10 Facts About Fluoride from the Fluoride Action Network (hint: It doesn't fix our teeth)

in #health7 years ago

Fluoridation is one of the topics I have explored the most in my research in the last 15 years. That's because it is one of the main topics to be understood if we are to understand why our health is declining, the agendas involved and what we can do to REALLY 'drain the swamp'.

Fluoridation goes against primary medical ethics guidelines, has a wealth of science AGAINST it - and yet, there remain numerous alleged 'voices of authority' daring the ridicule those who dissent against the deliberate, un-dosed drugging of everyone who uses tap water! I posted a detailed post on fluoridation here not so long ago - so I will just leave you here to watch this really great, short video of 10 key points about fluoridation that everyone needs to know.

Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


Hello, in the spirit of the #whalepower venture, I have upvoted your post. :)

Btw, I also think that fluoride is extremely bad for our health and I am now using fluoride-free toothpaste. The governments should have banned them long time ago.

thanks! yes, definitely - unfortunately though there are groups with influence in governments who are not looking out for what's best for humanity - putting it mildly.

Like the approach.

No fluoride in it.

very good - never heard of that before here

perfect video, yes - i saw that recently too. I'll add that to the fluoride katalist at ureka.org: https://www.ureka.org/katalists/view/7416/the-dangers-of-fluoride-and-what-we-can-do-to-heal-from-our-fluoride-exposure

Yup, I love that movie.

Thanks for the reply.

LMAO, does a lack of fluoride damage the brains ability to process satirical content, I wonder

I've been using flouride-less toothpaste for years, as well as Black Pearl activated charcoal tooth powder. http://amzn.to/2rCEYtP This stuff is absolutely amazing, but very messy. The charcoal really gets over everything unless you use it in the shower, which I recommend. But your teeth will be so white and clean, without any chemicals.

I brush with the black stuff too!

good to know thanks - i have seen that before but never used it - maybe i will try it :)

Highly recommend it. Also helps get plaque off.

Thanks for bringing awareness to this problem with fluoride, it shocks me that we still use it. Great post

thanks! yes, it appears to be that fluoride endocrine disruption qualities are the main purpose for it's use. in short, fluoride reduces procreation and thus lowers population levels. more on that soon.

I can't wait to read more, I saw your site and you really are dedicated to this cause. It dumbs us down, used in Germany during WW2 to keep fewer soldiers and more prisoners in camps because it made the prisoners less aggressive.
It's funny seeing those old commercials from the 50-60's about fluoride being so great and kids jumping up and down in pools.

yes, there is evidence that the main reason for it's use is to lower reproductive levels and thus lower world human population. :/

It's not always easy or cheap to be fluoride-free. I get my pure spring water free. See if there's a spring near you: http://www.findaspring.com

yes, good idea - though it is important to check the spring water too - some spring water can have high levels of fluoride and many other contaminants. i was drinking only untreated spring water in portugal a few months ago and my teeth got infected.. not fun. thankfully, organic oregano oil cleared out the problem.

Yep. Best to get that spring water tested. Sorry to hear your teeth were infected, but oregano oil is powerful stuff! Glad you are better now.

thanks! that water was from public springs in portugal and I am not there now, but generally, yes, it's a good idea to get springs tested.

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great, thanks!

I stop using Florida and drink tap water for over a decade, it's poison 😳❤️

sadly, yes - i will make a post showing how i make mineral water from tap water later today :)

I have three kangen alkaline machines at home 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

aha - ok - i have never tried those, although i know the basics about them. i am using the lower cost option of distillation and remineralisation here currently. i tried several filters, but my digital water meter showed quickly that they were all poorly thought out. :/

just followed you btw ;)

I think alkaline water is a scam, IMO. Your body tries works at homeostasis. Drinking highly alkaline and highly acidic drink are both bad. Natural spring water comes at 7.8 ph. Mountain valley spring water, Evian, Fiji etc.

both highly acidic and alkaline water can kill you or be used to clean driveways! they are both effectively caustic. i agree that good water is around 7PH or slightly higher.
I have never seen any research done that shows that alkaline water helps the body particularly, but I also haven't seen any that says that it does not help the body either. I am interested to read such papers but am already very, very busy!

Thanks for sharing :) Resteemed!!

you are welcome! thanks

It's disgusting how the mammon is lying to us and trying to keep us under control. But it's still more disgusting to see the ignorance of blind people that believe everything they been lied to by the mammon! Thanks for the share @ura-soul!
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you are welcome! 1

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