
What an enjoyable day you seemed to be having when you could have been all grumpy and disheveled! Thank goodness for meditation and mindfulness keeping us in the here and now!

I sure did. I hardly need time to get over disappointments these days. In fact, it's hard to disappoint me, haha! I'm a rock ;>)

And yes, meditation and mindfulness are the best :>)

Im from Castanheira da Serra, near Piodão in Serra do Açor 😊 i know very well this zone and this summer i will try to go to "bailarico" 😀

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Bom dia,

Piodão esta mais ou menos perto.
O que é o bailarico?



Boa tarde 😊 o "bailarico" são as festas de cada aldeia. A partir de agosto há festas todos os dias em cada aldeia. Na minha aldeia é dia 13 e 14 de agosto a festa em honra de S. Tiago, padroeiro da aldeia.
Espero este ano conseguir ir 😊

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You’ve been visited by @riverflows on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Gosh, what a life you lead! It looks so nice basking in the river. I totally agree - mindfulness helps you deal with those day to day inconveniences and annoyances a little better, even if we just walk away for a bit and refocus on the good stuff!

50SPII100SPII200II500SPII1000SP ♡♡♡

Hear! hear!

I just love these personal, curation comments! The naturalmedicine group is awesome, so uplifting! Thank you so much for attracting me to this group @riverflows :>)

Awww.... glad you like them!! We did thing personal was much lovelier than generic! And we have a lovely curation team too. Xx

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No doubt about that. The lovely curation team makes a difference too ;>)

Congratulations! I just stopped by to say that your post has been selected as a daily Featured Post of my personal curation project! You can find the daily Featured Post HERE.
I upvoted your contribution and I put it on the list because to my mind your post is what I call a quality content!
I am @miti, a manual curator that shall make available all his Steem Power to authors deserving of support. Let's make STEEM great again!
Have a nice day and keep up the good work!

yeah it is taking a while but it is all out of your hands really, you took the best attitude, take it all in your stride and enjoy your day. Such a beautiful place to have a swim as well xx

The work on my roof continues tomorrow :>)
Thanks for your kind words, as always. I hope you're well, amiga!

What a pleasant temperature to live in. It 40 degree celsius here, sweaty 😔

The temperature isn't too bad, most of the time, although it can also be pretty cold, at times

And my friend @inuke would probably disagree with you on this, too cold for him, even though he's melting right now in the desert heat of Nagpur.

haha I know Nagpur, yeah its very hot, melting hot. So the temperature might be too cold for me too :P

In this part of Portugal it can be pretty fresh and humid, from the end of October till the end of April ( with some exceptional warm days ).

It seems like the early Summer has begun now though, 25 to low 30s Celsius. Perfect weather to replace the roof of my house ;>)

What a pleasant weather to spend your life in.

Replace the roof? How do you replace a roof, house is made of bricks & cement? or maybe wood? umm curious

That is one interesting story.. @vincentnijman. :-)☮️

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Take a look at yesterday's post for a little more info and two pictures. The roof is built with a wooden frame with orange tiles on top. That's the type of roof that most European houses have.

Then replacing the roof must be a big deal.

It was but the process seems to have gone smoothly. It will be tested very soon as there's rain predicted from tomorrow onwards. As I moved back into my house two days ago, I'm looking forward to how it's holding up. I expect it to be a fine roof, as is the rest of the house :>)

Yo!! I am not melting.. just little crispy from outside.. hahah..

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That sounds tasty to me :>)

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