Administrator - Taking over the Community

in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ2 months ago (edited)

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ADM (adminstrator) = supervisor?

The owner

The owner of a community is the one who started it. This community is opened with his/her account.
So my account @wakeupkitty started SCB Monkey Business = @hive-152479

Next to the owner (s/he paid a few steem) I am also the administrator meaning I am the dictator in this place and why not because I started it with a certain idea in mind so this baby should look like me (you know the type: hungry, crying, good for lack of sleep and stubborn).

Since I am a great person and like to keep things easy and have more than one account to care about I also made me and myself a MOD (moderator). This way I don't need to switch accounts to act if necessary.

**Functions of ADM and MOD are if the community starts set by the owner and next by administrators. Labels like Founder: Co-Founder, Big-Mouth, club5050, AI-Text ⚠️, or 🥳 can also be set by moderators. the same counts for PIN and UNPIN a post. Who did it can be found back in the notifications unless the community account is used.

The normal procedure

The owner of a community can be found among the ADMs. These are the people who run the place, have all the keys, can share the profit of a post (with or without MODS) and are also the ones nominating for booming upvotes, and indeed one ADM only can change the keys, take all the Steem and shut the rest out and power-down!
_The plus of more than one ADM is? _

To avoid Steemit community-accounts are robbed (again) by *ADMINs the Steemit Team wants it to be safe and there should be therefore more than one ADM to receive support from the Steemit Team.

It sounds great but if this works is questionable since after or even before the smallest fights one of the ADMINs can decide to change the keys, take the cash and power down the community. There is no way the owner or any admin can stop this! They are locked out!

I repeat myself because I know 98% of the readers don't read every word written.


Years after Steemit started there are many abandoned communities. There are some with a topic I would like to take over. What stops me is I can't find the owners and in one case I could and offered to buy it for the value of Steem in euros but never received an answer.
But imagine I pay you 500 euros for your dead or never build community. I transfer the payment and you give me the keys...

Of course I change the locks because the hive is mine though I can never change the fact that Steemit says I am not the OWNER. All fine because no one can figure out easily who the owner is but here comes the problem....


The owner who sold the place or gave it to me while he left and powered down shows up again.
The small community grew BIG but not because of the hard work of the owner who invested 0 (zero).
It may be clear that in the world of Steemit, there is as much unfairness as in the real world: I will be fought by a group of sharks with the attitude of scammers, criminals, big mouths, WOKE screamers who never worked but state the pie I baked is theirs. Are you kidding me? Why on earth would I take a swim with people I don't know and do the hard work for lazy and greedy who have a record of scams and farming? (Farming, guys we shouldn't use this word because farmers are hard-working people!)

I wonder about the above-written business model it sounds very American to me. If you leave you are gone because you took EXIT and with that you lost your rights.

The past weeks I felt as if I was part of a Ponzi scheme where I am the investor who has to wait for a profit that will never come while the fruits are eaten by the admins/owner who shines in their absence. Is this a set-up from day number one? I believe it is because if you are asked to be an ADMIN or MOD for a new community you are needed for some reason.

As a dictator, solo ADMIN, leader and delegator I like to ask this:
What sane person is willing to take over or buy a business if a former owner can show up after months or years and demand to give the key to the safe?

To answer your burning questions

(I know @sbamsoneu loves to hear them)

I am also not the administrator and I don't get paid! I volunteer and if it doesn't work out for me I leave and I don't care if the community collapses or ends because it is not mine!
Also I don't have a good heart like @patjewell and therefore I set @jiya99 10% because I delegated my work to her and 10% goes to the Monkey Business place to be able to give a valuable upvote. I believe if my brother could read this he will say: Finally, you woke up Kitty, you should not trust anyone you are better and stronger if you do it solo.

Are you the idiot making someone else's hive BIG?

Note: Minus of being the only ADMIN 🤔....🤔... 🤔... a lost key?
But even without that key and after my death this community can continue since it's a bit like "Steam" the Topic Posters are the ones keeping it alive, giving it a face next to me and most of them are set as a MOD.

10% - mod @jiya99
10% -hive-152479
@solperez @heriadi @stef1 @inspiracion


What you say about agriculture is true, that word should not be used to refer to something negative since agriculture is a beautiful work, in fact there are many phrases and ideas taken from agriculture such as:

Plowing in the sea.

That's what we do when we assume the responsibility of building a community whose owner is inactive... and who may at some point empty the account, or claim the community, to keep, not only the rewards, the fruits of the work, (another figure of agriculture), which are not only the coins, but also include the good name, reputation and fame of a brand created...

All of that is very unfair. And I don't recommend it.

We have a lot of this situation on Steemit. I don't know if it's because of ignorance, or because of the good heart of those who lend themselves to this, that is, those who assume those roles from others... I don't know. But I think it's best for people to know what they're getting into before doing it, so at least they won't be unprepared in such a situation.

I think that if a person leaves the community, the most fair thing would be for them to stay outside, since if they don't work to build they shouldn't come to complain... if they were a conscious person. But you see... In Steemit you see everything you see in the real world.

It only remains for people to find out what they are possibly doing and its possible consequences.

Anyway, everything we sow we somehow reap, this is another beautiful figure of agriculture, which I feel gives us hope when we act in a way that is not only kind but also fair...🙂 This would be the consolation for those who have already been affected in some way, but I repeat myself, it would be better not to go plowing in the sea...

 2 months ago 

Plowing in the sea it's the first time I hear about it. What does it mean? A pointless act? If that's the case we have carrying water to the sea.

A far from kind expression with us is calling one a stupid farmer. You have to study a lot, mainly law before you can farm with us plus be filthy rich to pay for all the paperwork and taxes.

I don't think insight into a community and it's structure is given by the owner or admins so a mod or new adm can never be prepared.
If it comes to a new community the only rule that could be told is that everyone volunteers, no payment but I doubt any community anniunces this standard. All they want is an (over) enthusiastic person do the job.

I know I would never go back and beg for my ex community or threat someone. I would start something more unique and beat them but that only works if you trust in your skills and are willing to invest time in building something with your own hands. If this is not the case I doubt the motivation is present and the community will not blossom but be harvested.

With us farmers are called stubborn.🥳

Exactly, it means a useless act. The land is plowed to prepare it for cultivation, in the sea, this would not make sense.

Many of the communities offer rewards to moderators, which are generated from the rewards the community receives. Just as there are also communities that do not offer any rewards. But all this can be discussed and found out before agreeing to collaborate in a community.

I know I would never go back and beg for my ex community or threat someone.

That would be appropriate, and it means that you have a sense of justice and dignity.

I would start something more unique and beat them but that only works if you trust in your skills and are willing to invest time in building something with your own hands.

It is exactly like that. The appropriate thing is to feel a sense of ownership, of something that one has worked on.

There are beautiful values ​​like honor, dignity, which is the sense of knowing that we are worthy. But we must build all this before we can fully feel it.

In all these situations I like what Eastern philosophies think, everything takes its course, even what we believe is out of control.

So that's why I don't like to judge, time does its job and puts everything in its place.🙂

 last month 

Except for your last sentence which is not about judgement but honesty and showing what happens if... I agree with everything you wrote.

A great Sunday and thank you for answering amd spreading consciousness.



Hi there, your comment is interesting to read, keep up your engagement, you are awesome!

Curated by : @𝖾𝗅-𝗇𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗎𝗅
 2 months ago 

Leer tus planteamientos sobre lo que has aprendido en la plataforma es bueno, porque no eres mezquina, y has hecho todo lo posible para compartir con otros usuarios lo que has aprendido, y esto lo haces sin miedo. Es decir, dices VERDADES, que otros solapan. Y eso me hace respetar cada día más tu trabajo. Por ejemplo: Tienes dos cuentas, y lo dices abiertamente; además explicas cómo las manejas; en cambio, hay otros usuarios que tienen varias cuentas y las ocultan. La pregunta es ¿Por qué?

Recuerdo que cuando ingresé a la plataforma en el año 2018, había un grupo que se llamaba "Los mosqueteros", creo que los usuarios eran mexicanos. Ellos organizaban concursos literarios con premios muy jugosos; y mi marido @acostacazorla y yo participamos en varios. Para nuestra sorpresa, siempre ganaban los mismos. Modestia aparte, sus textos no eran mejores que los de nosotros. Debido a nuestros continuos fracasos, decimos no participar más en estos concursos. Tiempo después supimos que los "mosqueteros" tenían varias cuentas, y que los premios iban a sus propios bolsillos. Eran unos truhanes, que se fueron de la plataforma cargados de dinero.

¿Qué significa esto?

Que acá hay muchos "Pinochos". Y pocos tienen el valor que tú tienes de llamar a las cosas por su nombre.

Un abrazo. Siempre es grato leerte.

 2 months ago 

Se trata de cuentas agrícolas. Y aquí hay muchas.

Creo que no hay nada malo en tener más de una cuenta. Yo mismo las cultivé todas e intento no upvotearme aunque pienso ¿por qué no? Aun asi no lo hago aunque a veces le doy a los botones equivocados o estoy en la cuenta equivocada. ¡Incluso si tomo el upvote de vuelta todavía se muestra como un selfvote! Yo también upvote muchos 2 o 3 veces con mis diferentes cuentas y todo mi steem permanece aquí, así que no creo que hay nada de que quejarse, pero es un trabajo duro y si no te gusta escribir, leer, comentar y upvote segundos pensamientos nacen fácilmente.

Podrias abrir una colmena solo para arte y escritura. Imagínate lo bien que habría quedado ya. Todavía se puede y resteem sus más de 100 concursos. ¿Qué te parece?

La única forma de archivar posts hoy en día es con diferentes cuentas y las colmenas son la forma más fácil.

 2 months ago (edited)

Sí, acá nos han dado una larga lista de cosas que no debemos hacer, y resulta que no hay nada malo en tener más de una cuenta. Pero, en lo particular, no me siento en capacidad para atender más de una. Esto es un trabajo grande. A veces me acuesto muy agotada, debido a las horas de lectura y escritura que paso frente al computador. Tomaré en cuenta tu sugerencia.

 2 months ago 

Se trata más bien de dividir los gustos. Como se puede ver que publico principalmente en las mismas comunidades que ya no se preocupan por todas esas comunidades.

Agotado a la cama lo reconozco.

It has conveyed everything from our discussion lately, it is indeed difficult to avoid the "GREED" as you said.

GREED is the root cause of many despicable acts, no matter nationalities, and race, it can be found all over the world. Where there are opportunities there are many who want them. But the "GREED" will do any means to get as much as possible no matter if nothing is left for others

 2 months ago 

I can't help it but it saddens me but it also makes me think and consider if therevis any need to share and support since it feels like a one-way act. ☹️

Hello there, you have posted a great quality post and we are happy to support you, stay up with good quality publications

Curated by : @𝖾𝗅-𝗇𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗎𝗅

After reading this post, all I can say is that “life happens to everyone”. The only thing we can do is to learn from it.

Now that you have woke up, I can bet you, a lot have also woken up to avoid some things from repeating itself.

 2 months ago 

You reas the posts/links right? What can I say "It wasn't me!?" 🤧

Well, I am happy to fall into the 2% left, haha.
I read every word - tho I did not read the comments yet, I suppose they may be even more intresting than the post itself.
Intresting questions! I dont have answers to them, except but the feeling that a good (ideal / better / you name it) working model may be incorporated into a different blockchain mechanism, not into the current running one. (Lets name it 'pioneer' and 'experimental').

 2 months ago 

Good to know you belong to the 2% meaning if I don't like to be read I will not tag you LoL.
For sure the comments here but also in the Comment Contest Monkey Business are way more interesting than the post itself. It's a bit the same... writing something in the hope to receive some answers/ideas/opinions.

Pioneer sounds fine to me (or beta version xxxxooo - I hope the Steemit game is included)

A great weekend and thanks for sharing your opinion (and reading).

'forever beta' version (lol).

 last month 

Yes, we are already used to it. 🤣

It always a nice ideas ma bringing back Some community that has fall and also trying to put some active steemians as moderators is also a good ideas.

If everyone in this platform Steemit are like you i believe steemit will be more better and more large with different community and more ideas.

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