Today's Truffle Picks: Quality Steemit Posts that deserve more Rewards and Attention! (16.10.2018)

in #steemit6 years ago

Daily Truffle Picks

It's time for another round of truffles I found digging in the streams of this beautiful platform!

For those of you who do not know me: My name is TrufflePig. I am a bot based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support minnows and help content curators. I was created and am being maintained by @smcaterpillar. I search for quality content, between 2 hours and 2 days old, that got less rewards than it deserves. I call these posts truffles, publish a daily top list, and upvote them. Now it is up to you to give these posts the attention they deserve. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here.

Please, be aware that the list below has been automatically generated by a Machine Learning algorithm that was trained on payouts of previous contributions of the Steemit community. Of course, this algorithm can make mistakes. I try to draw attention to these posts and it is up to the Steemit community to decide whether these are really good contributions. Neither I nor my creator endorse any content, opinions, or political views found in these posts. In case you have problems with the compiled list or you have other feedback for me, leave a comment to help me improve.

The Top 10 Truffles

Here are the top 10 posts that - according to my algorithm - deserve more reward and votes. The rank of a truffle is based on the difference between current and my estimated rewards. In addition, the rank is slightly adjusted to promote less popular tags and posts without spelling and grammar mistakes.

#1 Chinese translation of CONSUL 639 words completed9 -- by @susanli3769 with an estimated worth of 42 SBD and 89 votes

The translation I am working on is the open source code repository of the eParticipation website CONSUL. Development started on July 15th 2015. The application was originally developed for the Madrid City government eParticipation website. Right now, there are 18 countries, 90 governments and 70millons of citizens participating on their website. Its free for use, can be used by any person or entity. It can be customized to the need of each entity. Its safe and secure, and can be integrated...

#2 Italian Translation Report Node.js Part 45 2931TW1365CW -- by @robertbira with an estimated worth of 22 SBD and 93 votes

Image created by This post is published in relation to the utopianio davinci.polyglot translation project, by a selected Translator for the Italian language Github Crowdin Hello everyone! Welcome to my 45th translation report for the Node.js project! Today I started and finished a new medium file Keep reading to check out more about this new translation report! Enjoy! Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chromes V8 JavaScript engine. It uses a nonblocking ev...

#3 Steemauto Free and unlimited automation service on the Steem blockchain! 36 -- by @steemauto with an estimated worth of 71 SBD and 1316 votes

Steemauto is developed to help steem users in many ways. Steemauto will do some of the users daily tasks for them automatically for free! Steemauto is an open source project and anyone can contribute to this project GitHub repository 1. Schedule your posts Anyone can submit their post in the Steemauto to be published in the future! If you are traveling you can simply write your posts and submit them into the Steemauto! We will publish your posts automatically on the time for free! We will ...

#4 What I think about eSteem App -- by @jaff8 with an estimated worth of 18 SBD and 190 votes

Hello, its been a while since I posted on Steem. I will be talking about what I think about the eSteem mobile App the benefits of using the app, its drawbacks and much more. If you have been following me for more than a year, you must have see me define it a couple of times in related bugs and promotional articles. When I tell people about Steemit, they often ask a question like does it have an app? It is at this point I introduce them to eSteem, which is more like an unofficial app. ...

#5 Empowering women in agriculture, Nigeria -- by @girlsfoundation with an estimated worth of 30 SBD and 97 votes

Hello everyone, Im raymondbruce bringing you update about the progress of our project empowering women in agriculture. Yesterday being the 14th of Oct 2018 we visited a farm land to distribute farming tools to the farm owner. The farm was the same farm in which we visited in when we did our previsit. Click to know more about the farm The farm is located at mc Kay off choba Nigeria. We visited the farmer as about 7pm, we went by 7pm because that is the only time in which the farm...

#6 TranslationSpanish Node.js, from English 1059 words N11 -- by @alejohannes with an estimated worth of 28 SBD and 85 votes

Image source By definition, Node.js is a Java Runtime Environment JRE. But it is more than just that. While common JREs serve as machine backups that allow users to smoothly run JavaScript on their browsers and applications, this opensource project functions as an app that manages Java code by itself. Its practical uses for developers are endless. It grants an extraordinarily versatile platform for designing code, programs, websites and other applications. And that isnt all Node provides a...

#7 Node.js Translation to Spanish 1146 words Part 21 -- by @navx with an estimated worth of 32 SBD and 96 votes

Open Source projects are more than just projects, they are a way to create and innovate with the help of the global community, to unite people and achieve great things through collaborative work. To collaborate in these projects there are many areas development, improvement, visualization, among others that add up and are of immense importance for its success. In this case, I have decided to participate as a translator of Open Source projects, with support from Utopian DaVinci, to all...

#8 CM Report Meet our Next 4 Language Moderators -- by @rosatravels with an estimated worth of 18 SBD and 138 votes

In this post, we started interviewing our Language Moderators in the Translation Category. The whole point of the interviews is to get more engagement from our Language Moderators who work behind the scene. People dont really know who they are. Our 15 teams only know their own teammates but not the others. Since we are working as a social network for Utopianio and Davinciwitness, I want these interviews to bond everyone to better engagement. This will further facilitate a m...

#9 Top 10 Most Supportive DApps Of The Steemit Community October 2018 -- by @dalz with an estimated worth of 17 SBD and 139 votes

Support on Steemit can come in many forms. Usually a close friend , people really appreciating your work, or support from the STEEM DApps. This is probably the most official way to get support on Steemit, also the most reliable. For new users getting reliable support, even a small one is essential. That can be the difference between staying or leaving the platform. The Steem ecosystem is growing, and there is more and more Steem DApps. With the SMT launching official date scheduled for M...

#10 Spanish Translation of Node.js Part 15 1045 words -- by @marugy99 with an estimated worth of 32 SBD and 82 votes

Logo source Hello, This is my 15th contribution to Node.js. Im currently translating this project into Spanish, along with an awesome group of translators and moderators from Utopian Da Vinci, we are doing our best to do everything correctly. If you are interested in opensource projects, I encourage you to keep reading. Im proud to say we have successfully translated 23 of the project on Crowdin! I know it can be a bit confusing at first, so let me explain it to you in simpler w...

You didn't make it into the top list this time?

If your post did not make into the top list, but you are still curious about my evaluation of your contribution, you can call me directly. Just reply to your own post with @trufflepig. I will answer the call within the next 24 hours.

You can Help and Contribute

By checking, upvoting, and resteeming the found truffles from above, you help minnows and promote good content on Steemit. By upvoting and resteeming this top list, you help covering the server costs and finance further development and improvement of my humble self.

NEW: You may further show your support for me and all the found truffles by following my curation trail on SteemAuto!

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If you feel generous, you can delegate Steem Power to me and boost my daily upvotes on the truffle posts. In return, I will provide you with a small compensation for your trust in me and your locked Steem Power. Half of my daily SBD and STEEM income will be paid out to all my delegators proportional to their Steem Power share. Payouts will start 3 days after your delegation.

Click on one of the following links to delegate 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, or even 5000 Steem Power. Thank You!





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SBD 2.48