Developments in Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

in Popular STEMlast year



Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is on the move, and workers around the world are taking keen interest. Will AI take jobs from white collar workers? Will AI enable us to achieve higher productivity and actualization at work? These questions can pose many philosophical questions about the meaning of work and the

For more workers, AI can be a help or hindrance. We need to realize that AI is a disruptive tool, and it is here to stay. The largest companies on Earth are investing into AI, and already AI is proving to be a formidable tool. For many, the way they work and their ouput and contributions at work will never be the same.

AI can help employees by increasing their ability to optimize tasks and workflow and by reducing rote work. Process automation is a trend in the workplace that has been evolving for decades, and AI is the next step. Chat bot programs including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, the GPT-4 protocol and Google’s Bard can help employees track trends and get answers quickly and accurately. We know that workers’ productivity has been increased due to the adoption of machinery and automation from factories to hospitals since the Industrial Revolution at the turn of the century, and this will be impacted by AI.

Amazing, a joint venture between IBM, Samsung and the University of Maryland has produced an AI scientist named “AI-Descartes” which has worked on gas modeling and the has examined the movement of planets in our solar system. Partnerships between companies and universities with large budgets and strong talent will produce AI that can and will impact the way we work. The AI-Scientist shows how AI excels at finding patterns and analyzing data, which may help workers improve their productivity and realize more accuracy in their endeavors.

AI was created to help people do work. We control the inputs and the end goals for the AI systems in operation. Capital flows into projects designed to help workers be more effective, and certain jobs may incur losses of personnel while others may see inflows of new hires. To act like the Luddites did when automation arrives is counterproductive. We need to figure out how to invest into AI technology in a way that makes sense while understanding what we should do to protect workers and properly regulate AI. These herculean tasks require investment, consensus standard creation and partnerships between companies and governments of all sizes and locations. It’s not all doom and gloom, and many will directly benefit from AI on the job. We need to be intentional here and focus on technological, philosophical and legislative solutions going forward.

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