Weekly Top of Utopian.io: October 24 - October 31

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

We've had some terrific contributions this week, and we are delighted to present some of the best of those. If you want to know how to best contribute to Utopian, reading these posts is an excellent idea. This week, you'll find contributions from the Analysis, Translation, Blog, Tutorials, and two from Anti-abuse!

Staff Picks

Don't cast worthless votes - zero-value votes in HF20 by @crokkon [analysis]

This was a good week for quality analysis contributions, including a resteem from @ned for @paulag’s exploratory analysis on benefactor rewards. However, this week's staff pick goes to @crokkon, for another excellent analysis of vote values, and how Hard Fork 20 has affected them. The changes have meant many votes sacrificing rShares, and the findings report that whilst there is still a number of votes turning to ‘dust’, voting percentages have risen on average in order to compensate for this. The report is excellently presented, and supported with clear and understandable charts. It concludes that vote percentages, particularly with regards to trail votes, should be reassessed to avoid having no value.

Total payout: 115.14 STU
Number of votes: 169

[Translation][Spanish] Node.js, from English (1090 words) [N'15] by @alejohannes [translations]

The translator has done an excellent job with perfect accuracy. As noted by the Spanish moderator, the writing style is correct and most appropriate for the Spanish language. The translator has also put in a detailed effort to write out an overview of the translation process and what he had learned, especially in explaining the Module System and Code Refactoring. We appreciate the personal touch he put into writing the submission post.

Total payout: 1.62 STU
Number of votes: 105

Introducing Contest Hero - Create contests on the Steem by @contest-hero [blog]

We had some stellar contributions in the Blog category this week, and picking the best one was not easy. Posts by @actifit, @jaff8, and @the1ramp were all worthy. I ended up selecting @contest-hero’s post for writing quality, beyond the excellent content all of these posts shared. @tobias-g’s introduction of Contest Hero was just well done in all aspects. Not only is the project itself exciting, it was also well presented, and well illustrated with screenshots. This is the sort of post one can later point to and say “this is how you do that.”

Total payout: 219.34 STU
Number of votes: 223

Machine learning and Steem #5: Account classification - understanding and using Ensemble Methods + tweaking performance by @jacekw.dev [tutorials]

Another beautiful tutorial by @jacekw.dev, tackling the aspects of his (and many’s) favorite topic: account classification on the Steem blockchain. Using machine learning techniques, he provides an approach to use a diverse set of Ensemble methods. He leads the reader in the proper steps to utilize and implement those methods, while explaining the differences and the relevant results. Great dynamic charts throughout the tutorial make it simply a feast for the eyes. We await further work, particularly as the API of his classifier works becomes available in upcoming contributions.

Total payout: 42.07 STU
Number of votes: 182

Copy/Paste: Friends With Controls (C + V) by @lovenfreedom [anti-abuse]

This was the best week yet for the new antiabuse category. We had 5 very good contributions this week. This is the second time @Lovenfreedom's has been a staff pick. This recent contribution, about copy/paste, shows how to detect this type of abuse. By simply watching the "New page," she teaches you what copy/paste is and how to find and report it to @steemcleaners. @Lovenfreedom's antiabuse series is easy to follow, and everybody should read it.

Total payout: 75.59 STU
Number of votes: 51

Plagiarism & Cheetah - An Antiabuse Series #1 by @iamstan [anti-abuse]

The anti-abuse category aims to fight abuse and educate users on the Steem blockchain. Utopian reward users trying to keep the Steem blockchain free from abuse. This is an excellent post by the category manager, who did not select it as a staff pick. So we did. This contribution presents vital information on how to report abuses to @steemcleaners, as well as detecting plagiarism in any publication. We hope to keep seeing more anti-abuse efforts like this. If you wish to participate, consider going through this post to understand how to present your effort.
Total payout: 83.42 STU
Number of votes: 50

Utopian.io Post Statistics

The staff picked contributions are only a small (but exceptional) example of the mass of contributions reviewed and rewarded by Utopian.io.

  • Overall, the last week saw a total of 232 posts, with 112 of them rewarded through an upvote by @utopian-io.
  • In total, Utopian.io distributed an approximate of 4834.15 STU to contributors.
  • The highest payout seen on any Utopian.io contribution this week was 219.34 STU, with a total of 223 votes received from the community.
  • The contribution that attracted the most engagement was Dynamic sitemap.xml for Steemdocs.net, with no less than 6 comments in its comment threads.
  • The average vote given by Utopian.io was worth 42.40 STU.

Category Statistics

CategoryReviewedRewardableRewardedTotal rewardsTop contributor
graphics16129320.21 STU@ggabogarcia
tutorials151210252.32 STU@duski.harahap
translations9189421703.44 STU@dimitrisp
analysis763185.20 STU@paulag
development363311560.60 STU@dennisalund
video-tutorials776269.20 STU@tensor
blog252216551.17 STU@jaff8
anti-abuse774269.27 STU@iamstan
iamutopian665278.07 STU@rosatravels
ideas84228.04 STU@tykee
social43245.71 STU@jingis07
copywriting1100.00 STU@princekelly

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I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 14 SBD worth and should receive 135 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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Nice to meet you @utopian-io.

I contributed to the analysis category for the first time. Please confirm.
Analysis of balance changes of Steem Inc.'s major accounts, 2018 YTD

In the past, I've posted a lot of analysis in the Korean community, but now I will try to contribute to the global community and utopian-io as well.

Thank you.

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