Seafood, Cheesecake, and a Giraffe named Joffery

in #fiction4 years ago

The Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn, Vorland, 1438 ATC

A slight stirring noise was heard as the elven patron that had been graciously given board for the night arose, and she stumbled into the main bar area where Venser and a female she had never met before were. Not being much of a morning person, despite the fact that it was considerably later than she would normally arise, at first glance she would appear to be in a rather bad mood. Her blue eyes squinted tightly, trying to shut out light, a slight scowl upon her face. Nonetheless, as she approached the two of them she did her best to smile in greeting before taking a seat at the bar. ''Well... Good morning, maybe? I have no idea what time of day it is. I was dead to the world in there.

It was actually early evening.

Behind the bar was a cardboard cutout of Venser in his original red rubber suit with rubber nipples and an oversized codpiece with a turqouise cape lined with gold fabric draped over his right shoulder. He looked about five years younger and had messy green hair and was clean shaven, revealing an eerie glasglow smile carved into his face. The cardboard cutout said nothing and just stood there being cardboard.

As the sleep slowly washed away from Nuikia's mind, and her eyes began to adjust to being open, she noticed that the "Venser" in front of her was indeed made of a strange thick paper material. She shook her head once again at the man's bizarre ways before turning and giving the female beside her a bigger and brighter smile than the previous one, then bowing her head slightly. "I do apologize, I'm sure I look a mess. My name is Nuikiaa. I'm sorry that you seem to have been left alone here with a weird copy of the bartender."

Sedna was drawing in her blue booklet as Venser did whatever Venser does when no one around. Traveling and whoring about she assumed. The regal huntereas had just perfected the curve of a herbal leaf that was detrimental to blood clotting when a childish wail was heard from her room. Venser had gone out, and he had left a cardboard cutout in his place. Sedna was a bit disappointed that she had to answer to a cardboard cutout, and when she decided to the mimicking voices of the shadow tendrils.

But Venser clearly didn't want her trying to run the tavern, and Kira had gone to the market and Brea was organizing the basement and had been spending a lot of time writing a cookbook. Before she had come home and given birth to their child, Sedna had been the bartender's protégé at the Port of Morrow in Kaitzur, yet Venser refused to acknowledge her knowledge and training. It seemed that, in his eyes, she was just another huntress who happened to live at the tavern and who shared his daughter. She listened as her daughter's wails grew quieter, and turned to the lady who spoke to her. She was definitely elven, no doubt about that. Quite pretty, in fact. "My name is Sedna, and I was quite aware that the Venser in front of me is made of... Cardboard. Please, sit down, and I'll coax the shadow tendrils into letting me get you a drink."

The blonde elf shook her head, her ears wiggling as what seemed to be either an infant or a very young child was heard in the distance. Curious, was this the child of the woman next to her? She didn't know, but wasn't going to probe her with questions when she had only just met the woman.

''No thank you, miss. I am hardly awake at the moment. Perhaps after my mind clears a bit, I can go back to trying to cloud it.''

"I wasn't trying to force the drink on you so early, ma'am. I have a herbal tea that allows me to wake up quicker and concentrate on the day ahead. Would you like me to fetch you some?"

She heard her daughter quieten, but she heard something else in her room. "Excuse me, I need to go and check on my daughter."

The regal huntress jumped up and ran to her room, unsheathing an intricate dagger as she ran. She threw the door open, and saw a shadow tendril reaching over the crib where her daughter slept, gently stroking her hair. Sedna put the dagger away and bowed to the shadow tendril, gathering her daughter up in her arms. Her little girl had grown so much, she could hardly believe it. She walked down the hallway and sat next to the elven girl she had been speaking to earlier.

Nuikia's blue eyes soften as the lady retakes her seat, as her suspicions about the child she had heard earlier were true ''You are too kind, ma'am. But it is not necessary. Thank you for your kindness, though.'' She propped her elbow up on the bar, placing her head upon her raised hand as she quietly observed the two of them, as a small smile graced her face.

''It's weird you know what cardboard is. Oh wait. I told you... I, oh well.'' Venser said suddenly standing from behind the bar as if he had been there the whole time. There was a lock on the bar in front of him and a tooth and he was holding a bagel, fingering it while he listened to them. ''Probing...''

He cleared his throat and tossed the bagel over his shoulder, clasping his hands together. ''Nuikia, looking lovely today. Cooking more blackened alligator downstairs.'' He then moved around the bar and sat down beside Sedna.

''Hello Elanaea. Hows my little girl?'' He said with a smile, scratching her stomach.

Sedna smiled as Elanaea shifted in her sleep at the sound of her father's voice. "It's not hard to figure out what cardboard is, some kind of thickened almost wooden like paper. However, it does have a strange name. Why are you fingering a bagel this time? By the way, did you know that the shadow tendrils have gotten a little attached to Elanaea? I saw one standing in my room, stroking her hair while she slept. Is that not strange?"

''Yeah and it's fucking creepy.'' Venser stated bluntly, clearly weirded out by it.

"I thought it was taking care of her, because she had started to cry, but it soothed her back to sleep. What do you think we should do, Venser? I don't want to offend them by telling them to stay away from our daughter.."

''It's just strange. They don't do anything unless they're summoned. They don't have minds of their own... But, I think you're making a big deal out of nothing.'' He sighed and stood up. ''I gotta go check on the food.'' He said before disappearing in a puff of thick red smoke.

The regal huntress watched Venser leave and frowned, mulling over his words. "They obviously do have minds of their own, and something tells me that the only reason why they do as they are asked is because they are subservient creatures. Venser, why can't you see that they can evolve? They've stopped hiding, and are interacting with the patrons. With our daughter. Even ask Kira, she'll be able to give you more insight.."

Nuilia remained silent, just listening to everyone else talk, but she turned and watched as a random patron walked past them all, arching a brow at her. Obviously she was no newcomer as she made her way to another room. Nuikia turned back to the bar, and placed her hands together on top of the counter.

''You're being awfully quiet.'' Venser said setting a silver paltter down on the bar in front of Nuiika. He removed the lid and revealed three plates of well cooked, well spiced blackened alligator, collared greens, and mashed potatos with butter and a molten lava center. ''Ta da. Dig in.'' He said pushing on the the plates to her, and another to Sedna.

Nuikia's eyes lighting up at the food in front of her as it had been quite a while since she had eaten. she mutters under her breath. ''Thank you... Tou're too kind.''

''Well hey,'' Venser said with a pause leaning up against the bar looking to her, ''I told you I'd make my famous blackened alligator a while back. So...'' He made a gesture to the food before Nuiika and awaited for her to test the meal he spent a lot of time and effort on.

Nuikia smiled at him, and dug into the delicious food placed in front of her. she starts with the alligator itself, and makes a rather audible "mmm," relishing in the amazing taste of it. The blonde elf moved from there to the potatoes, which have always been one of her favorite foods. Doesn't matter how they're cooked, they always taste delcious. Especially with butter, which these have. She made a noise smiliar to a moan as she ate, her cheeks flushing a bit at the embarassing sound. She swallows her food and looks back up to Venser. "Thank you so much. It's simply... Amazing!"

''Eh? Eh!'' Venser pounded the bar a few times and grabbed a silver cocktail mixer. ''And how about we follow up this delicious meal with a Pink Footed Booby?" He asked grabbing the ingredients to mix it.

''How'd ya sleep by the way? You must be nocturnal or something!''

''Oh Maker, please. I would love more of that drink.'' The blonde elven woman chuckled. ''I slept like a corpse in there. I must have been more exhausted than I thought... And I'm not that used to beds, to be honest." Nuikia raised her right hand to rub at the back of her neck, massaging lightly at her sore muscles. Her body had been hurting her more lately than usual for some reason. The blonde elf wasn't sure why, though she did have a hunch.

''I don't remember what we were talking about before you went to rest.'' Venser said adding a drop of the secret ingredient into the cocktail mixer, sliding the vial back into his belt and shaking it up and down for about a minute, pouring it into a glass and passing it to her. ''We were getting to know each other... Mhmm.'' He scratched his chin and tried to recall the previous day.

Sedna shifted Elanaea to her shoulder, looking in appreciation at the food in front of her. "Thank you, Venser. I was just about to get up and grab some venison jerky to eat, but this looks a lot better." She took a fork and dug into her potatoes, which, true to Nuiika's word, was amazing. The handsome bearded barkeep really knew how to cook when he actually did.

Venser nodded and then gave Nuikia a soft kiss on the lips. Before disappearing in a puff of thick red smoke. From outside the tavern, he stood out setting the brick BBQ pit he built on fire before he disappeared again. A few minutes later he set some on the grill and began to cook, his singing was heard faintly inside the tavern. ''Way-oh can't blow the man down! Hey oh! Can't hold the man down, can't hold the man down! Doo! Doo doo doo doo doo doo!'' He was enjoying a bottle of huckleberry cider at the same time.

Nuikia looked out the window and simply shook her head again at his antics, though she awaited that swordfish with much excitement. She then turned to her right to look at the male who had just arrived that had said a greeting to everyone. She smiled in his direction giving a small wave, and then looked around the room to see if she could find the pretty huntress Sedna and her daughter.

A few minutes later, Venser appeared behind the bar with a plate of fresh smelling, heavily spiced grilled swordfish and a bottle of Kupid Red and set it down in front of Nuikka, pouring the woman before him a glass of his favorite fine wine. ''Well go on,'' He said setting down some utensils for her. ''Try a piece. Hic!''

Her eyes widened again as the food was placed in front of her. All sense of acting like a 'lady' went out the window as she grabbed her utensils and started scarfing down the fish. About half of it was gone in a few moments, and sounds similar to moans escaped her lips the entire time and she seemed obllvious to the fact. She paused, looking up at Venser with a large smile on her face, her cheeks slightly flushed as she brought up a hand to wipe away any crumbs on her face. "Th...thank you. It's too delicious to describe."

''Good... Good... A way to a woman's heart is through her mouth hole."' Venser said walking around the bar, sitting down right beside her. He draped an arm around Nuiika and picked up a fork, popping some into his mouth. ''Try the wine too...''

Nuikia pouted, looking down at the fish in front of her. She didn't want anything but more of that in her mouth, but it was only fair to oblige him since he had provided her with such amazing food. She slowly picked up the glass of wine and brought it to her lips, her nose scrunching as it always did at the stench of alcohol as she took a decent sip of the red liquid, quickly setting the glass back down as she gave another pleased sigh. "Its good... But not as good as the swordfish, but still delicious."

''Combined with it, yes.'' The handsome bearded bartender said biting into the piece of swordfish on his fork.

The blonde elf gave him a quick smile before digging into the fish again, but much slower this time. However, each time she took another bite, she gave another moan as her tastebuds exploded with flavor, her cheeks flushing with as much pleasure someone could get outside of anything sexual.

''Maybe I- Hic! Maybe I- Hic! Shoulda cooked more than just grilled swordfish...'' Venser said already refilling his glass of wine. ''Some sides... Dunno.'' He turned his head to Nuiika. ''But good nuff, right?'' He smiled and watched as her cheeks flushed. ''Ador- Hic!''

She looked back up to him, her mouth full of a large bite of fish as a rather loud moan emitted from her. She brought a hand to her mouth to cover it while she finished chewing and swallowed what was left in her mouth before speaking. ''Better than good enough, Ven. Thank you so much." Nuikia put down her fork and threw her arms around him in gratitude.

Venser wrapped his arms back around Nuiika and held her closer, running a hand up and down her back as they embraced. ''Just enjoy the food now...''

The blonde elf pulled her head back just enough to look at his face, shaking her head in agreement. "Okay...." She pulled away from him and went back to devouring the fish.

Of course we're okay... Hic!'' Venser hicced a few more times and rested his head on Nuiika's while she ate. He kissed her hair and said, ''Whyda more wine? Get drunk and... It's fun- Hic! It's fun being dunk and egg..."

Nuikia looked at the glass in front of her that was still about half full and shrugged, saying a 'why not' with a mouthful of food, noticing a fee patrons raised eyes at them before going back to their own drinks and conversations.

Ro walked through the tavern doors without any of her usual caution, her posture slumped, her face near void of expression, and with a familar cutlass shesthed to her side. She took her time going up the stairs and headed towards the end of the bar in the same manner. Without a word to the others at the bar, she took a seat at the very end and placed a few silver coins on the counter, staring off into space.

''So how bout we go back to my room later for some real vintage drinks? Hic!'' The drunken Venser asked ignoring the woman that he was largely unfamilliar with that was at the bar. "Hey Ro! Roooo..." He waved a hand in front of her face. Nothing. Weird.

Swallowing the last bite of her food, she looks at the plate with a sad look, her eyes actually watering a bit in disappointment at the fact her food was now gone. She turned to look back at the man beside her, trying to muster up a smile as she shrugs. "I suppose we could. But you didn't make enough fish...."

Celeste, a local fairy would bumble in the front doors with her feet padding along the wooden planks of the taverns floor. Her body from her hair down to her satin and velvet gowning to her bare toes damp with the rain of a spring sprinkle but it didn't bother her. Arms full of fresh flowers and herbs humming softly as her wings beat fiercly behind her flicking the water off them drying themselves. She made her way swiftly up the stairs just to pull out a bar stool at the counter top and then she perched herself into the seat and emptied the flowers and herbs into the counter top and she began to giggle as she shook the rest of the little bits of water from herself.

''I thought I did... Nuff for you mostly...'' Venser just now noticed that all the fish was gone. He sighed and got out of his seat. ''I'll go make more... For the whole tavern! Uh, you. Take the herbs downstairs we will need them later and I'll compensate you in a bit.'' He flailed his arms and fell over, hitting the ground with a thud before disappearing in a puff of thick red smoke.

Marvella climbed out of her bed lazily while looking at a time with a yawn escaping her mouth. She changed into her usual black outfit on conisting of a leather jacket, strapless dress with shiny belt, plain leggings and leather boots. She brushed through her hair with her fingers, not caring if it looked bad or not. She walked out of her door as she went down the hall to the bar area while looking around at the patrons, wanting to get herself some food before she went back to Montpelier. Marvella Fullbuster had a slender body and noticeably thick hips, fair skin, strange purple eyes, dark hair tied back, pink lips, a portal ring on each finger, and a pair of earrings consisting of white round with and orange border with silver chains.

Celeste was sorting. By type and then by color the flowers first and the herbs second. Of course the herbs were different those had to be done by magical uses and which were able to be stored near one another. She hummed happily as she worked and soon she claimed her fingers this way and that and vases began to move up from behind the counter and place themselves before her. After that she carefully filled each of six vases with flowers and then she placed her hands on the vases one at a time and watched as they filled with water.

Nuikia clapped her hands excitedly, bouncing up and down in her seat like a child. "Hurray, more fish!" After Ven vanished, she looked around the tavern to see that it had cleared out a good bit, but new patrons were still coming in. She also noticed a short fairy woman sitting at the other end of the bar, and she raised her brow. She looked familiar, probably had seen her in here before. Nuikia simply waved as she thought or was polite.

Ro the islandic elf finally snapped out of her absent minded trance, watching Ven have dinner with a truly beautiful woman. They had shared girls before... But this one. This Nuikia. She felt a strong sense of attatchment to her already.

''Oh Ro, come, come! Actually, I've got something to show you!''

His call from outside was followed by barely audible stomps of something large outside. A long yellow neck with brown spots came into view of the windows on the second floor. ''I got that giraffe!'' Venser stood atop the back of the giraffe peering in through the window. ''I bought the house for it a while back but not... Yeah! You there? I also got cheese-'' The giraffe didn't like the man standing on it's back and promptly moved away, letting Venser fall from sight. ''Ah!"

Nuikia, propping her elbow on the counter and placing her head on her raised hand as she observed the actions of the beautiful islandic elf beside her. Her pointed ears begin to twitch again, however, as a commotion was heard outdoors. What was Ven doing? Maker only knew what the man is up to now. A what?

"I swear to Marilla..." Ro muttered under her breath before turning towards the window to respond to him. "Again, why a giraffe?! What prompted you to buy a giraffe, of all animals?" She called out as she lept out of her seat and exited the tavern in a hurry, mainly to recieve her rum and cheesecake she bought from Brea as soon as possible.

''Nuikia, you come too!'' Venser said somehow back on the giraffe, watching it eat fruit from a nearby apple tree. ''Rauri.'' He held a small wooden box in one hand and pulled out a bottle of rum with the other. ''I got your rum up here if you want it!'' He called.

Brea Rowland the barmaid had emerged from the kitchen and looked out of the window with curiosity, her hazel eyes observing the scene. So that was a giraffe... She quickly made a quick sketch in the cookbook she was writing, on the same page as her scone recipe. Marvella was beside her. "When you're done can I please have a grapefruit beer?"

"And how in Laguna am I supposed to get up there?!" Ruari shouted, glaring up at him. "I'm tired and I just want my food! I'm not climbing one of the tallest animals in the world to get cake and don't you dare throw it at me!"

Hearing the man call for her she quickly exited the tavern to see him indeed sitting upon a giraffe. Nuikia couldn't help but laugh. Why had he bought this giant animal to live in a giant doghouse behind the tavern? Where did it come from? They may never know, at least as long as Venser's involved it seemed. "What are you doing now?" The blonde elf turned to the tan skinned elf and agreed that she had no idea how one could possibly climb a giraffe. "He has cake up there? If he throws it, that would be such a tragedy."

''I don't know. Climb up it's legs?'' Venser suggested putting the bottle of rum back in the box, shoveling a few huckleberries into his mouth. ''Mhmm... Hic! These are good.'' He said popping a few more into his mouth. ''Fresh of void...'' He looked down to Rauri with a single berry inbetween two fingers. ''Want one? C'mon, indulge!'' The giraffe still stood there eating. Unconcerned by what was going on around them.

Ro sighed, defeated, and turned towards the woman to respond. "It's cheesecake, too. You know, the best kind of cake? I don't know how he expects me to climb this thing..."

"Cheesecake? Why didn't you say so sooner?!" Nuikia walked closer to the creature in hopes of find a way up. The blonde elf only saw one, but the animal probably wouldn't like it. She grabbed a fistful of fur on one of its front legs to hoist herself up and try to start climbing the thing. Nuikia was good at scaling cliffs and the like, but an animal was something totally different. "Wish me luck, m'lady. I'm going to try and rescue that cheesecake!"

As the sun began to set the tall animal began to cast shadows that stretched far up the building, the animal didn't like what Nuiika was doing and began to move to the side, trying to shake her off. ''Gonna have to try harder than that! Ha ha!'' Venser laughed tossing a huckleberry at her face, before stuffing more into his mouth.

''Never was a fan of cheesecake honestly..."

Nuikia groaned as the berry smacked her cheek, but all it did was make her all the more determined. She tightened her grasp on the giraffe's leg and proceeded to climb upward. the leg didn't have much fur so it was a bit difficult, but she had plenty of experience climbing. She didn't dare to turn and look at attractive islandic eleven woman watching her attempt. She was going to get that cheesecake, whether Venser liked it or not. "Don't count me out yet, Venser! I'm going to get up there. And when I do, you better hope I don't grab a fistful of berries and shove them somewhere."

The giraffe simply laid down in the grass and let out a yawn, smacking it's lips after eating the fruit from the tree. Allowing Nuiika to get to Venser easily. He just laid on it's back eating the delicious berries while watching the girl like he was being entertained.

Nuikia let out a frustrated sigh, now able to climb the creature with ease. now that she didn't have to worry about the leg, her handling was much more controlled. as she neared Venser, she was breathing a bit heavy, but she was just as determined. "Hand...over that... Cheesecake! Or I can bother Brea to make more..."

''No no no no! I'll tell her not to do that, as her boss!'' Come and get it.'' He said holding the small wooden box close to him.

Nuikia practically screamed in frustration as she tried to hoist herself up onto the beast's back behind him, taking care not to lose her grip in case he decided to try and knock her off or something. With her free hand, she tried to reach for the box Ruari's delicious prize was in.

Venser did nothing to stop her, aside from flick blackberries at her face and let out a playful laugh. When she reached for the box he merely leaned forward and handed it to her. ''Woohoo! Ya won the prizeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!'' He let go of the box and began to appluad, stopping for a second to check a pocketwatch hanging from his belt.

"Thank the Maker. Why are you so difficult?" Nuiika took the chance to carefully slide down the giraffe without dropping the cheesecake while his attention is elsewhere. She quickly hurries back into the tavern, panting as she goes back through the doors. "Ruari, I have the cheesecake!"

''We had fun!'' Venser called from behind Nuiika as she walked away. He sighed and looked to the giraffe. ''Right Joffery? What an evening...''

"Thank youuuuu...!" The red headed, curly haired islandic elf sang as she glomps Nuiika, peppering her face with small kisses. "You are my hero!" She gives her one final, tight hug before letting her go and taking the box from her. "You can have half, since you put forth so much effort to get it!" Ruari said taking her by the hand to the bar.

Nuikia's blue eyes widened with glee and she makes a sort of 'squee' sound as she followed the pretty islandic elven woman. Ven was handsome and kind, but Nuikia was simply not attracted to him, or any man for that matter. She only had THOSE kinds of feelings for women exclusively...

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