁

I think you are a great mom. A mom with stories is 👍💕

Me, a great mom? That's arguable, but I'll go with it--and threaten to publish stories if my middle child disputes this. :)
My dad's cousin had four sons die of muscular dystrophy, but after the first two had died, he and his wife had MORE children, seven all told, despite the risk. I always wondered. Would any of those four have said they would prefer not to have been born at all? Son#3 was always smiling, even in a wheelchair. Some people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Others may seem to have good health and good fortune, yet still be miserable with First World Problems. Bring on the babies, eh? Heaven forbid we should let the government decide who is fit to parent, who is not allowed. 💕 You already know you've modeled surviving - a skill not all parents have!

 5 years ago 

Some always smile because it is in their dna...others are always depressed which is in their dna too.
I am not talking about governments deciding but about me.
One friend of my daughter is blind now, always saw bad and he knew he would be blind because both of his parents had a desease and they knew the risks. He is not happy or grateful could hardly finish his education as a baker and pastry chef... if he would have a good sight or perhaps some he would have had a great job at least as a manager but he was denied. He could no longer travel, see the world, use the internet, ride his bike (better don't ask), work... Might be life would have been differrnt if he was born blind but he waited for doom day, knew it would come soon, still the hit with the hammer had a way harder impact as expected. Perhaps Dutch people are less grateful or more realistic to cover up the bitter, cold reality underneath a blanket of keeping up appearances, pretending ... and we for sure are not grateful to the lord.

I fight because it's my responsibility - and my selfishness - who put them into this world. The only thing I can do. It's a part of some kind of guilt too and no one else cares.

It doesn't mean we never have a good laugh, a good moment, but an.optimistic attitude, fighting doesn't mean either you are happy.

You bring up an interesting ethical dilemma, and I realize you didn't bring up government intervention or controls on who gets to have children (that was all me). With no training or testing or certificate of competency, people become parents. Is it irresponsible for some of us to contribute to the gene pool, to send out into the world children we were ill-equipped to raise to adulthood? Again, this isn't you; it's something we see in certain rural areas or inner cities. There are no controls. No warranties. No rebates on a "defective" child. I've heard of children hiring lawyers in order to "divorce" their parents. Some just run away from home. In all the chaos and uncertainty, though, you've been hanging in there and fighting for your family. I hope you're mistaken in that "no one else cares." Wishing you all the joy you can find!

 5 years ago 

Do children sue their parents? Will that make their life better? Will they gain better life with it.
I do not believe in so-called lessons on how to be a parent. You learn, know, feel on the way. Not all parents are great but neither are children. Some are real monsters.
I get the point, know you are right, I gave and give my best but still...
I wish you happiness and joy too. 😘💕

I've been meaning to ask why you need prednisolone for but now I know. That's a rough situation you have there. No wonder you are a strong woman in my opinion but I wouldn't know how much pain you have to go through to be strong in heart. By the way, are you alright?

 5 years ago 

Yes, that's the main reason. It's not getting better ever but if the worst pain isn't "noticed" I feel good, relieved and can be there.
At the moment I am doing better although the cold and dizzinesses/fainting is back and I have problems walking but at least that terrible pain isn't there.
Thank you for asking.I wish you a great day. 💕

Once I found good writers, I always stop by to see their frequency of posting. I just don't want to lose you guys. You guys are the reason why I stay in Steemit for so 2 years now even though my post previously didn't even reach 0.1

A second home for me. Steemit is with you guys here. I feel better talking with you guys here, people that I don't actually meet buy left big impression inside of me.

It's impossible to catch up all the time but I will do my best to stop by once in a while.

A free writing that reveals an intimate truth may be fictional, but you can feel how there is a soul in every word. I'm touched by the expression about "bad DNA". However, it takes great courage to face life with a condition that reduces one's abilities. In these circumstances, it is normal to complain, understand and empathize with the feeling reflected.

Strength to cope with what you dislike about your life situation, @wakeupkitty! Lovely greetings!

 5 years ago 

I am not complaining. I am realistic. It's a gact I have the bad dna and I am tje one who has to live with it, make the best of it.
It's the only thing I can do plus staying alive till my youngest are 18.
Thank you for your comment. 💕

I'm so sorry. That is hard and it shows that you are a strong woman, but with noble feelings, capable of assuming your own pain and that you would not want your offspring to go through the discomforts you have had to face. Now, I understand better what your message is about, it is really love.

 5 years ago 

Thank you for your kind words and understanding. 💕

Ah, I can't imagine this! What a huge challenge. Sometimes just a hot shower will ease my pain of migraine or sciatica. I'm sure this is not an easy affliction.

 5 years ago 

I like if it's hot. I miss sauna, a hot tub and most of all the solarium. I.wish I had one here. I try to cover what I can, stay inside as much as possible on rainy days and stay warm ... actually I have a hard time doing that 😅

Good to hear a hot shower helps you. I hope you are doing fine. 💕

You poor thing! Can you at least drink water? We have different illnesses put we are similar as to what causes us pain. I call my shower "my torture chamber" during the winter for many reasons. Baths are impossible. You are such a strong woman Kitty and I love how you make goals. Now, it is my turn to make a goal. I am going to visit you every day to get inspiration from you and hopefully that will make you happy in return. Hugs!

Resident cat here, wishing you warmer days. Here is today's new prompt: https://steemit.com/hive-161155/@mariannewest/day-852-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-keeping-it-straight

Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite.

 5 years ago 

I can drink water but boil it first. I do not think it helps against my dehydration though.

You better skip the shower then 🙁
Thank you for the prompt delivery I need to think about it first.

I wish you strength and no pain! 💕

coffeea Lucky you @wakeupkitty here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at steem-engine.com Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

 5 years ago 

Thank you very much.

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