Support ALL Decentralized Social Media Platforms - Censorship Is The Only Competition!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Attacking @stellabelle or anyone else for simply wanting to try out another decentralized social media solution that may be more beneficial to them in one way or another is detrimental to the overall goal of supporting any and all platforms that are providing a way for the masses to ditch Facebook/Reddit/Twitter and any other social media outlet that censors and controls content.

There is a much larger goal here that needs to be focused on instead of starting a competition between this or that decentralized platform. We need to support them ALL. And by doing so, they will all get better with time and more of the non-crypto masses will eventually join one or the other or all to try them out.

I simply want a decentralized social media platform and I'm not going to stick with just one. I started with Qora and watched it fall apart (but is being rejuvenated again) and now I'm trying out Steemit, as I will all of the others. The more choices for content creators the better I say. Competition among these decentralized blockchain platforms is silly. They all are competing against the censorship and control of governments/corporations and we as a group should support them all.


tuck, I think people reacted so strongly because steemit made her, and now (in many peoples' eyes) she is "biting the hand that fed her".

I do not necessarily agree with the perception, but I can understand the reaction.

Whoever thinks that Steemit made stellabelle is mistaken.

She had quite a following before coming here and brought that following with her and I'm fairly certain a lot of them will follow her wherever she goes. She will be fine with or without Steemit and Steemit is lucky to have her and should do whatever it takes to keep her around, like solving the issue she and others have with the inability to block users. The "Mute" feature is obviously not working out as planned. It doesn't even block the people you mute from the replies tab on your own page.

iirc the money situation was not so good before steemit for her -- but I could be wrong.

Agreed on the mute feature, it does not work as one would expect.

I understand you're not arguing with me and this is not directed at you ...

I think this needs to be said to address any misconceptions that stellabelle, or anyone else, owes an unbridled loyalty to Steemit for simply being rewarded for their work.

Money does not make the individual, the individual makes the money. She earned every dollar she was rewarded by working for it. She has no control over how much she is rewarded by those who choose to upvote her content. Had she posted the same content here and made very little money, people would have no issues with it if she left or what she had to say regarding Steemit.

The only reason anyone is getting upset with her saying anything perceived as anti-Steemit (which it wasn't IMHO) is because she was given money by others. But that was not a payment for her to be pro-Steemit, nor was it a payment for her to only post on Steemit, nor was it payment for her to remain only on Steemit. They rewarded her for her individual content and that was the end of the transaction.

They did not buy stellabelle, nor her loyalty and she owes no one anything. She is not a product that upvoters bought. Her content was the product of her work and upvoters paid her for that work and that work remains here on the Steem blockchain forever, IT can never leave, IT is loyal to Steemit forever. Stellabelle, and anyone else posting here, is free to do whatever she pleases no matter how much money her content is rewarded.

We are all free to cash out our rewards for our work whenever we like, unlike some seem to indicate. It's not a sign that the person doesn't believe in Steemit, just like it's not a sign that anyone of us do not believe in our employer because we cash our paycheck each week. It's because we want to be paid for our work and it's our right to cash out whenever we like.

Content creators are also being given access to only 50% of their pay each day, while the other 50% is locked up for 2 years. I can't think of any employer on this planet that holds your pay for 2 years and only allows you to cash out 104th of that 50% each week. So those complaining about people cashing out don't have a leg to stand on and it's in poor taste to attempt to demean anyone cashing their paycheck, so to speak.

I dare anyone complaining about people who are cashing out their pay for their content to not cash out their paychecks from their day jobs for the next 2 years. Put your money where your mouth is and let's see how that works out for those complaining. ;)

I admire stellabelle bravery to stand up and criticize.
Same as tuck-fheman.
You are both very popular and established users so your voices are important.
I am happy to see people like you standing up, when voices like ours (users with little SP) are marginalized:

NOt that i attacked, or even commented.

But, i do think there is a certain sense of entitlement in her post that might rub many the wrong way.

Bemoaning a system where her post "only" made $150 or whatever (which would be more than many users' biggest post), or bemoaning the whales influence when she has been, arguably, one of the biggest beneficiaries of whale influence makes it appear hypocritical.

I remember in Rok's "evil whale" post, she ardently defended the system where the benevolent whales rewarded all the awesome authors with their perfect judgement (paraphrase obv) , and anyone who thought some people were getting more than they deserved were just jealous and greedy.

I really find it difficult to imagine how she might reconcile the views from that thread with the views she expressed recently.

It mostly does work. Just try using it and see what happens. I agree that it's not fully fixed yet, but it is better. It seems to work properly with the initial posts on a post timeline, but not so well with comments on the main branch. They still have to fix it, I absolutely agree. I am developing an app that has a block function, and I certainly won't be letting it fail to work as long as the guys have. I gave them a prod about it and it's somewhat better. I should reopen the ticket and show some screenies. It needs more work still.

The ticket is here:

If you don't have a github account, make one, add your voice to this. It needs to be fixed completely.

Spot on. The fighting and "tribalism" is crypto all over and it is just silly. Only a fool puts all their eggs in one basket.

The whole point of these platforms is to enhance your life not to "rule" them. It is about giving control back to the individual - so this idea that people should some how be in permanent servitude of Steemit and are somehow owned by it is insane.

I suspect a lot of people are using this as an opportunity to to have a go at @stellabelle and that is the main reason for that kind of response.

Present people with an opportunity to have a voice and to get paid ... and they use that opportunity to look for tall poppies to cut down.

There are many Bitcoin maximalists out there, who basically refuse to support projects unless they're based around BTC. To me, that seems like they might be missing out on valuable opportunities. I'm definitely not going to adopt the same attitude when it comes to Steemit. Bring on the decentralised Facebook killers - as many as possible!

Considering how little reward and how many votes you get for your amazing posts, it is self evident that the important whales purposedly ignore you.
You question the status quo designed by whale fellowship of mutual admiration.
Keep up the good work. We support you.

Hey Tuck, always appreciate your opinions man. Yes, competition is good as it instills growth and in the end we, the users, benefit most as we get the best product with the best features that survives in that competing market.

Still, since we're here, and since we've seen what Steemit has done so far, I believe we should have a little more faith in it. I'm not saying people are flocking to the Synereo boat and abandoning Steemit but that seems like the trend the past couple days when people compare the two.

Synereo seems to have a lot of potential. I don't know why most mention only the Social Media part of it. It is a platform that allows any type of app (dApp), Social Media is just one of the potential ones.

I'd say we wait a little longer before expressing opinions and comparing the two. Why? Mainly because we've seen a couple months of Steemit but none of Synereo. Best thing to do would be to check back on this discussion maybe towards the end of 2016?

I have faith that Dan will do whatever needs to be done to solve the current problems. That said, I feel that lower priority features are being implemented before the major issues are being addressed, and that is concerning especially during this crucial time and while many feel there is a mass exodus of users from the platform.

The fact a post like this can go up, and stays up, says a lot about the authenticity of the platform.

free market, free market, free market.
The "best" platform deemed as the "best voting algorithm" as seen in the eyes of content creators in the market deserve to win the quality content creators. That being said, just a comment that @stellabelle did not grumble when she was getting thousands from this platform... why now...? And you said it right at the beginning!

Spamming here with your post, LOL:

Free market,coinbitgold? Where? No markets are ever free. People are not on equal footing,
they don´t have the same starting positions,the same education,the same start-up capital,etc. Steemit is not good advertisement for the free market. We are seeing insane power concentrations. Isn´t this what will always happen when you have "freedom" with little or no ethics about social justice and fairness?

Isn't it free market that bloggers are allowed to choose which paid to post platform to go to, depending on their rewards? Did steemit put a gun at you and say no, you are not allowed to go to other platforms to blog?

coinbitgold, apparently you did not understand what I said. my definition of freedom was inferable from my post. Read it again. and then try to reply to what I actually said. If you would be so kind.

Very well said !!!! :)

Did anyone else notice the AMP's big spike in price since all this discussion fired up about it over here on Steemit?

Good post tuck. The competition between them will make them all better. I hope it brings out the best in all of us too.

It makes sense to support decentralization of social media in every form. Id rather post to three decentralized networks that offer me variety, than to one Facebook. And would rather those three existed than any of the centralized ones.

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