When People Seem to Think They Know What Is best For you!

in #love6 years ago (edited)


My lifestyle is not for everyone. It is certainly not for anyone who is afraid to get dirty, or who likes to live a life of conveniences. There are many things that I need to undertake daily, but I enjoy these things. It doesn't bother me that I don't have hot water in my truck, I just need to heat it up on my cooker.

Living this close to nature, and I have lots of insects that share this space with me and also lots of mice and occasionally a rat or two. It doesn't seem to matter that there are 3 cats in this family. I have a humane trap which I use and when I catch any mice, I find the best place possible to relocate them, which is at least 4 or 5 kms away, cos they are very good at finding their way back. I honestly would not mind them just visiting once and a while, but they are so destructive, and they just poo everywhere and they are so loud. The scratching in the middle of the night, that is just too much for me, so they have to be relocated. This week I caught two and they were super cute. My two eldest daughters wanted to keep them. But I just had to remind them how loud they are and they were in agreement about the relocation.

You really have to have a certain type of mindset to live this way. I get some people asking me how I manage to share such a small space with 3 kids, but you know what, My truck is a palace, compared to other vehicles I have lived in. That and the fact that I have 6 x 250watt solar panels and a fridge freezer, to me it is the lap of luxury and of course I have the internet too. Space wise, well we spend so much time outside, my girls love to roam around the land, it really is not an issue for me. I could never image shutting a door on my girls at night or during the day, I want them close to me. And that is it really, this is how I want to raise my girls. I want them to have the freedom to be outside and explore and build and create. But I also want to be a huge part of their life, I want to know what they are up to and I want them to know that I am there for them when they need me.

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I love co sleeping, my 2 eldest mostly want their own space which is really just above me and my youngest, but sometimes they still want to sleep down with me and that is fine also. Sometimes I don't want them in with me and that's okay, setting boundaries and maintaining them is so important. Self care is so important and they will only see that importance by me practising it. By saying actually I need to do this for me. My girls are more or less involved in all that I do, besides when they are away building forts and climbing trees, but we make lots of decisions together. It is important for them to see what is needed in order to get through the day and nurture and nourish oneself. These are life lessons that are so important, so necessary. I want my girls to be able to take care of themselves.

But of late, because of my circumstances changing, some people have been visiting me and expressing their opinion about what they think I should be doing, what would be best for the girls and me. One of those things is the idea that I should move back to Ireland (my motherland) so that I can get state payments and probably a house too. Mine you there is huge housing problems in Ireland, even though there are thousands of houses sitting empty, (but that's another post really.), so I could not really see that happening, but that is not what I want.

I understand that for some people it has really helped them out, but I have always followed my heart, listened to myself and it is through that, that I am where I am today. This is the life I want to live. I want to spend my days outside, and not be dictated by the weather. I want to live a minimalist life style and try my darnedest to have a minimal impact on the earth. I did not come this far in my life to just turn around because of a bump in the road.

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This is where your mindset comes into play. I know that if I really want something, that it will happen, as long as it is on the path that I am following, a path that benefits my relationship with the earth. See here's the thing we are of the earth and the earth wants us to succeed. Succeed in living a life of harmony with her. I know this, I feel it and I have faith that although things do not always happen as I think they might, that the journey I undertake is one that is making me stronger and strengthening my bond with her. I have everything I need, right now in this moment, my girls are behind me playing as I write this. We have just finished eating a healthy wholesome meal and more than anything we are healthy and happy.

I have so much to be grateful for and when I open myself to abundance, then abundance I shall receive. I don't think too much about what will happen down the line, I have had some people say well what about this scenario, what if you run out of money and get stuck somewhere and what if, what if. But I do not think like that, I do not give energy or time to those thoughts, because you know what if they did happen I will deal with it. Why worry so much about something that has not happened.


I know that these people are saying all of this with the best intentions, because they are genuinely concerned and want to offer some advice, I know it comes from a good place. But I also know that some get a little frustrated when I say I will deal with it if it happens, the fact that I have no plan in place kind of freaks them out. They really feel I am unprepared and maybe living with my head in the clouds. But my feet are planted firmly on the ground and I have faith in my capabilities and the fact that things will come when I need them and if not then I will make them. I am the creator of my own reality and I will never see my children go without. But what I see as essential is not as necessary what others see as essential. But welcome to the beautiful diversity of the world where we all sing to our own song and where we have so much potential when we allow ourselves to create.

On top of that I have had some people tell me, that maybe I should send my girls to school, you know where they can socialize and learn things. Not much I can say to that only, it is this world I want my girls to know about, to be a part of not some fake reality where they have no idea what is going on. You really need to be a part of the world you live in, to understand what is important. But then again, it is all about choices, right, I make mine, just as you make yours. As long as you are happy with those choices and that you follow through from your heart, then all is well.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



I'm so glad that you're sticking to your own vision. I was just writing to someone on a different question earlier about how my life changed from constant frustration to easy manifestation when I realized that all my worry was like constantly praying for what I didn't want. Those people trying to help you are probably people who worry and find themselves many times in a tough spot. They imagine that if they didn't worry things would be worse, not realizing that it would actually be better!

Keep on keeping on, sister.

thank you Sister, it is so true, we really need to have faith and trust in our abilities, it all comes down to how we think and allow ourselves to think. xx

I felt like alot of time was wasted going to school... That if I had the option I would of chosen something different especially as I loved to draw and only really wanted to do that as much as possible and not much else excited me apart from drama. Apart from learning how to read and write and basic math I don't remember much else from school..... Apart from all this brainwashing by reading ceratins texts, learning certain parts of science and history. When it would of been benificial to learn something more practical, and outside of a building, being out in nature!

yeah me too, although there are some who enjoyed it. But there are so many skills that are not shared or taught and I have no desire to send my girls to an institution that only teaches them to conform and obey. Good to hear from you my friend, I hope you are well xxx

I love that you have the courage to do YOU. No explanations or justifications required to ANYbody. If it's any consolation, I live in a nice house and get the same do-gooding visitors too, who worry about me not having enough income, not ever getting a pension etc etc. They're half jealous and half ignorant. And that's OK. I try to feel the love and let that other shit GOOOOO. Well done you for teaching your girls that they can manifest any reality they choose. :) xxx Hugs from Thailand. x

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