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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | Prizes Divided - 6 Steem


15 upvotes in 1 week time about 2 upvotes per day and there are 10 to give.

it is @chisom77 who states one should NOT be rewarded if the CSI is low or 0 or ? which it is.
<Voting CSI [ ? ] ( 0.00 % self, 15 upvotes, 15 accounts, last 7d )

If a rule is a rule exceptions should not be made, for no one. This is one of the rules set by the Steemit top. What is the excuse? If I upvote many daily and sacrifice my sleep for it, why can someone who starts not find the time to upvote 10 Steemians per day? If we all would upvote SC votes wouldn't be needed!

15 suara positif dalam waktu 1 minggu sekitar 2 suara positif per hari dan ada 10 suara positif yang diberikan.

itu @ chisom77 yang menyatakan seseorang TIDAK boleh diberi imbalan jika CSI rendah atau 0 atau ? yang mana itu.
<Memilih CSI [ ? ] (0,00% diri, 15 suara positif, 15 akun, 7 hari terakhir)

Jika sebuah aturan adalah sebuah aturan, pengecualian tidak boleh dibuat, bagi siapa pun. Ini adalah salah satu aturan yang ditetapkan oleh para petinggi Steemit. Apa alasannya? Jika saya melakukan upvote banyak setiap hari dan mengorbankan tidur saya untuk itu, mengapa seseorang yang baru mulai tidak punya waktu untuk melakukan upvote 10 Steemians per hari? Jika kita semua ingin memberi suara positif pada SC, suara tidak diperlukan!

@irawandedy @oneray @saintkelvin17 @rashid001 let me know who deserves to be rewarded. The original, creative one to make this platform shine and give an example or will we stop reading and just pick a few names?

#betterlife #comment #prizes


Now, take a look at the picture. You will see that two days ago I spent time commenting in a particular community. I did that for some others as well. I also back it up with an upvotes. I don't know why my points are not accredited in the CSI sheet.

I spend time creating these contents. I reason before I write. I came into Steemit because I have been publishing most of books in online platforms such as bookrix, Amazon, etc, and many more, yet nothing to write about. I have been creating content on Facebook, twitter, TikTok and youtube, yet, no avail. It seems I was wasting my precious time, so I decided to venture it into Steemit immediately a friend of mine @deetalka6 taught me about it.

I know how many times I would drop a post and get no return. The return will either be 0.1 or 0.0 after 7 days. You don't know how this pays, after you create bunch of contents and yet nothing pays out. But I still persevere. This shows how serious and dedicated I am to this Blockchain.


 3 days ago (edited)

If it comes to upvoting do you "always" upvote the same Steemians? I know I frequently do because this is the circle I built after years and I consider them good and creative.
I noticed recently if I do so my CSI drops and ends up... 0 or [?]

At first I thought I forgot but I note everything I do in my agenda so I tried it again.

The only way to keep CSI high is if you always upvote someone else! So... We are tricked but also forced to upvote what we do not like if we cannot spend 8 hours to search for content we like. If you do like the writer? Most likely they become your friend and are added to your circle... Next that loop starts again 🥴

So what to do? The dirty trick and vote 40 different people with 50 percent or for two days? It's the only way to push your CSI high To do it faster you can also upvote till 70% or more (70% was what we did as Steemit started).

They say >5 CSI is enough but there are higher ranked, administrators, Steemit top who *never" upvote or the same 20 people. Is their CSI >5? No. 3 at most.

If it comes to payments... Any idea how much I wrote? How many years I earned nothing? I wrote thousands of entries!
Have a look at my hive Tales & Stories @hive-169911. I am the same person. I give, donate, I bought Steem and look at the earnings of those posts! If I would pist them with this account I would earn more. It is not the community but the account that is disliked.

I advice you to join contests where you get paid. There are plenty. Be smart and write what you like and make it fit into the contest! That is what creativity is about.
You can join @freewritehouse too. No fuss just daily writing with a prompt for 10 minutes. I find it relaxing and sponsor the prizes. is a good one as well. A weekly contest the first 15 earn. They upvote also comments in this contest, they give free uvf. They also have a daily lottery. All you have to do is upvote the latest one.

@italy is a great community. Two comment contests, the have about three or 4 more and if you are downvoted they correct it. They reward the ones with the best comments, the one who is most active and have more in common with social media. It's only preferable you translate the text into Italian.


Thankyou for revealing this. I love this facts. I will try the best I can to meetup. Thanks

Good luck and if you search for answers ask. It's what I do. You can drop the question everywhere. This contest is meant to engage, hear and say how we feel about a topic. It's not forbidden to continue talking about whatever the direction of the talk goes into.

Thànkyou very much. I will always try my best

What counts most is you have fun here and do/write what you like/want. This is the biggest reward you can get.
Good luck dear 🍀❤️

TEAM 6 : Congratulations!

This comment has been curated using steemcurator08. We appreciate your efforts on making useful comments. Thank You! 😊


Curated by : @sofian88

Thànkyou very much

 4 days ago 

Maaf ya bapak, saya disini tidak berdebat atau apapun itu, saya hanya bertanya saja. Maaf kalau komentar dan pertanyaan saya salah. Maaf pak saya tidak akan komentar lagi.

Tidak ada pertanyaan yang salah dan tidak ada jawaban yang salah. Juga tidak ada alasan untuk meminta maaf. Yang saya inginkan adalah mendengar bagaimana pendapat semua Steemians tentang bagaimana hadiah itu dan harus dibagi.
Saya tidak yakin apakah ada solusinya tapi bersama-sama kita bisa bertukar pikiran dan melihat apakah ada.
Saya sendiri paling peduli dengan penulisan kreatif, sesuatu yang saya suka baca. Foto, gambar, teks pembenaran bukanlah hal yang paling penting bagi saya. Saya juga ingin melihat para Steemians lama bergabung dengan kami karena mereka masih menjadi penulis bebas dan kreatif.
Tidak akan ada kreativitas jika kita semua dipaksa untuk mengambil keputusan yang tersirat dan tetap berada di dalam kotak kecil. Jadi apa solusinya? Apakah itu yang saya pikirkan dan sarankan @fadthalib? Satu hadiah lebih besar untuk entri terbaik dan sisanya dibagi di antara entri lain yang dapat dimenangkan karena alasan berbeda?

Kalau soal komentar yang kita berdua jawab, saya rasa tidak cerdas jika tidak upvote siapa pun untuk menyatakan seseorang yang tidak tidak bisa menang. Jika itu pendapat Anda maka Anda harus mengembalikan semua Steem yang Anda "menangkan" atau ke dana bantuan seperti @worldsmile atau @shield-it. Itu merupakan hal yang layak untuk dilakukan. Sekarang rasanya agak munafik untuk mengatakan orang lain tidak pantas mendapatkan hadiah dan suara positif sambil melakukan hal yang sama.

Jadi saya harap Anda terus bergabung dalam perdebatan ini dan entah bagaimana kita bisa menemukan solusi yang dapat membuat semua orang merasa baik dan berharga karena tidak semua orang adalah penulis, tetapi itu tidak berarti mereka tidak menambahkan hal positif apa pun ke platform ini.

Seperti yang dikatakan @yancar: platform ini adalah tempat sosial. Kita harus peduli dan mendukung satu sama lain, terlibat, terikat, dan tidak menunggu orang lain memberi kita jackpot itu. Banyak suara positif kecil juga menghasilkan satu suara positif.

 3 days ago 

Anda benar, saya hanya takut saja, dengan mengajukan pertanyaan atau pun menjawab serta memberi sebuah komentar takut ada yang salah sehingga saya di hukum membuat kehilangan semua yang saya punya. Sedangkan saya tidak membuat kesalahan apapun.

Anda tidak akan melakukannya jika datang kepada saya. Meskipun kita tidak memiliki pendapat yang sama, saya menganggap Anda seorang penulis yang berharga. Akan seperti apa dunia ini jika kita semua berpikir dan bertindak sama? Akan menjadi tempat yang membosankan tanpa ide, tanpa bainstorming. Jika Anda pernah di-downvote atau di-bully, beritahu saya. Anda adalah seorang penulis yang baik, jadi percayalah pada apa yang Anda lakukan. Steemit lebih besar dari bagian yang kita lihat. Ada banyak kontes yang dapat Anda ikuti untuk mengembangkan akun Anda. Apakah Anda sudah melihat @ putuskan sambungan? Bergabunglah dengan mereka yang hampir tidak ada orang yang ikut, itu adalah kemenangan yang mudah.

Dan jangan pernah minta maaf jika Anda tidak melakukan kesalahan. Tidak ada seorang pun di sini yang menjadi bos Anda atau memiliki Anda.


 3 days ago 

Terimakasih atas semangat dari anda, dengan adanya semangat seperti ini saya akan tambah bersemangat lagi dalam melakukan penulisan dan postingannya, terimakasih banyak atas apa yang anda katakan. Saya menganggab ini sebagai nasehat dan motifasi untuk diri saya sendiri. Anda benar-benar seorang mutifator yang bijaksana.

Saya senang bisa berkomentar dengan anda dalam berkomentar anda juga membimbing. Selama ini saya belum melakukan kesalahan apapun di platform ini, bila postingan saya di downvote, saya juga melihat dulu siapa orangnya serta menganggab itu mungkin salah tekan atau apapun itu. Semoga ke depan tidak ada yang melakukan downvote lagi dengan sengaja.

 4 days ago 

What is expected on this platform as a user is to interact, which is why comments that are part of the interaction receive support from the curator.

This is also the same as writers who have good writing, all they do is open the steemit page, write and post, there is no interaction in the form of comments and mutual support (upvotes).

This is a selfish user...

Being an ideal user will see the post aspects (innovative, creative), interaction and mutual voting as important elements.

As I see it interaction, engagement is not only expected but also a must because it comes with support. Support in the way of encouraging another, upvoting and helping out.

I truly wonder what will happen if the SC will stop upvoting. Will everyone leave or will the system start working as meant from the day this platform started? Will creative writing will be back? The fun and sharing which is the desire and reason why we are asked to share on X or Telegram?

I simply know that Steemit is a decentralized social media platform. And here, everyone has the freedom to use their account as they want. No one can restrict anyone from doing so.

Yes, it's true that people try to meet Steemit Team's conditions to get their support, but it's also true that 'votes are not guaranteed'.

And it's an example of 'The Heart finds its way to another Heart' - we are on a web 3 social media platform and the more we value others' content and work, the more we comment and upvote, and the stronger connections we build, the more positive responses we will get.

So, i think all users should build good connections without any greed and support content that aligns with their nature, through upvotes and comments.

As for rewards, it's not rocket science. Steemit is more of an investment platform than a content creation platform (a friend told me this a few years ago, but I don't want to reveal their name). Here, only a few big accounts, like Steemit Team's sc01 and sc02, are the reason why content creators try to share their content better to get rewards. Otherwise, on this wider platform, you'll only see posts in trending that have invested a large amount in SP, and they get a big reward through delegation on their post that have a single picture or a few words.

If Sc stops voting then what will be happen

The simple answer to your question is that if this happens, then those with a large amount of SP will delegate and get rewards. And for small users like us (content creators), the only reason to stay here would be the strong connections we build.

I agree with every word you say but for most in the steemit area we are it's hard if not impossible to join the part where investors mainly drop a note and receive their interest.

I assume you joined before the hardfork?

My guess is as soon as SC stops most accounts will be abandoned. Years ago we tried hard to promote on X, we had contests to help another grow (a list you could subscribe to and your task was to support your two neighbours) and much more but except for those who already engaged and liked writing the rest never bothered. Back then we had campaigns, talks to make clear that upvotes are bot guaranteed.

Still the word is spread the big noney is here, many say this is their job. Will they search for a regular job if they are unplugged and no longer receive upvotes? I doubt they will start engaging more likely start following the whales or leave.

I joined Steemit just after the hardfork, and at that time, bullionstacker and trafalgar whale were blindly upvoting.

Then SC started voting, The diary game began. New initiatives emerged, and Steemit Inc. graciously improved the quality of content on this platform. Then CRs were appointed, and promotional activities happened, all other positive steps.

But now, there are many more good content creators than before, and support is less than before. In fact, it's even less than that.

You mentioned about Time in your comment, and I agree with that. Creating a good post is not an easy task. It requires a lot of preparation, like when I create art posts. First, I draw, then take pictures, and then adjust them in the post. It's a time-consuming task.

Then, I spend the whole day finding and reading good posts, commenting, and putting in effort. If I don't get the reward for that effort, I feel disappointed. And sometimes i think It's better not to do that work, or do something else. But As i have served here as a CR so i can manage .

and if i think about users they definitly will leave because there's no reason to stay.

I was here before the hardfork and as I started a lot of money was made. To be honest I found @freewritehouse very supportive. They might not have given fat whale upvotes but they helped improve writing. They had all sorts of contests, NaNoWriMo, published 2 books together and so on. It was for writers and relaxing.
I miss them, the creativity, the poetry, different thinking, the time that communities represented a topic. And we wrote to join, be a part instead hopped from A to C next G to collect rewards.
I don't see better writers but can be because I mainly stayed and still am in the same circle and look for stories (takes) only.

 3 days ago 

Saya sepakat untuk memperkuat koneksi, sebagai rakyat jelata di steemit perlu koneksi yang kuat agar mendapatkan suara mereka. Namun berdasarkan pengalaman, saya tidak akan melakukan "mention" karena ditanggapi negatif sebagai minta sedekah suara. Hanya yang saya kenal dan ada dalam konteks saja baru dimention.

Greetings to my able boss @wakeupkitty.pal. I don't know why you're taking this fights so serious. Yesterday, I decided to access some community to comments and upvotes on their works. I did that majestically, and then I came across your own contest comment contest. Since it was a contest, I decided to give a try, meanwhile I've commented on some authors post already after reading their work. That's exactly what I do twice a week, due to my own schedule. As a university student (always in the laboratory carrying out various assignments).

I deem it fit to apply for your comment contest. I guess contest is a choice events where you personally engage in. It's not a by-force events. The points I quoted in my response were few things I could contribute, because I believed that in a contest, there are many participants, everyone with their own smiles and detailing. So you don't expect me to hit the nail directly since others may have something different to contribute.

I expected you Sir/Ma to kindly select the one that meets your contest eligibilities and reward the person, not to be pointing fingers on me as if I did wrongly in commenting in your contest....

And beside, I don't just know why my CSI is not increasing. I vote more than 5 times daily, so how come, upon all the post I upvotes, they will only appear in my blog but my CSI is not accredited??????

Many questions I would've ask, but I remain subjected to this communities policy. Thankyou

I believe it's about 18 votes 100% daily, I commented you in another thread.

Thanks. I've seen it

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