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RE: ..Out Of Order Until Some Basic Rights Have Been 'Patched'

in #steemit6 years ago


Very Good, I have a great admiration for your concern for the "Small Fry"... and the witnesses also have this concern. The HF20 architects have placed these new "controls" so as to reduce spammers and those who only wish to come in and drain the rewards pool, rape other's accounts and spam the F*** out of the system. The adjustment process is pretty much affecting all of us, except a few HUGE Accounts. This is not purposely done, it's just an unfortunate real-world effect of the way things are. Even folks at our level, (Dolphin) have had disruptions. And Dolphin is like top 5% so it pretty much has a negative impact across the board.

Good to see you Meike :)


I hope you are correct about interpreting the intended ramifications of this HF. I didn't quite get that when reading the technical write up, but then again, I'm not a coder or programmer. If this HF does prevent a large portion of the corrupt AI on this platform, things will be much better. Let's hope!

Thanks for the comment and the votes, but I gotta say you'd better rectify w/e is getting you flagged or this account is TOAST! Trust Me In This... 😆

I know exactly who is flagging me and why. It is berniesanders, who is also Abusereports, which by the way, has been shut down (nothing posted for two months). Why does he flag me... two reasons- just because he can and because he is a jerk! I (as well as others) called him out about his pilfering of the rewards pool (thousands $$) and rather than defend himself like a real man would, he just decided to play god and make me disappear. But I'm not going anywhere. I have powered down and now make my money on the exchange but I will stick around to see this asshat go down. Keep in mind Abusereports IS berniesanders, nextgencrypto (witness), ngc, thedelegator, thecyclist, iflagtrash, engagement, and more. Check out the votes on my post above... all one and the same asshat. He flags anyone and everyone who disagrees with him or who mentions his nefarious ways. He has been making money with abusereports raping the very rewards pool he claims to protect. He is the big cheater, the big scam! Open your eyes man, do a little digging (it doesn't take much) and share. This guy could likely single handedly destroy Steemit. He's doing a good job so far!

I'd say if you know what and why, fix it...

That's just about the biggest chickenshit cop out comment you could have come up with. Thanks.

I was trying to be nice, and still address the elephant in the room...
I have seen @berniesanders give people ample time to "change their ways" but you seem to be on "auto-flag", cuz I doubt he spends any real time following your comments around and darkening them.

And exactly what ways am I supposed to change? Calling him out as a thief? I will never change as long as he keeps upvoting himself from multiple accounts. He left me alone for almost two months, and while I didn't post much, he caught up with me and flagged everything again, for no reason. He's just a simple jerk who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, making his rounds for self-Aggrandizement.

Be nice to who, me? For what? I'm not the bad guy here. And exactly what "ways am I supposed to change?" Stop calling him out as a thief? I would never stoop as low as to kiss his crooked ass just to make a few cents on Steemit. I'll never change as long as he keeps upvoting himself from multiple accounts. He left me alone for almost two months, and while I didn't post much, he caught up with me and flagged everything again, for no reason. He's just a simple jerk who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, making his rounds for self-Aggrandizement. Now you got me charged up again and I just might expose the crap out of him on a constant basis. All depends on whether I want to waste my time playing with a turd.

If he really wanted to grind your account to dust, it would already be over. Takes about a day or two, tops. Unless there are now caps on flagging effects. I have seen accounts reduced to near zero or below in a matter of hours.

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