SEC17/W1 -Heaven and Hell fantasy or reality?

in Incredible India6 months ago (edited)

Only a human is capable to create his own heaven and hell.

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I am in heaven, sang Fred Astaire, being in seventh heaven, these are expressions one makes when s/he feels happy or lucky. Whoever says this has not been to heaven and therefore cannot know what that place looks like.

Does heaven exist?
If so, I don't want to go there. When I hear certain people who are convinced that they are going to heaven, I don't want to be among them. The biggest narcissists, child and wife abusers, war criminals, just like thieves (even if they are in government) think they deserve a place in heaven.

Being the child of a 'mixed' marriage, I was raised with different beliefs. That of my parents together did not talk about hell. There were no threats of hell and damnation against anyone who didn't follow the rules, even though there were strict rules during my childhood.

I can't imagine heaven. The only image I have is from the animation "Dogs also go to heaven". The dog Charlie gets to heaven but is bored to death because everything is always the same. He flees and the last thing he hears is: You can never go back.

Is hell that bad? When did people start threatening hell and damnation? In most cultures, the first religions, dying is not the end. It is the step to the next life, a reason to celebrate. The deceased receives attributes for his next life, sometimes also a coin to pay for the crossing.

'Frau Holle' (Mother Hulda - Germanic Goddess) from the fairy tale (Grimm) rules (over hell). Is she scary, someone to be afraid of? I don't think so. When a girl falls into the well, she ends up in the world of Frau Holle. She is faithful and diligent and if she goes back home she is rewarded with gold.

In the popular (Netflix) series Lucifer, the devil has a far from bad personality. A much sadder figure is the woman he interacts with.
In the hell where Lucifer rules, everyone is in their own hell. Then it is not Lucifer who does not let them go, but the tormented one does that himself. We see that the nicest person, an insecure figure, "burns" in hell while a serial killer, a psychopath, happily walks into heaven.

Does hell exist?
It does, especially if you believe in it. I do believe that we create our hell and that it is what humankind already starts with when from an early age on.

Hell and heaven are what one's mind creates, whether or not through the actions of others. I do not believe in karma but I do believe that a life only improves/changes if you make it happen. Passive behaviour is not the key to a fulfilling, successful life. No succesful (wo)man or wealthy made it by being a potato couch.

I have no clue what is meant by: Do you believe immortality and chasteness are some factors that affect our lifestyle.

What is the link between immortality and chasteness? Immortal means we cannot die. Will this affect our lifestyle? Perhaps if we are Highlander or a Vampire and need to move every few years to not be chased by superstitious people.

Chasteness as in living like a monk? I don't believe this is the essence of life. Humankind is part of animal life, the mammals and we can pretend we are better, our life has a meaning but there is no proof for that. It's what we hope it's the truth because we need something to cling on to. For sure a monk, priest or iman will not reach heaven easier than the simple man who fights and survives all aspects of life.


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Life is both heaven and hell, moods alternate, the possibility to transform life into a personal paradise through conscious choices and acts of kindness is achievable, but the path is quite hellish.😇 After death? we return to being universal energy, awaiting another earthly attraction.👋

At least after hellish you can tell the difference and are ready to embrace and enjoy.

I admit that writing in bed seems very stimulating to me, but publishing in these conditions can turn out to be quite risky. I was about to conclude SEC17/W1|Heaven and Hell fantasy or reality? and, due to a mix-up, I pressed 'post' instead of 'Advanced settings' to get #burnsteem25. Moreover, I hadn't finished inviting you to read it yet. To complicate matters, my post received a low score because it was supposed to be exclusive to Steem and only participable by users without bots. I'm not sure what exactly being 'without bots' means. The only new thing I did was delegate some SP to another user.🤔🤷🏼‍♂️


So many incredible things have been said but I strongly believe heaven is real. Yes it is real

It is good to hear that heaven is real to you. Like I wrote it is if you believe in it.


Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You say that you can't imagine heaven. You have your own believe about it. Morever you added that you do Hell is present and it is we humankind that create us for our own.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

This comment of yours is not very helpful.

I wish you all the best too.

I also have my problems with both constructs... As an atheist and engineer, I assume that I will die at some point and then have nowhere to go except a cosy grave. The principle of divine reward vs. punishment certainly served a purpose in earlier times: when the majority of the population was uneducated and certain behaviours had to be taught. I find it quite frightening that it still works today...

It indeed is frightening that it works especially in very closed commumities. I've lived between those people who simply say: it's god will. This includes if a father tells his 4 year old to cross the road. The child does and is hit by a car. The little boy had to be scraped of the road. My doctor told me (the only normal one out of 8) as he visited me on Sundays to have a normal chat instead of church.

Everything forbidden, TV, radio, most books, wearing trousers (girls) but not incest, beating up your wife, chaining them in the basement, sunday walks in the forest and getting out pregnant... I know it's hard to escape out such a community. Who does will be abandoned and the devil will of course burn them untill eternity while these great men enter heaven. It does not comfort me to have a shitty life with the promise I might perhaps end up in heaven.

It's fine whatever people believe, are willing to sacrifice, but I don't believe threat is the essence of life. I have no intention to go to a heaven like that.

Being one with Mother Earth is fine with me, it's the circle of life.


I remember a post of yours were you said our bodies are just “carriers” of our souls.. I just wanted to ask a question, where does that “soul” goes after death?

I tried to say that the true person is what hides inside the body. It has nothing to do with looks, how tall, small, we are, the clothes we wear or the latest hairdress.

What if it spooks around forever, finds a new shell (animal included), rests and vanishes if all levels of the game are over?

The soul exists, is the memory of all knowledge - can live on in the memories or hearts of some. There's no need to live humble and in pain in the hope to enter heaven if heaven can be created on earth.

All what lives has a soul, animals, trees and if we may believe the ancient stories rocks and stones have too.
As long as there are memories the soul lives on by showing itself or keeping silent since it can be, isn't bounded to time.
If time doesn't exist all there is left is the present and eternity.

Blessed be


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Hola a preciado amigo. Cada persona tiene su creencias. Y aunque si creo que existe el cielo y el infierno, coincido contigo en que la mayoría de personas creen merecer un lugar en el cielo pero nadie acepta el infierno y creo que eso representa una falla. Te felicito a ti porque no crees ni en el uno ni en el otro. Eres totalmente imparcial. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones

I so much Believe in heaven and I am looking forward for the day I will have the opportunity to visit the heaven and explore the paradise that has been long talked

It is good you do and I hope if the moment arrived it is exactly what you have in mind. I hope you will build yourself a good life on earth while you are waiting.

Blessings to you.

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