What my art looks like at 2AM

in #art7 years ago (edited)

I recalled a conversation that I had with @bryan-imhoff about 24hr comics and the amount of stress that the artist is under with lack of sleep. It’s something that I’m open to trying out in the future but until then I’ll try my own little experiment. This test was to see what my drawing ability would be like when I’m dead tired.

As per usual, the day that I had before this was created was long. I found myself slipping in and out of sleep around 11:30PM-Midnight. I threw myself out of bed and waddled downstairs to have a bowl of Captain Crunch. My main focus was to not spill any milk onto my lap as I munched away in a seated cross legged position. Once I had my fill, I decided to head back to the warmth of my bed but laughed upon realizing that I was still holding onto my now empty bowl.

I was able to to return to bed without tripping over my feet. That’s when I had the idea to draw. I was expecting to create utter shit but was pleasantly surprised with my findings. Soft lines started to collect into an image that was swiftly but gently built. 

That ‘zone ’ that we artists are always trying to tap into was easier to accomplish under these weary conditions. I will sometimes call this my game zone since I’m always reminded of ‘that time I beat my highest score on bejeweled ’ while tired yet in the zone and focused. 

Thanks for checking out this drawing!

What does your art look like when you’re tired? 🦊


Awesome post, Keep it up!

i love watching art, but i can't be innovative ... maybe i will if i'm tired !!!!

Give it a try, maybe you’ll have surprising results as well!

Your line work is wonderful and I love the soft feel of the sketch! keep them coming :)

Thank you! I’m happy to hear that you like it. I’ve been trying to get better with my lines and it’s been paying off with practice. :)

That’s really interesting, and a great drawing to boot! I can’t imagine myself overcoming the inertia of fatigue or drowsiness. Now if I’m working and “in the zone” I can carry through exhaustion, but starting from a dead stop is tough!
I’m sure it stems entirely from mindset, whether the drawing is approached as more of a task (what I tend to do) or more of an exploration & mindfulness exercise as you seem to have accomplished here!

Mindset plays a huge role so I’m going to continue with this study and post the results. I’m sure it’ll get ridiculous at some point! Maybe I’ll start another initiative and have others post their 2AM drawings as well! 😆

Interesting concept. I remember reading a story about the surrealists in the early 20th century trying to better access their subconscious by getting up in the middle of the night and working in that semi conscious state.

Your results are amazing. Would love to see a video of you doing all that!

When on worked on the 1Mil$ it was next to impossible to meet the deadline and there were days when I worked 16-17 hours on it... talk about tired

Those artists definitely had the right idea.

If I was able to film myself drawing then I’d do it but I think the act of setting up the camera would pull me out of it.

16+ hours...dang, my head would explode. I know what I’m like when I get caught up in a project and it’s never healthy.

Your skills are great, when you're dead tired ;) Great drawing! And awesome linework!

Thanks! I’m surprised myself. Can I recreate this mood...maybe not??? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I love the timelapse progress on that. Nice :)

Thanks! I’m glad someone watched it and it’s not just hanging out. :D

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