My Visit To Taman Negara Rainforest (National Park) Malaysia (Part One)

in #travel4 years ago

Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to visit all the rainforests in the world. My bedroom was full of pictures that I had cut out of magazines, pictures of the jungle and of different maps from around the world. The first jungle I visited was in Palenque, Mexico, followed a few years later by the amazon and after that. the rainforest in Cairns, Australia. Taman Negara, in Malaysia was the last I have visited, for now anyhow.

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I had been living in Australia for 3 years, when I decided to spend some time traveling in Malaysia and Thailand, with my partner of the time. We had flew into Kuala Lumpur, eager to explore the country and the rainforest. Taman Negara is one of the Oldest Primary Rainforests in the world. (Primary, meaning old growth). In fact it is 130 million years old.

I was super excited to go and after traveling on a bus for a few hours, when we arrived at Kuala Tembeling and caught a boat along the Tembeling River, into Taman Negara.(You can see the boats in the picture above.)

I was mesmerized the whole time that I was on that boat. There are not many things, that top traveling by boat, with lush green jungle either side of you. I was in my element.

Daydreaming about all the wildlife that was living amongst those trees and imaging the sounds of the forest. So alive with a orchestra of insects, birds and any number of furry beings.
My eyes were glued, wondering if we would get to see some animals come to the river to drink. But it was past midday and wild animals know better than to expose themselves to that heat. Drinking mostly at dusk and dawn. Just miles and miles of pristine jungle, it took my breath away.
Me looking very content, if I may say so myself, one of the only times I did take my eyes off the jungle. It really was hard to decide which side to be looking at.I am known for biting my lip after saying the word wow, which I certainly exhausted during this boat trip.
And then we arrived at Kuala Tahan, a village across from Taman Negara that we chose to stay at for 5 nights, complete with floating restaurants and some of the most colorful homes that I have seen, throughout my travels.

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This amazing family home, had rooms to let and it is where we chose to stay. We did not book in advance, deciding instead to just go there and try and get accomodation. There were not many to choose from, but this lovely spot was about a 15 min walk up into the jungle and had such lovely views. (I wish I could remember the name of this home, but unfortunately I cannot.)


What I absolutely loved about this accommodation, ( besides how warm and welcoming the family were) was all of these positive affirmations and signs that were located throughout their garden.


Reminding me to be present and relax. To let the busyness of Kuala Lumpur slip away and fully embrace the jungle!

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And this wonderful sign above, in a corner of their property, so very poignant today and everyday. It really was beautiful to get up each day and be surrounded with such powerful messages. Seeing them now, is inspiring me to do the same here, to help spread positive vibes and remind each other to be more mindful, more aware.


I had to include this photo,(although it is not a great one) which was from the room we rented. There were different animals painted on the walls as well. I love insects and was eager to get out and see some, so seeing this on the walls and doors had me very excited.

That's it for part one,(got to see to my girls), but in part two, I will share my trips deeper into the jungle, both on a night walk and during the day, including a treetop walk. This has stirred up some wonderful memories for me and I long for a time when we can travel freely again.The jungle is calling me!


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