Entrepreneurial Archetype-My Journey to Success


Good Day Fellow Steemers!

My name is Maximillion and I am a Pathological Entrepreneur. I get high on the journey of building businesses. I have started several so far, some winners, some losers. Regardless, the rush of always being on your toes is terrifyingly empowering.
The truth is that the human species has been in a state of war since time immemorial. Wars of the past relied on humans fighting each other, face to face, for territory and resources. Today's wars are different, but the same. Is it really that hard to believe considering constant conflict all around us? Everything is at war, a permanent state of competition. Business is no different. Business is constant warfare, ranging from guerrilla warfare of Instagram Marketing to navigating circuitous routes to deal with a massively over-bloated government system equipped with anti-business rules, regulations and taxes.

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."

-- Ronald Reagan

It might just be speculation or my personality archetype, but this inherent drive for competition and passion for business building might come from this ancient spirit of warfare. This need to build and win is powered by passion, and once this flame of success is lit, it can hardly be extinguished. It becomes a drug. Why do you think all the top Vencture Capitalist invest in new companies? For the Money? Maybe. But there are so many ways to make money, why risk it on such a failure sport? I call it--the Entrepreneurial Archetype.

From the age of 6, I can recall trying out various businesses. In kindergarten, I remember convincing my grandparents to buy me a whole pack of bubbles after seeing all my friends blowing bubbles at recess. In my young mind, I thought to myself--if they are already getting bubbles, why not get them from me? ...Despite protests from my parents, I packed all of them into my lunchbox instead of bringing food the next day. I knew that my friends would be blowing bubbles at recess, so I left class a little early by lying about my stomach to the teacher(never apologize). Treading lightly, I grabbed my lunchbox as I left the room and quickly moved outside. (This was back when schools were not maximum security prisons). I set up the bottles in order by color as quickly as I could before it was recess time. As my friends and fellow classmates came outside, I picked up as many bubble wands as I could and started blowing huge bubbles. They were enamored, in awe of the spectacle. It was clear from then on, I would devote my life to selling fun. By the end of the day, I had no bubble bottles left, because they were all converted into US Dollars, my preferred currency. I made $6 that day--$6 back then was the equivalent of $10, if you adjust for inflation.


This is a good anecdote relating to the Entrepreneur Archetype. In my brief time on Earth, I have observed that real entrepreneurs focus on a few very important elements of business that elude most people. These include what I like to call the Focuses. In ancient Greek Myth, you had the Fates, who were responsible for determining peoples' destinies and lot in life. The business world is no different. You have Fates and you have Focuses. They consist of:

--Focus on Architecture: Sometimes you get the sale, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you get an investment, sometimes you don't. The absolute imperative focus must be on building a sustainable(profitable) system to continue. What if that day that I brought the bubbles to school, nobody bought them? What if they bought them and wanted more? In both situations, the key is to build something that will keep you afloat regardless of individual circumstances. It is not enough to simply have a great product or service, nor is it enough to just have an amazing spectacle. The purpose of being in business--is to STAY IN BUSINESS. Let's say you made one sale because you got lucky? Does that make you a salesperson or a successful business owner? NO. But if you build a business that provides a good or service at an affordable price and keep selling your good or service, with good customer service and repeat buying, then you are in business.

--Focus on Buying Motivation: What makes people buy? I will obviously do an entire other blog post about this, but for now buying motivation can be summed up in two primary ways. People buy because they have either been mesmerized by a sales presentation(bubble spectacle) or out of necessity. There is a spectrum of this, but these are the essentials. It is the emotional versus rational system, and it is the most powerful tool that salespeople need to master. Is someone buying this because the product is awesome or because their friend told them to get it? Are they buying because they cannot survive without it or because Kim Kardashian told them to. The "Why" of each purchase is extremely important.

--Focus on Sales: If you are in business, you are in sales. If you are not in business, you are in sales. Everybody is a salesperson, whether you like it or not and whether you are aware of it or not. You're always selling yourself, whether it is for a college admissions form, a resume or selling solar panels door to door. Selling, primarily the presentation of a product, requires unbelievable skill. You would not think it, unless you are actually in sales, but it is the equivalent of waging a protracted campaign against a heavily fortified enemy stronghold. Because that is what the average person is-- A walled off aggregation of powerful psychological forces. These forces guide individuals and the collective without us knowing. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to learn these forces and how to conquer them by building the trust required for someone to purchase a product from you. (Will do a long post on this as well).

There are at least a dozen Focuses, and I will write lengthier posts about them. For now, these Focuses serve as the foundation of being in business.


Every day must be a struggle to improve oneself. Every day is a battle to see more clearly why people do things(including yourself) and how you can win using that knowledge. Do yourself a huge favor. Make a habit of asking yourself certain questions every day. Asking these questions is critical, because one day when you do have a business, it will be necessary to ask them every day! If you want to win, ask them every second of every day, even when you are sleeping...As in war, the purpose is to win and the only way to do it is by being extremely perceptive and aware of all information that goes into the process. This must become habit for anyone wishing to join the business world. If you see something, say something right? Slow down time or reverse it if necessary. Find the moment of clarity. It is the most beautiful, clarifying force I have ever encountered. Ancient philosophers walked around all day searching for it and If you see someone buying product and have that moment of clarity. Start with:

Why am I doing this activity and what convinced me to do it?
Why do my friends buy these good or service X as opposed to good or service Y.
If I were to sell Product or Service X, how would I do it?
What are the top selling thing(apps, hardware, consumer products, etc.) today? Why do they sell so well?
How are other people making money? VERY IMPORTANT

With my Entrepreneur Archetype, I have started, failed and succeeded at several businesses. So far, aside from my younger bubble sales days, I have also tried every possible combination of online money making. These businesses include domain name sales, resume writing, blogging, drop-shipping, social networking site, survey business, affiliate marketing, Instagram marketing, niche websites and digital marketing. Unfortunately, some of these have not worked out, but some are currently working. At the moment, I run a digital marketing company(link in my profile) named Holofuzion Business Development.


Essentially, I am a digital architect. I create someone's business for them from the ground up--the same way an architect would. I build their business model and marketing strategy within the business plan and pitch deck. This pitch deck/business plan is used by investors to judge whether it is worthy of investment, and sometimes it is. Remember, most businesses fail within the first two years and only a fraction of those survive 5 years. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative to build a sustainable foundation, constantly test that foundation and innovate as often as possible. This has yielded mild success, but as with all things in war--it is a protracted siege. A war to win clients, business and ultimately, financial freedom.

Join me as I begin my new blog on holofuzion.com/blog(this is my first post!) Not just that, but I am still working on several ideas to make money online--And I want to take everyone with me! Share my journey :). Most importantly, I am trying to build up a large entrepreneur's network(Quantum Network). Primarily through an engagement system, where fellow entrepreneurs like, comment and engage with others to create a viral network. This is the most effective method of winning!So if anyone is an entrepreneur, especially if you are in the New York City area, and would like to get involved with any of these projects, please add me on:

Twitter: http://twitter.com/Holofuzion
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Holofuzion
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/holofuzion/

Thank You!!! Looking forward to comments :)



ah, a fellow New Yorker who seems to think a bit differently than most who seem to live around here, a rare find indeed! Almost as rare as finding a "superkewl mushroom" in Central Park these days...! lol :)

Welcome Tylerdurden000 ! Glad to see more people like you - here joining steemit !! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure!! Here you can win money while bloging! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. ! Cheers! Greetings, @khunpoom!

Just trying to tell my story:) Thanks for the feedback! Don't forget to follow, upvote, comment and join my steem group


Welcome here @Tylerdurden000 !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me...

absolutelyyy, can you upvote please :)

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I follow you, and to get more upvote and resteem - follow me!
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Steem on!

Hi tylerdurden000. Welcome to steem community! Great post, I will follow you. Please follow me too at @gaman

Absolutely! Added you 🤘

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Welcome to steemit tylerdurden000, happy to have you here

I am @alienposts , my real name is achraf :)
Checkout my blog posts, Enjoy your time here and let's get this party started :)

In general, I look forawrd to what contents you might produce here.

I think original content on entrepreneurialism would be great.

On the other hand, likening business to war, while speaking to undeniable similarities between the two, is the kind of excuse politicians use to get people killed.

Commerce binds nations together. War is what happens when all ties that bind finally break apart.

For every merchant who profited from war, there is another who was destroyed. Commerce builds capital. War destroys capital (outside of the occasional promises to build capital in the aftermath).

Now that I gave my little speech, let me say that I will look forward to your thoughts on business in my feed. I suspect you know a lot more about it than me.

haha thank you for the feedback!
I meant war in the sense of the mindset, not really waging war on others lol for example, learn how to think like your opponent or being prepared in advance. Hopefully you follow and upvote in the future :)

Ha ha... Thanks!

I guess I could not resist preaching a little.

In any case, I look forward to a veteran entrepreneur sharing some thoughts!

ABSOLUTELYY, i will check your blog out as well. Thank You!

Wow! Looking forward to more posts from you. Check out my blog and follow if you're interested.

Just followed you :) gonna read your posts now....If you are interested in reading more and joining my Steem community, click the link below!


Welcome to Steemit!

Muchas gracias, mille grazie

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Welcome to Steemit !

Thank you thank you :) looking forward to reading your posts! If you are interested in reading more of mine and joining my Steem community, click the link below!


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