A Tavern Full Of Women

in #fiction4 years ago

The Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn, Vorland, 1438 ATC

The blonde elf in hunter's leathers returned to the tavern once again, but this time she had simply gone into the nearby town of Aline to try and see what there was to offer. Turned out, there really wasn't anything there she was interested in. Oh well, it gave her a chance to go on a trek and get some fresh air, so not a total waste. Nuikia strode through the doors and up the stairs to take a seat at the bar, smiling widely at her friend Ruari, a tanned skin elf with larger ears and a mop of curly dark red hair and sticking her tongue out at Venser the barkeep as she approached. "How are we all doing today?"

Ruari was currently checking over her chipped whalebone short staff for any damage. Not taking her attention away from her staff, she answered. "A few dumbasses thought that trying to catch arrows was a great idea and I spent three hours healing them. So, exhausted. Also my friend Gale used my staff as a shield of sorts and now I have to fix it."

Nuikia looked at Ruari and the staff sympathetically. "I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully they weren't the arrows I was shooting off yesterday evening. Maker only knows where they landed." She knew they weren't, but hoped maybe the joke might boost the other female's mood a bit.''

Ro chuckled at Nuiika's comment. "No, no, I know exactly who fired off the arrows. Mainly because a shoved him into the nearest pond." After she deemed the staff to be in useable condition, she leaned it against the counter. "Anyways, how was your day? Interesting?"

The window was smashed in and a big yellow bird fell in through the window, sliding across the wooden floor getting glass everywhere. It tumbled and yells of pain were heard before it went still. ''Whoo! Douchebag!'' Venser yelled jumping up, his part of his costume cut up and falling apart.

"Rather dull, actually. After I woke up and dressed, I figured a nice walked to the nearest town might bear some good results, but there was nothing interesting there for me. I enjoyed the walk, but that was about it." Nuikia went to stretch her arms behind her back, hearing a pleasant pop as she did so. but two seconds later some big red blur come crashing through the window and she jumped in surprise. but once she heard Venser's voice her surprise went away, as she should have suspected he was the cause of the mess. ''Never a dull... Venser, what in Laguna are you do- Wearing?!''

Ruari, startled from the sudden noise, nearly jumped out of her seat, knocking over her staff. Ignoring the fallen weapon, she stared at the man as if he had grown a second head. "Okay... What's with... all of that?" She gestured to the damaged costume.

''I'll show you dull.'' Venser said waling over to Nuiika, still dressed up as a big yellow bird. He placed his feathery hands on the side of her face and then locked his lips with hers, plating a combo of soft and rough kisses on her face before breaking the kiss with a pop, then he turned to the side and grabbed Rauri's cheeks, doing the same with her.

Nuikia tilted her head to the side in curiousity as he approached her, but her face was grabbed by what she was assuming were his hands inside of two large fake wings and his mouth latched to hers. Her blue eyes widened at the sudden contact and she just kind of sat there and took it, not sure what to really do when a weird man dressed up as a bird starts peppering you with kisses. as he moved from her to Ruari, she just watched him with a very puzzled look on her face. "O....kay. So, my day isn't dull anymore, but now I am so confused. And yes, what was that about a douchebag earlier?"

''And Lhikan kissed it's waves in the sunlight, oh the sweet waves of the sunlight... He tugged at it's reins in the sunlight, and galloped away into legend...'' The wind flowed through the strands of her hair, the soft warmth of the setting shining upon her, the gentle caress of thermals and the feverish rush of air currents that pulsed along the sky. The winds of winter were on the tip of this breeze. The courier harpy stretched out her grey wings and made a descent down to the Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn after such a long day of travel, and she had not stopped at his particular tavern and inn before. This would be the perfect place to rest for now. Passing a small party of guards that appeared to have just gotten off duty, she would slip through the thick doors, her pale eyes sweeping around the room, drinking in every detail she could retain. Tavern life was so interesting, she would think as she made her way across the room in a way that made it look as if every person moved out of her path, each step confident and with ease, almost dance like. It would not take long for her to find a seat at the bar, almost as if it magically appeared for her the moment she arrived there. With a frown she would take a seat, her wings sore.

''Did you see that- No not really...'' He said with a sighrubbing his temples. ''I spared no expense in buying a giant slingshot, and I had as many shadow tendrils as I could summon pull me back and launch me!'' He flapped his wings and ran around in circles making sqawking noises. ''Ohhhhhh no! Men cannot fly! Only birds can fly! Well,'' He paused and hopped atop the bar, showing off his yellow bird costume, where it was cut on one shoulder and he was bleeding a bit ''I proved them wrong!'' When the young woman entered he couldn't help but ogle. ''And... I have just been proven wrong! Yippity doo! Welcome to the Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn! I'm Venny Karkaldwin and welcome to Douchebags!'' He did a backflip atop the bar and accidently hit the shelf, causing him to fall flat on his face behind the bar and several bottles of liquor to fall on him. ''Ow! Fuck!''

The courier harpy saw as the male had fallen and heard the loud crash. Her ears perked up in expression of worry. "Oh my are you all right sir...?" Scout would bend down, extending her hand out to the male, she had a body of a woman and some features of a woman, but more characteristics of a bird, a pair of giant, folded grey wings jutted from her back. Her talons would replace fingernails and her hands feathered. She smiled softly at the male, her yellow eyes staring intently at him. ''Hey... You kind of look like me.''

Ruari hid her burst of laughter behind a tattooed hand. "Pfft... Venser, are you alright?" She asked, her barely controlled laughter making it hard to speak. "Do you need me to heal you?"

Nuikia too found the action to be quite hilarious, especially after the assault he had just given both her and Ruari. The blonde elf chose to not hide her laughter, but she did stand and peer over the counter to make sure he wasn't deathly injured. "Maker Venser, how on Laguna this tavern is still standing with the stunts you pull I will never know."

''I'm fline!'' Vensr said jolting up, his costume even more cut now and he was bleeding even worse and had a big bruise on his forehead. He spread his arms out and exclaimed, ''Ta da!'' He shook his head at Rauri. ''Just need to get myself cleaned up and then I'll serve. Entertaining, huh?'' He smiled back at the courier harpy and then nudged her a bit, winking and walking away.

Scout Leary chuckled softly for the man sure was strange, but quite exciting. She would gracefully take a seat at the bar, keeping to herself as adjusted her giant satchel. Her posture would be straight, wings shuddering a bit. She licked her lips for she was itching for something to drink. But what? ''Was that the bartender? Uh, I'll have water for now.'' And then, a snakey shadowy hand rose up from behind the bar and set down said glass of water, causing her to recoil a bit in fear.

"All right then..." Ro's laughter had died down, leaving her with a wide, gap-toothed smile. She turned to see where her staff had fallen and, by using a little force magic, propped it back up against the bar.

''A dooby doo wap! A dooby doo wap! A dooby doo wap!'' The head bartender himself sang as he danced his way down the hall wearing his usual crimson and turquoise entertainer outfit, and holding an ivory white cane. The top was shaped like a whale and made out of whalebone too. He set the cane down on the bar and looked to them, a bandaged wrapped around his head. ''Alright. So who wants what?'' He looked to the harpy woman. ''Can I interest you in a Pink Footed Booby?''

Scout blinked twice as she looked at the man with a confused expression* "Pardon me....?"

Nuikia turns to the bird like female beside her and chuckles softly, looking back to the bearded barkeep. "If you enjoy alcohol, don't question it. Just try it." She then turned to Venser and smiled warmly. "I'll have on with her, if you don't mind. It's been too long since I've had one."

"You should take him up on the offer, it's the best thing you'll ever try. And Ven, you should have kept that silly costume on." Ruari told the new patron. "I'll have my usual." She told the barkeep.

''Your usual. Rum. Right. And I'll mix up Pink Footed Booby.'' He fell from out of sight behind the bar and seemingly disappeared before the patrons. But he crawled around the bar while on the floor, downstairs to the kitchen.

The man stood up about a minute later and set a bottle of rum down in front of Rauri, followed by a random fish. He then pulled a silver cocktail mixer out of nowhere and began to shake it up and down humming to himself. He made an odd clicking sound and two snaky, shadowy hands set down two glasses down on the bar, and Venser then poured a glowing, neon pink drink into both glasses. ''Four silver.'' He said to the harpy woman and his friend Nuiika. When they would taste it, they would find it tasted exactly like a strawberry starburst. Only liquid.

The harpy courier would express her thanks as she delicately reached for the glass and sniffed at the drink. She sighed softly for it smelled delicious as she took a sip. She licked her lips in satisfaction and then finished the drinking. Her cheeks became blushed as she hiccupped. "Oh my... That was very good!" Scout Leary giggled a little.

The blonde elf reached into a pouch within her leather folds and procured the desired amount of silver, plus a tip and placed them on the counter beside her drink. She grabbed the glass and brought it to her lips, her noise crinkling as it always does to the scent of alcohol before she downed the entire glass, sighing happily as her taste buds exploded with pleasing strawberries. "That drink never gets old."

Scout would search around in her giant satchel on her side and handed a fistful of assorted coins, one of which happened to be a platinum piece. "Will this be enough sir?"

''I never did ask what you do.'' Venser said leaning against the bar, looking to Nuiika. ''Clearly I'm a bartender, but an entertainer as well and... A stripper if you can believe it.'' He rarely flat out said that, but he did anyways. ''Yes it will.'' He said with a warm smile taking the coins, he stopped for a moment looking into her eyes with his green snake like ones. A good looking mail harpy, and he didn't often see her kind. ''What brings a lady like yourself here?'' He asked tossing the coins over his shoulder into the payment jar, the shadow tendrils catching a few of them out of the air.

Ro picked up the bottle of rum and opened it up happily, taking a swig from it. She glanced down at the plate and cringed. "Oh, raw catfish... Looking up at me. Great." She stood from her seat, took her staff and rum, and walked over to the stairs. She leaned against the railing, facing the bar and taking a few more sips from the bottle. "Anytime you want to take that abomination away from the bar is great, Ven."

"Well...'' The courier harpy paused for a moment before speaking. ''I am simple worker for the Wingtip Express that has traveled many lands away from this one. I go to each town or village and deliver various letters and packages. Once I've done that, I will go to pick up more items to deliver. I came upon this tavern just to rest and relax." She twirled the glass as she glanced down at the last droplet of alcohol in the drink, trying to avoid letting anything slip out.

The blnde elf raised an eyebrow at Ruari, having never seen such actions around a fish before. she looked at the 'abomination' and licked her lips. Fish were the only thing she could stand to eat raw. she ignored Vener's question since he had abruptly turned his attention to the other female and spoke to Ruari. "If I eat it to get it away, will that help? Or is it the smell? Because eating it probably won't get rid of that."

''Ah! So will you be needed a room too, miss...?'' He asked the winged woman, cringing a bit and looking to Nuiika. ''Eating a fish raw? Like, plucked right out of the water? By the void, ya know you can get diseases like that. Disgusting.''

"Eat it, burn it, throw it out the window, I don't care. Just get it out. I just don't like how it looks... That's it. Chopped up and cooked proper like Ven does sure, but not like this." Ro yelled over to the woman. "Preferably, send it back to Coldwrought where it came from!"

"I'll eat it." The harpy courier volunteered raising a feathered hand.

Nuikia turned to the beautiful harpy beside her and smiled warmly. "Shall we split it?"

Scout quickly retaliated for she realized what she said."That is if no one wants it of course. Aha... I love fish." She looked over to the woman and smiled. "That would be lovely. And want a room for tonight, sir."

Taking the fish away from Ruari's general area, she tried to think of the best way to split a raw fish. Nuikia could just tear it in half, but that seemed messy. After hearing Venser's reaction to her wanting to eat a raw fish, she figured she'd just let the lady have the whole fish. She might need it more anyway. "It's okay, you can have the whole thing. I bought something to eat while I was in town. Some sort of weird meat and assorted vegatables on a stick."

"Oh are you sure? I don't want to take your meal away. That would be very rude of me."

''It's free.'' Venser simply said. ''Besides, me or the shadow tendrils can always go cook something up or get more fish.''

"I insist on paying, as not a lot of harpies have any sense of value. So... Can I please have about... Ten more fish?" She beamed at the male, for she was excited

Giving her a warm smile, the blonde elf shook her head. "No, it's fine. I could always have Venser make me something else, but I really am not that hungry. I just love fish." Nuiika poked herself in the stomach, her finger squishing at her small amount of fat. "Need to watch how much I'm eating anyway. I'm trying to gain more muscle not more chub."

"I think you look great! Fish is very good for you.'' Looking towards the woman who hated the catfish in particular. ''I definitely understand why people don't like it. I hate vegetables... Bleh... Can't stand them. But meat is so delicious..." Scout's mouth started to water as she ordered the ten fish. "How much would that cost sir?"

''Ten fish?'' Venser disappeared in a puff of thick red smoke and reappeared a few minutes later with a big tray of catfish from the local lake a few miles behind the tavern. ''Twenty silver.'' He said picking up one of the fish, slapping Rauri in the face with it. ''Moo.''

"Thank you, sir." The harpy courier greedily took the plate and began eating. When she opened her mouth, her canines would be sharp as she began gnawing the fish. Tearing the meat away, but chewing with her mouth closed. She was raised with the most proper etiquette. She finished the plate in five minutes. She pulled out a small handkerchief from her satchel and dabbed at her mouth. Licking her lips, she sighed for she was pleased and pleasantly full.

"AHH!" Ro screeched, throwing herself out of the chair and onto the floor. "Venser, you dick!" She send a pulse of magic out from an extended hand to give him a punch in the face, much like the magic she used during their spar.

''Oof!'' Venser stood his ground from the magical punch in the face. He wanted to talk to the other two women and get to know them better but a feeling of douchebagitude came over him. ''You wanting another spar or something, Rauri?'' He asked getting a good idea. ''Come on whip it out! You know what I mean, your cutlass!''

"You wanna fuckin' go?!" The red haired islandic elf pushed herself off the floor to lean up on the bar, glaring at the barkeep. "I'll kick your ass even harder this time! And without magic!"

"You know slapping a woman with a fish was probably not the nicest thing to do."

''Go? Go where? To the fair? I only go to the fair to pet the animals.'' The handsome bearded barkeep said with a smirk crossing his arms. ''Hold on, if ya don't like fish then I'm sure you'll like this instead.'' Venser disappeared in a puff of thick red smoke and appeared five minutes later, holding a leather brief case to himself. ''A brief case full of bees!'' He said opening it in front of her, before tossing it away to run around in circles with his arms above his head. ''Let's start a riot! Whooooooo! Douchebag!'' He yelled at the top of his lungs after releasing a shit ton of bees inside the tavern. ''And now for my next performance, Castle De Seraphim!''

Scout reacted quickly, unfurling her large grey wings and summoning a cyclone of wind would appear blowing the bees away, opening the window, and outside the tavern. The cyclone would cease and nothing would be damaged. "I feel awful I had to do that, but being stung by one surely is unpleasant."

Seeing the bees fly out of the suitcase, Nuikia jumped out of her stool, running the rail and jumps over. running down the steps would take too long to get away. She hated insects of all kinds, but the ones that fly are the worst. thankfully, The blonde huntress rolled as she hit the lower floor, not taking any damage but it knocked the breath out of her. "What the Coldwrought are you think releasing fucking bees into the damn tavern?!"

Holding her short staff she cast a weak ward barrier around them before he even reappeared with the briefcase, Ruari awaited the 'surprise' with an annoyed look plastered on her face. When the bees were released, she merely sighed and sat in the midst of the bee hoard.

Venser didn't get the reaction out of Rauri he wanted or for everyone to freak out, but he fell over laughing at Nuiika. He chased after her out the tavern door. ''The bees are gone now!'' He laughed as he ran. ''Where are you going?!''

"I don't believe you! I was getting the hell away from those demon spawn called bees that you brought into the tavern in a damned thing, just to release them every-fucking-where! You crazy bastard!" Nuikia stopped running about five feet away from the door to the tavern, trying to catch her breath. She was taking no chances with any of those little shits.

''It was for a stunt! I'm a douche- Whoop!' As he ran after her he tripped over a rock in the ground, hitting his face right on the ground, ''Oof!'' Venser hit the ground with a thud and then looked up to her, choking out the words, ''I'm sorry!''

"Don't do it again! I will yank off your testicles and feed them to you if you even think about it! I don't even know what a douchbag is!'' The blonde elf walked over to him a scowl on her face, but nevertheless she held out her hand to help him up.

''No bees or giraffes in the tavern. Got it.'' He said taking Nuiika's hand and rising to his feet. ''But it was fun right?''

Once Ven was to his feet, she proceeded to smack him once in the chest. "Fun?! That wasn't fun! That was bloody terrifying!"

''It was exicting! I got a real addreneline rush!'' He hooted like a monkey and stumbled back when she smacked him in the chest, then ran back into the tavern. ''Ya love me! Everyone does! Ask my wives, ask my kids... Whoop dee dieee…! Stick a wiener in your eye!'' Venser called over his shouder jumping up the stairs three at a time. He plopped himself in the seat beside the regal furry woman and asked, ''We had fun right harpy mail lady?''

"Oh um, yes. Actually I have to admit that was the most interesting sight I've seen in a while!'' Scout ejaculated.

Nuikia only shook her head as she slowly followed him back into the tavern, looking around her to make she no bees were left behind. she sat down on the other side of Ruari, trying to keep her distance from the man in case he pulled something else ::

''But seriously what can I call ya, miss?'' He asked wrapping an arm around the winged woman.

A dark eyebrow raised as he was touching her. "My name is Scout Leary. And yes, I know... I could be working as a scout named Scout."

''Scout. Lovely name, And remind me again what brings you-'' She wanted a room now that he remembered. He disappeared in a puff of thick red smoke and reappeared behind the bar, looking trhough the room cards. A snakey shadowy hand refilled her Pink Footed Booby. ''What can ya tell us about yourself, Scout?''

Ruari looked down into her bottle of rum to make sure no bees had gotten into it and took a swig from the bottle. "Yeah, why don't ya' tell us about yourself?"

"There is really not much to tell... I have an important job, and harpies that don't try to kill you and take your stuff are rare. I was lucky enough to be found by a kindly human couple south of here." Scout felt a tad uncomfortable with the direct confrontation, she rarely actually socialized. "My job is going to much harder in about a month when it starts to snow."

''Well I'm Venser Karkaldin, born and raised in Pantia, I'm thirty four, I'm handsome and charming and witty and adventerus and thoughtful and considerate and super muscular and handsome and passionate and hilarious and handsome.'' Venser said as he leaned up against the bar, an arrogant smirk stuck on his face.

"Oh are you now...?" She blinked her yellow eyes and her wings fluttered a bit, and did have to admit he had a strong ragged look to him.

"So full of yourself aren't you, Venser?" Nuikia crossed her arms on the counter and rests her head on them, looking down at the various patrons again.

Ro rolled her eyes at Venser's arrogance. "I'm Ruari Patel, Marilla's 'chosen' and also an embarrassment to my friends, family and the rest of the Alphonse Islands. Nice to meet you." She smiled throughout her rather insulting introduction.

Venser was nearing his mid thirties, and had fair skin, a black beard that had been trimmed recently, messy black hair that also looked trimmed but was somewhat long, and emerald eyes that looked like they were plucked from the skull of a snake. Despite that, along with the bandage wrapped around his head, he was handsome. ''Indeed.'' He said in both response to the cute harpy girl and Nuiika. ''So tell us this....'' He said bending down a bit to meet her level. ''Where do you come from exactly, Scout?''

Ro took a swig from her bottle of rum and glanced up at the woman, curious about her in general. She leaned back in her seat and listened to the conversation. ''A tavern full of women. Livin' the dream, eh Ven?"'

''... And then I said, 'Thanks for the dick ya greasy monkey! Ahahahahahahaahahahaha!'' The head bartender howled with laughter, slamming his fist up and down on the bar laughing hysterically. ''Oh wait- Wait! Ha ha! I already told you that story! Ahahahahaha! Best part is... He was actually a monkey!'' Tears formed in his eyes as he clutched the bar in front of Rauri. ''Oh- Oh-'' He tried to calm down as the woman approached him. ''Yeah, room cards right here!'' Hearing her situation he tried to calm down and ask a serious question, but he only kept laughing.

The islandic elf shook her head and chuckled. "Doesn't mean it becomes any less hilarious, Ven." She told him, going back to watching and listening in on the conversation.

Scout smiled wickedly at him, enjoying his attempts at humor and his jovial, fun spirit. "I got a bit of coin, how much for the room?"

''Oh I see what ya did there...'' Venser said catching her wicked smile immediately. He looked over the room cards and then leaned over the bar, holding out a small silver key. 'Ten silver a night. 'Right hall, third door on the left.'' He said stuffing the key down the front of Scout's shirt, causing her to blush and her wings to flitter even more.

A scowl grew on Nuikia's face as a sharp pain shot up her back. She didn't let the fact that something was wrong show, and she quickly made her scowl turn into a smile as the woman to her right looked over in her direction. but the pain in her back was slowly getting worse, and it was starting to spread. Her body temperature was rising as well, her cheeks flushing slightly. she knew what it meant... All the aching her muscles had been going through recently were a warning, and she had been ignoring them. She quickly turned to Venser, trying to act as calm and normal as possible, but she needed to move fast. "Ven, I haven't stayed here the past couple of nights but I didn't take all of my belongings with me. Are they still in the room I was using?"

Scout decided to play with Ven a bit, and sat some assorted coins on the bar and sat down at the end of it, then pulled the key from the top of her uniform top. ''Can I get another drink and possibly some more food to eat, unless ya want me eating some sexy ladies...''

''Yeah. Of course, Nuikia. I know you've been coming and going.'' The bearded barkeep leaned back a bit. ''Heh heh... I got something you can eat...'' He picked up his silver cocktail mixer from off the bartop and poured Scout more of his famous Pink Footed Booby.

Scout looked at the drink and smiled then sipped it, letting out a hiccup. She laughed when she had down so and watched the handsome bearded barkeep work. "I'm afraid to ask what else you got that I can eat. But thank you for the drink its delicious, now can I get maybe a steak rare, a bloody steak or some liver or something, I seriously need to eat unless ya want me going all hungry beastie on you.''

''Gimme a moment.'' He said with a smile disappearing in a puff of thick red smoke.

"Take your time sir, I'll just be here admiring the ladies. Ha... Ven is cute. Never seen or met someone as..." Scout waved her arms and flapped her wings rapidly.

Ruari stared at the woman, a smile spreading across her face. "If this is going the way I think it's going, then can I join?" She asked, only half joking.

The harpy smiled wickedly at the tan elf woman with curly dark red hair and placed her elbows on the bar and her head in her hands as she looked down the bar at the woman. ''That depends, where do you think this is going..?"

Nuikia stood from her seat, fumbling with her pouch hidden within her dresses folds. she finally found the key and hurried over to the room she had stayed in for a couple nights. Letting herself in, she damn near slammed the door as she quickly stripped herself of her boots, leather hunting outfit, and her short fur cloak. She had just shed the last of everything when her bones began to snap and a rather loud gasp escaped her lips. The blonde elf fell to the floor with a 'thud,' her body was becoming feverish as it became to shift. Her legs stretched and became even more slender, her feet growing in size. Arms did the same, though her hands staying petite, at least for the form she was about the take anyway. as her torso changed, however, much more transitioning had to occur. It stretched as well, and her breasts became non-existent. Nuikia's lower regions... They went through a drastic change as well, but going in to detail would be way too graphic. Lastly, as her face caught up with the rest of her body, her hands clasped each side of her face. It felt as though her skull was splitting in two. Her once long blonde hair started shedding quickly, falling as clumps on the floor. But in its place, black hair as dark as a moonless night sky sprouted. Her face began to contort and she trying to muffle a scream by biting down on one of her hands. But her voice, it was no longer the feminine one people were used to. It had dropped to a lower tone. Her body, finally done with transitioning from who she once was to her 'other self' laid on the floor, bare naked for a few moments. for it was no longer Nuikia that laid there, but Daenes.

"Come on, now. I'm not blind.... Yet. Look, what I'm saying is that I'm pretty sure you guys are flirting with eachother. Then again, this is Venser Karkaldwin I'm talking about..." Ruari brought her attention back down to her bottle. "I guess what I'm saying is that I'm convinced you guys are gonna 'share a bed', if that makes any sense, and maybe I possibly want in." She taked a sip from the bottle, directing her gaze away from her.

"Well then, not a half bad idea, flirting is one thing, sharing a bed is another."

''Well then after a few drinks let's all go have some fun.'' Venser said setting down a barely cooked, bloody steak down in front of the woman. ''It's on me, Scout.''

''And I've... Well a few times, but I've never been with a barkeep.'' She noted his athletic frame beneath the crimson and turquoise tunic, and his barreled chest.

''A coupla drinks will make ya think otherwise.'' Venser said refilling her glass of Pink Footed Booby. Muttering under his breath, ''I fucked a queen once...''

"...You what?" Ro turned to the bearded barkeep, now confused more than anything. "How did you manage that?! Which one? The Queen of Vorland? How is the King not putting out a bounty?"

Scout's eyes grew wide and she began to choke on the steak as she looked at him surprised by his statement.

''Well, you see. I started a potato movement which consisted of me persistently uttering the word potato for some reason despite hating doing it, which then led to people calling me that.'' Venser said dodging the question before letting out a loud, long case of laughter. ''Oh Void!'' He then ran around the bar and pushed the woman out of her seat. Then put his arms around her waist from behind and rammed his fists into her stomach to get the steak unstuck from her throat. ''Mhm! Mhm!''

Scout spit the steak out and turned around to face him after getting a deep breath. She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at him, her sharp teeth showing once again. "You did what? Are you implying something? What do you know? I also deliver bounties everywhere...''

The body on the floor stirred after a few minutes passed, the initial pains from switching forms subsiding. The elven man sat up and looked around the room for a moment trying to locate the bag with all of his clothes in it. Spotting it, he slowly stood from the floor and half limped over to it, grabbing out the only clothing that 'Nuikia' had bothered to bring, which was a dark brown shirt, and black pants that had matching black leather boots. He put them on as quickly as he could, eager to move around since he had been locked out of his body for long enough. After dressed, he grabbed the key from the ground and placed it in his poket before walking out of the door to the room. he just stood there for a few seconds, scanning the tavern with his own eyes. Seeing everything from the back of someone's mind wasn't the best way to look at things. It didn't take him long to find everyone at the bar, with who he knew to be 'Venser' doing something to some poor woman he didn't know. She had just arrived when the change started happening. The other female at the bar he could recognize as 'Ruari.' Nuiika liked her. She was very kind and had shared her cheesecake with her when the sandy haired barmaid Brea Rowland baked it. He figured it was time to walk over and take a seat himself, so his long legs strode over to the bar and sat a few seat away from the elven female. he wasn't really sure what to say, so he just cleared his throat. Maker, it had been a long time since he was able to actually physically talk.

''What do I know? I just saved your life!'' Venser said in response to her frown and her crossing his arms. ''I think ya owe me...'' He heard someone clear his throat and he looked over to the man. ''Welcome to the Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn. What can I get ya?''

Scout raised a brow. ''And I think you for that... But I would really like to know the story of how you fucked that queen. Is he joking?''

There was an awkward silence, the tanned islandic elf rolled her eyes.

''I can treat you like a queen....'' Venser said with a smile, dragging one of his fingers down the side of Scout's cheek gently.

"I am sure you can sir. Maybe I'd like you to prove it..."

Daenes looked at the man, staring into his emerald snake-like eyes. He could see why Nuikia liked looking at them, since he found them rather pleasing himself. Green was his favorite color, after all. He smiled at him, knowing there was no way he would know that his other self wasn't here anymore unless he spoke up and told him, but maybe he didn't have to be so blunt. The tall elven man could say something that maybe he'd remember Nuiika has said shortly after they had met, but either way, she was still there in the back of his head. "Hmm, I think maybe I would like to try some of your famous Pink Footed Booby, sir. But can I ask you something?"

''if I am gonna sleep with someone I want treated... Differently, not like royalty to say the least. But I wanna see if all this boasting is true. If you're really going to claim that and act like you just won a war.'' The harpy courier said.

Venser leaned on her back when she leaned over the bar and put his arms around her waist again, trying not to let her giant grey wings hit him or rub against his bearded face. ''Tell me how you want to be treated...'' He whispered in her ear planting a few kisses on her neck. The man snapped his fingers and gestured to the silver cocktail mixer atop the bar. ''Pour it yourself man.'' He said going back to the woman's neck. ''And have as much as you'd like. My good fortune right here is your good fortune...''

Scout smiled and turned her head slightly then spoke softly. "I want to be treated like any other woman, not like I'm anything special, and thus far this works for me.''

Dan shrugged, seeing that without a female body Venser was going to pay a lot less attention to them. Nuiika probably wouldn't like that, but she wasn't here right now so it didn't matter. he reached over and grabbed the glass that Nuikia had been drinking from and the mixer, pouring himself some of the drink. he promptly dug four silver pieces out from the pouch in his pocket and placed them on the counter, remembering that's how much he had charged Nuikia for the drink.

Scout looked back to him and placed a small pile of assorted coins on the bar, smiled at the man and slid out of Vensers grasp to sit next to the elven male. "Hi. Let me pay for it, I got plenty to spend and I don't mind paying for a handsome guy like yourself. You can drink for a while with that and I got more if needed"

Venser just sat down beside the woman wrapped an arm around her, and latched onto her neck, sucking and kissing it.

Dan smiled at the woman, taking his gold pieces back and placing them back in the pouch. he grabbed the pink drink but didn't bring it to his lips yet "Hi, I'm gay. But thank you, m'lady. You are far too kind. But I can't let you spend that much money on me. One drink will suffice.'' He brought the glass up to his lips and his nose crinkled the same way Nuikia's would. his sense of smell was on par with hers, if not better. he downed the whole drink and sighed happily, placing the now empty glass back onto the counter top. he muttered quietly under his breath. "Damn...that really is one of the best drinks you'll ever taste."

Daenes then chuckled softly, shaking his head as Venser was shot down by the woman he was flirting with promptly slid off his lap to finish her steak at the end of the bar. "Venser will do what Venser will do, and there simply is no stopping him. At least not from what I've seen."

''Never seen ya before dude.'' Venser said scooting over to the woman again, wrapping one arm around her and letting out a sigh.

"No, you have no met me. But you have met a part of me. Very pretty. Blonde hair, she has piercings in her nose. She wears lots of feathers as accessories. Don't tell me you've forgotten little Nuiika already, have you?" The elven man smiled at Venser, hoping maybe now he will understand. He really didn't want to have to come out and say 'oh, your friend grew a penis and changed sexes.' He knew that Nuiika had confided in him what might eventually happen, though it was possible Ven simply forget or did not listen.

Scout looked over at the elven man and smiled. Then back at Venser. "I think this is her, shifted somehow, I did hear noises earlier when she left it was strange noises, similar to the lycans I've met a few times before.''

Somehow Venser was eating from plate of pineapple slices on the bartop, listening to them. He stopped chewing with his mouth full and looked to the man, silent for several long seconds. ''Mhmmmhmmm... What?'' He got out of his seat and walked away from the two.

Dan looked at the departed male and had a worried look on his face. Hopefully he didn't resent him for something he couldn't control. But he would let the man deal with it the way he needed to. Besides, there was no telling how long Nuikia was going to be gone anyway. He then turned to the female and spoke softly. "You are a smart one. I honestly thought she was able to stay quiet enough for no one to notice. But perhaps your hearing is well above the average mortal, no?"

"I hear very well, I guess most lycans and I heard demons do. I am a hybrid, I guess. I am smart to an extent but its due more to my hearing"

"A harpy, you don't see many employed or just non-hostile in general. Well, as a man who is no always a man, I guess you could say I'm a sort of hybrid, too." He chuckled and holds out his hand to officially introduce himself. she could leave him hanging, shake his hand, or place hers in his so that him may place a kiss on it. how it went from here was entirely up to her "I am Daenes, though many people just can me 'Dan.' Easier to pronounce, I guess. I am very pleased to meet you, m'lady.''

Venser's bearded face popped up behind the bar looking to the harpy courier. ''Uh Scout, after I digest, yeah.... All this, why don't you meet me in my room and I can show you how I wood that queen... And I must tell you, despite my clownish behavior, I can be very convincing..."

"Oh uh, and by the way! It wasn't Queen Y'vonne! She and I are very strictly friends. Yeah.''

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