Reddit & Google: No Unauthorised Thinking Allowed! Search Censorship Discussion is Verboten!

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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You might think that discussing the benefits of a search engine like duckduckgo would be desirable to the duckduckgo team. Usually, online advocacy of a product is welcomed - but not on Reddit! Not only is it essentially impossible to highlight important censorship topics in key sub groups in Reddit, but it is generally very difficult to even get heard in the Politics channel unless you are using 'authorised' information! So much for free speech and liberty huh?

Please do check out the truly uncensored, blockchain based social media at Steem via the many sites that support it, including:

You can find me online at:

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

▶️ 3Speak


Thank God the steemit platform is part f the uncensored ones. There should be freedom of speech

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