Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W3 | Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health

in Steem4Bloggers10 months ago

Hey Steemian friends!

Today, we are discussing a highly debated topic where many would have different opinions. As I remember my childhood was full of adventures and I played hide and seek under the bed after attempting something my parents never exactly gave the green light to. Oh, and let's not forget my mother's serious strictness, especially when it came to my sister.

Does that strictness brings fond memories? Not exactly. But does it translate into negative consequences? Well, I'm no psychologist, but we both love our parents. While the memories might not be all sunshine and rainbows, I strongly believe that they did a really darn good job raising us. This is my experience! So, I will share my view.

👉 What are the advantages and disadvantages of parents strict behaviour?


  1. Discipline and Responsibility: I was given a lot of responsibilities in my childhood. Even money handling. I have to maintain accounts and budgets which my mother assigned. Since I know how strict she is and how much sacrifice she made us to have a good life I never wanted to cheat her with money. This particular practice has made me feel important in the family I guess, eventually I was disciplined enough to think before spend.

  2. High Standards: Parents set the bar always high, pushing you to achieve your best. So we know that some are expecting us to do better. These high expectations could be a mental pressure but pressure is what makes diamonds.

  3. Resilience: Dealing with strict parents can toughen you up for the challenges life throws your way. Society will never pity you and everyone will attack you if you are weak to take up the challenges.


  1. Rebellion: Now that I’m an adult I see a lot of children do exactly the opposite we ask them to do. Nobody wants to follow instructions like robots, they are little humans so they will always try to prove a point that they also can do something on their own.

  2. Communication Breakdown: Strict parents may struggle with open communication, making it hard for kids to express themselves. They won’t consider parents as their friends and try to hide things matters.

  3. Fear of Failure: The fear of failure can be paralyzing. We have a lot of suicides due to this. When the kid knows that they can’t deliver what their parent expects from them they will choose different paths to free them from the pressure.

  4. Low Self-Esteem: Struggling to meet unrealistic standards can lead to a serious case of low self-esteem. Not the best confidence booster going into the future.

👉 What do you feel if you were at the place of such childrens who have to face strictness?

Back in the day, there were times that I probably thought “What these monsters are doing!” But with age comes wisdom, right? now feel we all know why they have been so restricted in our childhood. Many of us who were born before 2000, I guess we face extreme strictness in our culture. Nobody can do a thing if parents decided that for their kids. But with human rights and child protection, there has been a considerable changes in the world how current parents see this issue.

Though I firmly believe there should be some control over kids, I feel very sorry for the kids who face extreme restrictions. What I see in our culture is there is so much pressure on the kids over our education. Especially the year 10 scholarship exam where kids get a chance to enter the best colleges in Sri Lanka over the certain cut off mark. So, every parent wishes their kids to get the highest marks in this exam. Some kids prepare for this exam from the age of 07 or 08 and lose their playtime for the sake of grades. Imagine how much pressure these kids are taking if they do not get the desired result. Anyhow this is very common practice in Sri Lanka and I feel very sorry for these kids.

👉 As a child, what do you expect from your parents regarding their behavior?

As a kid, all I want is unconditional love. Parents are the superheroes in our own universe, and children depended on them for everything. But hey, dear parents, a little thought before making decisions on our behalf wouldn't hurt. Let's not forget, that you're shaping our future, a human with different thoughts and wishes. Please understand that you are not crafting a robot who listens to your every command and makes your wishes come true.

👉 What are the negative effects of emotional blackmailing?

Emotional blackmail is a harmful practice that leaves a lasting mark on individuals whether it’s child or adult. The effects can extend to a person's self-esteem and then lead to various issues like heightened tension, fear, anxiety, and finally depression.

We know that children in particular don’t have the experience to see through life and it could heavily affect growth and development often leaving scars that often persist into adulthood.

In this topic it is very important to aim for a middle ground where discipline meets understanding rather than the strictness. Also, not all the children are the same so patience is very important. As a parent, we have a duty to craft a childhood that's a mix of life lessons, laughter, and just the right amount of mischief!

Thank you for this interesting contest @hive-109435 (Steem4Bloggers ). Looking forward to taking on the next week’s challenge. I would like to invite @alegnita, @radleking & @morgan76 to participate in this contest.

Thank you.

Peace to all 🙏

All the images have been developed by Midjourney / Dall E and photoshoped by me.


Good afternoon my friend, how's everything? I really enjoyed your post this afternoon.

Emotional blackmail makes us to lose our self esteem and it makes us depressed and sad. I pray non of us becomes victims of this.

Success to you in the wonderful engagement challenge.

You're absolutely right about emotional blackmail my friend. No one should experience it. Thanks for the wishes!

You are truly welcome sir, I appreciate your reply to my comment.

Emotional blackmail is dangerous and I hope no one gets involved in it anymore.

All parents, while dealing with their children, should keep in mind what effect their behavior is having on the children when they are strict. Along with being strict, parents should also tell their children why they behaved this way. have a nice day.

Indeed, open communication between parents and children is crucial. It ensures that children understand the reasons behind any restrictions imposed.

Yes.. my friend 😄

 10 months ago 

Saludos amigo.
Ser padre estrictos puede lograr que sus hijos aprendan muchas cosas una de ellas es saber administrar el dinero 🫰 y eso es muy importante.
Otro punto a favor que pueden adaptarse a cualquier situación y son muy responsable.
Pero cuando se es estricto en demasía y los padres abusan de su poder ,le hacen daño al l niño este llega al tener baja al autoestima, falta de comunicación timidez e inseguridad, por eso hay que mantener un equilibrio.
Me agrado leerte
Feliz día

Exactly, I'm glad my mother gave me such responsibility in such young age. I was full committed on my duty and felt that I'm important in the family. That feel good factor is very important for a child. Thanks for the insightful comment and wishes! You too have a happy day!

 10 months ago 

Hello dear, How was the day ? I wish to all there are in peace and living their best moments of life. I liked the presentation of your post very much, you wrote the post in very beautiful words, but strict parents have a very bad effect on the mental health of children, children get scared, remain in fear and are not able to take any decision.
Wish you good 👍 ... may you always achieve whatever you aim for yourself in life and make the best journey ✨ .
Greetings from me 🌼
Have a beautiful day 💛

My day is great here in Sri Lanka! I think extreme restrictions should be avoided. Such situations arise with certain parenting styles. However, having some reasonable restrictions for kids is essential to guide them as a responsible individual.

Parents strictness on children brings a lot of benefits to children especially with discipline and responsibility. Children prove to ge better people with such system. Though it has its disadvantages which hampers the child's ability both at home and society negatively.

Love is essential for us all reason why we need this from our parents and not so much strictness and blackmail.

Thanks for sharing with us and good luck in the contest

I guess all this depend on the parenting styles. I've seen some parents who are extreme with punishment but then extreme in caring and love as well. In such situation child knows that if he do anything wrong that he is in trouble.

 10 months ago 

Realmente pienso que los padres de antes eran más estrictos con sus hijos, lo se por experiencias que me han contado mis padres, aún que en la actualidad también existen muchos padres estrictos a nivel mundial. Hoy en día hay algunos hijos que se aprovechan de que sus padres sean liberales con ellos, y eso también está mal. Éxitos en el concurso.

Exactly! a very good point and a great observation. When parents give unnecessary freedom most of the children find it challenging to exercise self-control. That is why we have to ensure moderate restrictions. I think most parents from the previous generation knew how to strike the correct balance.

 10 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Así como hemos visto la evolución de la sociedad, también se ve en la manera en que están educando y aunque aún hay ciertos focos de padres que son muy estrictos, la parte positiva es que también hay un número considerado de persinas que están ejerciendo la educación con disciplina limitada.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

With different perspective to the subject people will always use their parenting method no matter how educative they are. However, I'm glad that we have new rules to control anyone off the limits. Thanks for the comment & here's a big hug 💚

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