This Rock Is The Weirdest Animal You Will Ever See

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to another post of my strange animals series where you get to meet some of the weirdest, coolest, and craziest animals on a daily basis!

Ever wondered what's the world's weirdest looking animal? If you ask me, it's a rock. You heard that right, a bloody rock:

Credit: Arvid Puschnig

Ok, ok. It's not a rock but it definitely looks like one, until someone slices it in half that is.. Meet, Pyura chilensis, known as piure in Spanish, a tunicate of the family Pyuridae. Never heard of tunicates?

Without getting too much off topic, tunicates are marine invertebrate animals that spend most of their lives motionless, attached to docks, rocks and other hard surfaces. Oh yeah, they come in some pretty cool & trippy designs too:

Polycarpa aurata (credit)

Rhopalaea Crassa (credit)

Rhopalaea Sp (credit)

Clavelina moluccensis (credit)

For some reason, Pyura chilensis decided to stand out from the rest of his relatives by looking like a boring rock..with guts!

Now let's learn more about this weird creature, starting with a brief history lesson :)


The first written mention of the creature comes from 1782, by Chilean abbot Juan Ignacio Molina, in his book "Saggio Sulla Storia Naturale del Chili.". The book describes the life of Chileans in the Chiloe Archipelago and among other things he mentions that P. chilensis was one of their sources for food. [1,2]

Where Can I find One?

Surprisingly, this alien rock thing can be found on planet Earth, usually occurring in dense aggregations in the intertidal and subtidal coast of Chile and Peru. Sometimes individuals occur in small patches or even alone.

Pyura chilensis) at Maitencillo Chile, in the Valparaíso Region (credit)

What's with the red liquid inside?

Crack one of those suckers open and immediately a red liquid starts oozing out. Is it blood? Oh, yeah it is! 

What's so strange about it, is that it can accumulate extremely high amounts of a rare element called vanadium. Although extremely rare in nature, for some unknown reason  P. chilensis and other tunicates have plenty of it inside!  According to Scientific American, the concentration of vanadium in their blood can be up to 10 million times that of the surrounding seawater!  [3]

What and how does it eat?

This motionless creature feeds by inhaling seawater. Don't try this at home! Once inhaled, the water is filtered for tiny algae using a moving layer of mucus in its enlarged pharynx.

What about sex?

Apparently, some scientists wondered the exact same thing, so they did some research and in 2005 published a paper on how these rocks have sex! [4]  

What they found is that individuals are born as male, become hermaphroditic at puberty, and reproduce by releasing clouds of sperm and eggs into the surrounding water. The collision of the two results in tiny tadpole off-springs that eventually settle onto a hard surface and grow into the adult form.

An individual can have sex with itself although it prefers the warm company of other horny rocks when given the chance.

I am hungry. Is it tasty?

Since the creature is even eaten raw by Chileans, I would guess it tastes good enough. The taste has been described to be reminiscent of iodine (maybe because of the vanadium?) or "something like a sea urchin though less delicate in flavor" with a "slightly bitter, soapy taste".

In case you plan to go and eat a bunch be warned. There have been some toxicity concerns raised, due to the animal's high concentration in vanadium.

I would eat that ! (credit)

The End

So, this is pretty much all the basics you need to know about this self-sexing rock. See you tomorrow, in my next strange animals post. 

In the meantime, enjoy this German guy killing a bunch of them for no apparent reason:

I am german-challenged so I asked my fellow steemer @suesa (she writes some pretty good stuff check her!) if she could shed some light. 

Here's what she said: 

"They talk about people eating that and say it looks awfully disgusting. A woman asks who wants a bite but  everybody refuses comparing it to some horror movie-like creature. They also wonder if they have to cook it first. So in conclusion, just some people messing around with this poor thing"




 My dear readers, thank you for reading today's article. Hopefully, you found it interesting enough to follow me, @trumpman. You may also want to check my strange animal series where you get to discover some of the world's weirdest animals!  Here are the last 5 weirdos of the series: 

  1. Lexias Pardalis: The Caterpillar That Wanted to Be a Peacock!
  2. Pariphiculus stellatus: New Weird Crab Species Discovered In Taiwan
  3. Yellow Boxed Fish: Is This the Cutest Fish or What?
  4. BigFin Squid: Creepy, Alien-Like Terror From the Deep
  5. 9 Incredibly Weird Animal Penises !!!

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Interested in science? Please, don't forget to check the @steemstem, a community-driven project meant to promote well-written,  high-quality, STEM-related content (STEM as for Science, Technology,  Engineering and Mathematics). Just click here to join us! Also a big thank you goes to the @steemiteducation project for liking and sharing my content. Check em out, they have some cool stuff :) 

Greek Community
A final big thanks goes to all my fellow greeks who support me with their love! You guys rock! A special mention also goes to @rouketas and @skapaneas for bringing us all together and @ruth-girl for making me the avatar below! 


That's a cool article :)

thanks maki ^_^


I love this darwin-esque, 'can I eat it' thing going on with this series lol.

Don't try this at home!

Pff, I do it all the time to clear my sinuses

Glad you left a comment. I wanted to expand thatbreathing part but totally forgot. I am of to the dentist, I will edit when I am back :D

Sick bro! A bunch of Bloody Rocks (insert English accent)!

Glad you liked it brother! :)

For sure bro. Hope you got the brewery deal aquired.

Still waiting for an answer :/ Dunno, it was like 100 people for one position. We will see. Thanks !

Haha, oh shit. Well if not this one then there may be one in the future.

LMAO English accent!!! I did - it works so well :D

Not going to lie. I scrolled down looking to see if you could eat it. I definitely would be into that. I do love me some sea urchin.

hahahahahhahahha :D

Amazing. Never saw such an animal before...

Thanks for sharing man. I've seen some pics of these Alien-ish things before. Amazing!
I believe planet Earth has just too many of unexplored creatures that are just waiting to be found

Hope my next strange animal is something you haven't seen before ^_^

OMG that is so frigging cool, love it @trumpman

Thanks mate :D

Η 2η φωτό μοιάζει με καρδιά... Δε θα ρίσκαρα να το φάω αν και μάλλον πρέπει να έχει γεύση όπως οι ντόπιες φούσκες(χάλια και αυτές) resteem

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