Family Lake Day

in #fiction4 years ago

Great Blue Lake, Vorland, 1439 ATC

What a lovely day it was... Serene, peaceful and calm are only a few words to describe what it was like on the water this afternoon. The sun beamed down on three figures at the great blue lake, a man's gaze was locked onto the cloudless azure sky, the shining blue that could allow him feed off of it's beauty and live forever. This day could make everyone live off of it's beauty forever. The sounds of water splashing was heard and the laughter of children as well.

''Come swim with us daddy!''

A little girl year old girl with long raven black hair and icy blue eyes called to her father, who sat on the beach as the tide came in, simply watching as he relaxed and the his feet were submerged. The water was cold, not as cold as it was only a month ago, but still cold. On a hot day like this, it was the kind of cold that felt tempting and refreshing.

''Yeah!'' Called a little old boy with messy hair so blonde it looked white with grass green eyes. The twins laughed more as they splashed each other in the waters of the lake.

Marvella, the purple eyed protector and Kari's adopted sister was sitting around on the lake side on a lounger beside a few of Venser's other lovers wearing shaded specs. She wore her black undergarments with little care at all. Kari was lying out a blanket wearing her wide brimmed sunhat, chatting with Alexis and watching the twins while smiling at them and their father, as well as smiling down at baby Asher in Alex's arms.

'C'mon Miss Marvel.'' Venser shifted just wearing a simple leather thong, getting up carefully and walking over to the lounger while stretching out his arms. ''Do you need that?''

He buried his feet into the blackened sand.

''Lemme guess,'' The handsome bearded man put on a joking voice and said, ''I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough, and I don't like it it gets everywhere.'' The little girl, Lucinda, giggled and ran out of the water to her mother.

''Mommy boys can weargirl swimsuits right?''

The blue eyed woman with long, straight blonde hair chuckled.

"If boys want to they can." She said as she smiled at Lucinda and then smirked at Ven. Kari raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, I'm to lazy to be in the sand and the water, I like lounging more." She said with a sly grin as she looked over at the kids, the golden gypsy beside her who was getting up to help a two year old Rowena walk down to the water. Marvella admired the slim and voluptuous mother with long black hair and tanned olive skin, and when she got up, so did the another woman, who was just pale as her but more muscular, and had silver braided hair, red eyes, and beautiful features.

A demon, Marvella noted, like the succubus that was asleep in a lounger on her right hand side.

Lucinda blinked her icy blue eyes a few times.

''Daddy you wouldn't look good in a girls swimsuit it's not your style.''

Sanna couldn't help but laugh, bending down to hold her own daughter's little hand as Little Rowena let our an adorable little giggle too.

The man laughed hearing what his daughter said and then said to Marvella, ''If laying in the sand is lazy then I don't know what you're doing.'' He knelt down and pressed his lips against hers kissing her softly.

''Ewwww. Doggies!'' The little blonde boy splashed the two with a huge splash of water and then took off running down the beach giggling.

"I'm too fast for you guys!"

For a change, the shovel tailed demoness barmaid would not be found at her usual post. Nope, infact she was no where in the Tavern what so ever. Not in her room, not hiding under a table or a chair. Not even up in the rafters. It seemed she had vanished completely, not a trace to go on either. Thorn was infact somewhere in the forest, wearing her overalls and a black shawl for warmth incase it got cold. Bare feet padded against the ground with each step, silent as ever, no one would hear her coming. On her side was a small pouch of different things, such as fresh herbs and petals. She hummed to herself as she went along her way, minding her own business.

Tumba let out a groan as he walked through the forest with Marble. Yep, just him and her. Tenbra had occupied himself with the dolls at home, and was also tasked with keeping watch over the woman he had captured and holed up there. Tenbra might have been an idiot in some areas, but he could become vicious and fierce when someone tried to escape. Tumba laughed lightly at the thought of the woman hopelessly asking the doll monster to let her slip out. No, Tenbra was actually intelligent. More intelligent than he acted most of the time. Marble let out a squeak as she sensed a familiar scent nearby. She yipped at a certain direction, causing Tumba to stop and look down at her.

"Go on. Lead the way, Marley." He chuckled as he followed after the kitsune towards where Thorn was.

By this time, Thorn was near the lake, gathering some strange looking leaves on a nearby plant. She plucked them from the clear waters, and slipped them in to her pouch with the other things which were already inside. Her ears twitched to the sound of a familiar sound, the yipping of the pet kistune which belonged to her old friend Tumba. She rose to a stand, and twitched a little as she grinned.

Marble yipped louder as she ran faster, her tails flickering from the wind before she eventually slowed down. Tumba slowed to a walk as well, grinning as he looked to Thorn.

"Hey Thorn. How're you!"

Watching Marble approach and lick at her feet, showing her obvious affection. The teen laughed as he looked out to the water. "What were you doing?"

She smiled as she approached Tumba and his Kistune friend, giggling as Marble licked at her feet.

"Thorn was gathering."

It was all she replied with, since she was private with her work. "Nothing much!" Twitch twitch. "What is Tumba doing out here?" A gasp. "Is he gathering too?!"

Marvella rolled her purple eyes as she kissed him back after hearing Lucinda's cute little remark. Kari giggled, and stood up and ran after her children while playing with them with a wide smile on her face.

"Watch out monkey! Mommy's gonna catch you!"

Marble yipped happily as she circled around Thorn, being in a happier mood than usual. Probably because Tumba and Marble shared emotion, and since Tumba was rather happy to see her, Marble got twice the effect.

"No, I'm not gathering. I came down here only to ask you a question," he said, placing his hands on his hips as he whistled for Marble to return to his side. Letting out a mewl, the kitsune obliged, dashing back over between his legs, but still looking up at Thorn with her big red cat eyes.

Something was up, and Thorn knew this all too well. She moved so they were both face to face, nose touching and all as her mismatched red and blue hues stared at him. "Tumba is up to something." She nodded, before that moment of seriousness faded, and she stepped back, and began to do cart-wheels around him.

"Gather! Come gather with Tho-"

Boom! She cart-wheeled in to a tree, and fell flat out on the floor, silent.

The handsome bearded man's nose brushed against Marvella's as he kissed her, enjoying the sensation as his tongue slightly swept across and parted her lips. He chuckled and broke it, straightening himself up looking down to her.

''Have fun tanning.''

Venser gestured to her pale skin and disappeared in a puff of thick red smoke, appearing down the beach and running after Kari and the kids.

''Don't roast too long!''

Marvella rolled her eyes underneath her shaded specs and to the other side of her, a long legged succubus woman awoke and stretched out, yawning.

"What did I miss?" Asked Cierra Dusk.

The children giggled and Lucinda took a hard right, throwing her arms out in front of her and creating a small glacier from nothing, her eyes flashing a bright blue for a brief second. She jumped on it and floated for a few seconds in the water before falling off it.

''Ah! Cold!''

Tumba simply watched the woman with mismatched eyes, disregarding her comments to an extent. "Yes, Tumba is up to something. Which is why he came to ask Thorn a quest-" he began before she suddenly cartwheeled into a tree and fell silent. The teen couldn't help but laugh at her. "Marble, go wake her up," he grinned, pointing to the silent woman. The kitsune yipped and dashed over to her, licking and gently nibbling at whatever part of Thorn's face she could get to. "Maybe Tenbra should have came along.. But I need someone to watch her... Oh well."

Marvella just smiled as she looked down at them for a few mintues and went back relaxing in the sun, stretching out and letting out a soft sigh.

Kari laughed at how her daughter was giggling, "Be careful sweetie!" She called as she sat on a rock near by and watched them.

Thorn could feel the sensation of the Kistune licking her face and ears, also a little nibbling. ".. Ngh.. Telsoma..?" She was in a bit of a daze at the moment, not quite awake and not quite knocked out. Her hand moved up to rub the back of Marble's furry head, as Thorn gave a rather loving, but cheeky grin.

Marble yipped loudly and backed away as Thorn started to come to. Tumba had his back turned to the two, waiting for Thorn to actually wake up before asking his question. Marble's tails wagged in opposite directions of each other as the kitsune bowed in a playful position and purred at the feeling of being petted.

Thorn's mismatched eyes opened, and it was at that moment she came back to reality. She saw Marbel on top of her, and stopped petting the Kistune, blinking.

"Where Telsoma go?" She could have sworn she'd.. - "Ah! Tumba, what is Tumba doing here too?!"

She exclaimed as she spotted him once more, though she seemed to forget. "Thorn was gathering. Tumba gather too?" She asked, giggling.

Soarin hopped across a few rocks, climbing up the tallest one near Kari, stretching out his arms and waving them around, listening to the wind swish. ''Watch me fly mommy and daddy!"

Marble hopped off Thorn and ran back over to Tumba, nudging him with her cold, wet nose. The teen shook his head lightly at how fast Thorn could forget. "I've been here for about five or ten minutes, Thorn. I came to ask you something," he said, turning around to face her before walking over and kneeling down. "Sounded like you hit your head pretty hard," he said, tilting his head as his tail flickered along the ground. Marble began chasing it, causing Tumba to growl back at the kitsune, who didn't mind him at all. "Stupid tail..." Tumba sighed to himself before looking to Thorn with a canine smile.

Marvella nodded after putting the umbrella she brought with her as she held the bundle. Kari looked up at Soarin with her eyes wided. "Monkey, don't jump off those rocks you will hurt yourself!" She looked around Ven with a concerned look on her face, blue eyes widening underneath her large sunhat. Where was he?

The handsome bearded man appeared out of a puff of thick red smoke behind his young son.


"Ahhh!" The startled child jumped off the rock, doing a cannonball into the water.


Venser ran forward and dobe after him, as Soarin swam forward and then resurfaced.

''Heh heh!'' The little boy doggy paddled towards the shore while Lucinda was in the water trying to get up on the same rock.

"See Kari! It's all good!" Ven called swimming beside Soarin now.

"Race ya to shore, son!"

"No daddy I'm faster!" The young blonde boy called as he kicked his legs as hard as he could and kept his head above the water.

The shovel tailed demoness sat up against the tree, giggling. "Tumba ask Thorn, she will answer." She simply replied, nodding as she counted how many things she had collected in her pouch today.

Kari put her hand on her face as she sighed, "I just got worried for a second... Just be careful, everyone.''

The handsome bearded man pulled back at the last second, allowing the small boy to run towards his mother.

''Mommy mommy I won the race! I won!'' Soarin cried as his father began to backstroke into the great blue lake.

His mother beamed down at her son and bent down, hugging him gently and pressing a kiss to Soarin's forehead.

''I'm proud sweetie... Maybe later your father will teach us how to fish? And then have a fishing contest?''

Tumba stood up as well, wincing lightly from the pain in his knees from kneeling down for so long. "How do you feel about dolls?" he asked, popping his waist into place as he patted his stomach and looked to Marble, who was digging in the ground.

Dolls? A weird thing to be asked. Her long, floppy ears twitched a bit hearing her dear friend Venser, calling the names of his children in the distance.

''Wait, later! Thorn must investigate! VenVen is over there somewhere!'' Thorn's shovel tipped tail twitched widly slashing at a tree as the nutty demon girl took off, hopping over a fallen tree, her tail slicing it in half as she ran towards the lake, jumping out of her dress until she was in her black underwear, coming across the water she dove into it. Like a torpedo, she sped through the water and then burst forth, and had already began to splash around, and swam around Venser in a circle, spitting some of the water at him.

Standing in the water now, Venser's emerald slitted eyes watched over his wives and lovers as they enjoyed themselves frolicking at the lake, letting out a soft sigh as he enjoyed this tender moment. All until he was suddenly splashed by someone unexpected.

''Thorn! Hey! Where did you come from? It's good to see you!'' Venser beamed as he splashed back.

She stood up in the water, and coughed a little as Venser splashed her back, before she snickered. The water felt fresh against her skin, and it was clear to see, she was enjoying her day off from working.

The splash had not phased her, as she was completely soaking wet.

''Thorn came from the forest when she heard VenVen and family!'' Her mismatched eyes, one red one blue looked over to the girls on shore. ''Hi lovers! Hi nieces and nephews!''

They all waved back and called to her.

''So, who is that?'' Madalina asked, the newest woman to join Venser's harem. Her girlfriend, the golden gypsy Sanna looked to her.

''Thorn. Ven likes to think of her as his adoptive sister.''

''Right...'' The handsome bearded man gave her a small splash before swimming behind Thorn, grabbing her shoulders to use her as a human shield in the water as the twins ran at them and started splashing them as well.

''Ha ha ga! Take that Aunt Thorn!'' The demoness froze up, trying not to let her dangerous tail swish around too much raising her arms, and the handsome bearded man wrapped his arms around from behind and pulled them both back to dodge the splashing.

Thorn remained spaced out, until she was dragged under with Venser. She held on to him, and giggled under the water, before she helped him swim back up to the surface.

Thorn let Venser go, and began to swim to the middle of the lake, her tail swaying behind her in the clear water, following the same motions as a fish when it swam. made it to the other side, before she suddenly went under the water. The lake became somewhat clouded as she did, making it hard to see her now.

Soarin and Lucinda were confused and didn't swim out too far, being carefully supersized. ''Where she go?!''

It took some time, before she had emerged out of the water, with a small fish wriggling between her lips. She blinked at Venser and the children, before she tilted her head back, and swallowed the fish down, before licking her mouth.

"Thorn is here." She giggled, and swam over to him, before she climbed out, water dripping from her curved form.

''Ewwwww! Pelican!'' Exclaimed the children.

''Yep. Thorn is mad, insane, and totally bonkers, but at least she is nice.'' Marvella sighed looking to Madalina, who stared at the girl with a confused look on her face.

''Welcome to the family I guess, Madalina.''

''Thank you... She does seem eccentric. But, there are no shortages of mad demon girls in Coldwraught...'' The beautiful warrior woman commented.

Venser cringed a bit. She had just swallowed a fish whole. ''Uhhh... I didn't know you could do something like that.'' He shrugged and climbed out too, follwing Thorn. Briefly glancing down at her rear end.

She leant over, and squeezed the water from her hair. As Venser took a glance at her rear, her tail had given him a gentle slap against his arm, before Thorn turned around to him. "Heh." Thorn rose a brow at him. "What's wrong VenVen? Everybody?" She cocked her head to the side, before she shook the rest of the water from her form, unhinging her jaw very wide like a snake.

The women in the loungers all gave her an odd look, toddler Rowena and baby Asher were silent as well, looking to her blankly.

''Ha ha! All of you make a funny face!'' Thorn's mismatched eyes went crosseyed.

"Tst.'' Venser rubbed his eyes and stumbled back a bit. ''Your tail smacked me in the arm... Mhm. Hmmm... I was thinking of all of us fishing when we ran out of energy to swim and frolick.

Thorn giggled. "Awh." She squinted her eyes at him, in an almost loving manner, as she wiped the water from around his eyes with her fingers, and then rubbed his arm. "Better? Thorn can help VenVen family catch fish!''

''With you here... Yes. It's a lot better!''

Sanna nodded from nearby. holding Rowena on her lap and said, ''We would love to have you Thorn.''

The nutty demoness hugged him tightly.

''Good! Thorn lovesssss being around VenVen and family!'' She then scoopted up the young twins and hugged them tightly, who returned it quickly.

''Hi niece! Hi nephew! Hi hi hi!"

''Hi Aunt Thorn!''

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