Living A Life Surrounded By Magic - EcoTrain Pop Question Of The Week

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

Magic, Magic all around.


I have had many conversations with my girls about magic and what it actually means. I remember when they asked me if magic was real and I told them, of course it is , oh they both got so excited.

Well, where can we learn it?

They asked.

Ah but what do you mean learn it, what kind of magic are you talking about?

It transpired that the magic they wanted to learn was the type of magic, that they could perform in order to turn invisible or turn a person into a mouse.

But that is not the magic I speak of.

I told them.

What you are describing is the magic in stories, the magic that was created from some one's imagination, this type of magic, well you can find it inside books, within your dreams. It is in there, that you can become invisible and shape shift if that is what you desire.
The magic that I am talking about, is the type that you can see, that you can taste and even touch at times. It is the magic that happens all around us.


They both looked at one another and shook their heads, not happy with the response that I had given them. They really wanted to hear, that there were in fact super powerful wizards and magicians out in the world and that perhaps one day they could become one too. They looked at me as if I had shattered their dreams.

But there is so much magic in the world.

I told them.

Just stop for one moment and think about all the amazing things that your body does for you, the way that your feet carry you forward, the way that your eyes allow you to see, the way that your body is made up of millions of cells all working to keep you alive. Think about all the good bacteria in our bodies that are doing such a great job in keeping us healthy.

Of course we can look at the science behind all of this, but then we are leaning more towards the more logic side of our thinking. Magic is more about trust, it is more about the feelings that we experience, the confidence that we hold in ourselves. It is seeing ourselves for who we truly are, we are magical beings. Think about the magic of words, how the words we say can really brighten up some one's day, how what we think creates what we see.

Think about, how we are in fact the creators of our reality, we hold the power within ourselves to bring about change, to create the world we wish to live in.


We do not need to become wizards or magicians to bring about change, we need only, to tap into the power that we each hold inside. To remember our place within nature, to connect with the memories of our ancestors. True magic lies in embracing who you are. It is learning to listen to yourself and trusting your intuition. It is opening yourself up the energies of the earth, allowing yourself to feel the many subtle and not so subtle changes throughout the day, the weeks, the months and the years.

True magic lies in seeing how wonderfully unique we all are and celebrating the diversity of life. It is seeing the many similarities we have and yet being able to celebrate the many differences too. We are creators and we can create our own magic, we just need to believe that we can.

Do you?


Such a great lesson you gave your girls about magic. It is indeed all around us, part of us, and we are part of it.

Still, I would say, there ARE powerful "wizards" out there, who may not be able to turn you into a mouse, but they know about their power, can manifest things, and tap into this magical world that's around us. Sure, they are not the types of wizards from storybooks, but what they do remains just as "unexplained" to those who are not aware of magic.

that is very true @stortebeker indeed we all hold that potential x

power post! great esoteric vibe here.. which i always love to see! <3 u are magic xxx

ah thank you Alex, we are all magic xx

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Nice @trucklife-family. your post is absolutely truth, magic is everywhere, even in apparently simple things, as the functioning of ones eyes.

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Magic on a stage, magic in a book, magic in a song, magic on a plate. The very stuff of life is magic, as you have said. All creation is sprinkled with fairy dust.
How are your feet today?

thanks @owasco, my feet are much better, still a few spikes in there but they will come out with time xx

This is absolutely beautiful, I loved how you shared the conversation and lesson you shared with your daughters. xx

thank you lovely xx

"Creating our own magic" with the powers we have.
A great lesson for your kids to learn that they have powers, if they can recognize them.

I often tell the Pre-K kids I work with, that they have super powers, especially when they are wishing they were Elsa (from frozen) or super heroes or something like that. I try to have them stop and see the powers that they have - the power of kindness, that they can brighten folks days and make people smile!
It doesn't always work and they go back to wishing they were Elsa. But perhaps if they hear it enough, that they have power, they may come to draw on it and realize that it was true - they do have power!
Thanks for sharing this conversation with your kids!

I am sure they are taking it all in and one day they will surprise you by saying it back to you, kids are great like that xx

i love how you brought it back to the everyday magic that is so easily overlooked. great response to your girls, mama <3

thank you beautiful xx

Aaaww.... your little orange bird feeder is too cute! I love that you, as a mom, have chosen to teach your girl about real magic, as opposed to stunts and tricks and illusion. The magic of wonder, the magic of an open heart, the magic of forgiveness. That, of itself, beings to make this world a better place. Happy Mother's Day, Mom. x

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Well put “True magic lies in seeing how wonderfully unique we all are and celebrating the diversity of life.” So much wanted to write about this just didn’t get the chance. 😕

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