Why EOS will be competing with Enigma and Komodo for marketshare more than any other Smart Contract Platform - Analysis on competition, monopoly, technology and "Purple Cow"

in #eos7 years ago

True Competition is a Fetish with Efficiency as its Obsession.


Many people on steemit has a thing for EOS. They see it as the Ethereum-killer and that's not without reason. DPoS has proven to beat capable of handling the Tx volume of ETH (which regularity get congested) and BTC (Forever congested) while only using 0.2% of the capacity of the blockchain which you could even call a beta stage. I mean the witnesses aren't really running any world class servers or anything. STEEM (BTS, GOLOS, YOYOW) are all currently at their "meh" stage. Also the fee-less structure that is 100% capitalist (AKA not self-destructive)

What happens in a competition of Products/Services? How do you Win?

First of all, if you aren't trying to win, you are not competing. The aim of competition is picking a winner/winners. A competition without a winner is like sex without an orgasm. It sucks when only one party wins and it's terrible when everybody loose (like Socialism/collectivism) and it's amazing when everybody wins and creates incentive for everybody to do and perform better.

“CREATIVE MONOPOLY means new products that benefit everybody and sustainable profits for the creator. Competition means no profits for anybody, no meaningful differentiation, and a struggle for survival.”
― Peter Thiel, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

So why am I bringing this up when talking about EOS? That is because EOS has won. The more I learn about it more impressed I become. I judge projects based on their flaws. I try to break down and find problems and edge cases. EOS is the general purpose smart contract platform that recieve the least of my criticisms. NEO and Metaverse has China on their backs. I did some research and my finding was that the state capitalist China (They really are not authentic commies anymore) only wants to get rid of private "Currencies" like Dash, NEM, PIVX, SmartCash, ZENcash, Verge etc. They want to get the best out of the blockchain tech. But those crypto projects are technologically inferior.

One thing about fundamentals is that like Karma, the fundamentals always catch up. You can build valuations. But unless you back that value with solid fundamentals, your crypto won't be much different from a fiat. When it comes to competition there are only 2 ethical ways of winning

  1. You do something better. - This is why I claimed EOS has won. It just get stuff done better and faster without most of the flaws.
  2. You do something different - This is when Komodo and Enigma comes to play.

“All failed companies are the same: they failed to escape competition.”
― Peter Thiel, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

If you cannot outdo something you'll have to drain a lot of money into marketing. Even that won't guarantee success. Both Twitter and Snapchat are loosing money. So you need something really different. That's how STEEM became something that is worth billions. STEEM was took a bunch of things from bunch of social media sites and made a Frankenstein's Monster. If STEEM was a normal company and tried to win it all by being meh of all social media and start pumping itself with an ad campaign, we'd have a massive failure. Instead STEEM sold itself as a blockchain project that cannot be censored and a place where people get paid by posting while serving no ads and no collection of private data. Suddenly the piece of waste omni-ripoff attracts and creates the greatest massive online community on the surface of this planet. We had something MASSIVELY different.

“Americans mythologize competition and credit it with saving us from socialist bread lines. Actually, capitalism and competition are opposites. Capitalism is premised on the accumulation of capital, but under perfect competition all profits get competed away.”
― Peter Thiel, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

This is why I ask you to look at not at ETH, NEO, ETP, Waves etc etc but at KMD and ENG. They are going to be smaller than EOS. But they are going to be more important than ADA. Yes, I see more value in Komodo and Enigma than Cardano which was very accurately reviewed by @dan (https://steemit.com/cardamon/@dan/peer-review-of-cardano-s-ouroboros)

Why such importance?

I invite you to checkout this though provoking piece from @dan https://steemit.com/eos/@dan/does-freedom-require-radical-transparency-or-radical-privacy
Personally I'd say that we need both radical privacy and radical transparency just as we need both Centralization and Decentralization. I brought up this piece of writing to let you into the thinking and mentality of the one of the biggest forces when it comes to the development of EOS. What it does, EOS does better than the rest. What it (and BTS and STEEM etc) s doesn't is giving us some god damn privacy. I mean who the hell wants to start a free press project in China, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea on EOS while being in those countries? That's one of the lighter cases. Who'd want to engage in adult content that's on EOS? The worst of all, what about data mining the blockchain targeting specific individuals?

“The most successful companies make the core progression—to first dominate a specific niche and then scale to adjacent markets—a part of their founding narrative.”
― Peter Thiel, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

Komodo (KMD)

Komodo is the undisputed leader in Atomic Swaps. Not many people are talking about Atomic swaps and they are not that big yet. Komodo has shown great interest in Atomic Swaps and it allows you to do Atomic Swaps between many cryptocurrencies including ETH without any need for users to download the blockchain. They also have multiple whitepapers outlying various technologies and it's just massive. I've seen projects being valued at massive levels without 10 pages on the whitepaper.
So try this: https://komodoplatform.com/en/whitepaper

  • Part I. Komodo’s Method of Security: Delayed Proof of Work (dPoW)
  • Part II. The Decentralized Initial Coin Offering
  • Part III. Komodo’s Atomic-Swap Powered, Decentralized Exchange: BarterDEX
  • Part IV. Komodo’s Native Privacy Feature: Jumblr
  • Part V. Additional Information Regarding the Komodo Ecosystem

Did you notice the "Decentralized ICO"? Remember what happened in the China ICO ban. With Komodo there won't be any banning of its ICOs. EOS is incapable of delivering this kind of fairness in absolute terms. Anybody can freely and privately join in their investments. Komodo has some real love towards Zero Knowledge Proofs.

Also KMD has a DEX: https://komodoplatform.com/en/technology/whitepapers/BarterDEX.pdf
Bitshares is the best at the moment and Komodo isn't even as half as old. But has Bitshares devs ever shown interest in privacy?

Enigma (ENG)

I know I barely touched on Komodo. But I have to talk about this wonderful project too. If I had to describe this project in a single short sentence, that would be: Private scalable smart contract platfom by MIT graduates._

Our project was created by a team of MIT graduates and researchers, based on the research work laid out in the Enigma whitepaper, which has been downloaded over 100,000 times. The Enigma protocol is a second-layer, off-chain network that aims to solve the two biggest problems for blockchains: scalability and privacy. By enabling secure, decentralized data computation and exchange, Enigma allows blockchains to truly fulfill their powerful promise.

Enigma isn't some zk-SNARKs tech which require some form of trust and centralization. For a simple currency like Zcash (or better zPIV) this would be fine. But Enigma wanted to Enigma allow for someone to run code against the data without seeing the raw data or being able to retain the data. How the Hell is this possible? The best answer I can give you is that you should simply spend few hours here: https://blog.enigma.co/@EnigmaMPC

To be more specific, try: Why Enigma’s Privacy Protocol Will Power Our Decentralized Future and Computing Over Encrypted Data

Now somebody please tell me what does EOS has against this monster? Asking EOS to compete with this is like asking a NASCAR driver to compete in TORC: The Off Road Championship. It's not the fault of the car or driver. It's just different things are built for different things. The real competition for EOS is coming from projects like Komodo or Enigma that are doing smart contracts while being nothing like EOS (unlike a certain cheap knockoff that spectacularly made DPoS worse and got it peer-reviewed)

“Indefinite attitudes to the future explain what’s most dysfunctional in our world today. Process trumps substance: when people lack concrete plans to carry out, they use formal rules to assemble a portfolio of various options. This describes Americans today. In middle school, we’re encouraged to start hoarding “extracurricular activities.” In high school, ambitious students compete even harder to appear omnicompetent. By the time a student gets to college, he’s spent a decade curating a bewilderingly diverse résumé to prepare for a completely unknowable future. Come what may, he’s ready—for nothing in particular.”
― Peter Thiel, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

There can only be so many winners and all winners win differently. Don't bet on too projects that are similar. Either one would win or both would fail. Marketshares get split between projects that aim for the same thing but in radically different ways: Radical privacy---Radical Transparency


I think LUXCORE has a much bigger potential and is in very early stage.


In a word. Excellent!

RE: Your Post

Paraphrasing Bucky Fuller:

You don't beat the system by fighting it.

You automatically win by making it [legacy products, platforms and centralized entities] OBSOLETE.

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

Namaste, my friend.


Calling on @originalworks and @steem-untalented upvotes for your post.

Thanks a lot.
@originalworks has been very slow these days.
Happy steeming!


Komodo looks very good. (need to check Engima).

I was glancing through credits technical doc and audits. Komodo, EOS folks, Filecoin all have something working. ie, proof concepts - 2 small proof of concepts namely Graphene and IPFS for example. So anyone claiming to be faster and better should either bring features like atomic swap, privacy etc and show their mettle.

BTW I think there is an effort to add atomic swaps to bitshares and is already available on a Graphene fork : https://steemit.com/bitshares/@ash/bitshares-scorum-a-new-graphene-fork-to-gift-acct-to-bts

In a nutshell, we are back to square one with our eternal love of Graphene (Bitshres, STEEM, GOLOS ... )

There is an also an effort to bring stealth mode of bitshares - FYI

Are they going for Zero Knowledge proofs? How much do they plan to extend this privacy. Dan is a radical transparency nut. So I don't think BTS was built with privacy in mind. So I'm curious to see how things would go.

Stealth transactions are "zero-knowledge super-secure transactions on the Bitshares platform ('unknown' sent 'n' 'unknown' to 'unknown')".

Checked it out and loved it. Too bad it's not too easy to dig out info on Bitshares. Personally I think it's the best DEX yet. But it needs more volume.

This article is very informative. I got a whole lot of useful information. About Enigma and Komodo, I, in general, learned for the first time. You are right, this is one of the most revolutionary crypto currency. I will be very interested in watching their dynamics. Thanks for the info. Good luck to you and good.

Эта статья очень информативная. Я получил целую уйму полезной информации. О Enigma и Komodo я, вообще, узнал впервые. Вы правы, это одни из самых революционных криптовалют. Мне будет очень интересно наблюдать за их динамикой. Спасибо за информацию. Удачи Вам и добра.

Look at the "team" page on the Komodo site. Do you think it's reasonable that we be expected to invest thousands on a team of cartoon characters, pseudonyms and a husky?

I look at the tech and the problems it solve. Bitcoin came out of a Japanese sounding name sharing a pdf on the internet. There are many teams with anonymous members. PIVX is one that's doing really well. Look into the tech and see what they are doing. Check what they have achieved. Eg: Komodo is at the very top of the blockchain world when it comes to atomic swaps. Their delayed PoW was effectively used against a hack completely negating all the effects of the said hacking. Compare that to the Ethereum hack which caused a fork.

Anybody can have a name and some credentials. But experience doesn't always mean better and neither does non-anonymity. I judge based on what they have already achieved and what they plan with their tech.

I hopefully got my point across why I invest in this project.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

hello, @vimukthi
upvote & resteem


EOS is not trying to be a privacy coin it's trying to build an enterprise scale blockchain for business to build large scale dapps on. Privacy features would get in the way of that because businesses won't build on a blockchain like that. Government regulations and KYC laws wouldn't allow it.

And EOS will lead in what it try to achieve. The others who attempt to dominate that that market won't do that well. Those who can survive are the projects like Komodo and Enigma which attempt something radically different. You do it better than the rest or you do it differently.

Bloody hell why didn't I hear about atomic swaps . Amazing concept . Finally trading with exchanges fees

Well analysed. Keep the good work up.

EOS will go upto $ 19.50

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
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