LandArt - TroilosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Nature's Inspiration

Today I was looking for something relaxing to do. Doing monkey tricks everyday is sometimes a bit exhausting for my brain and my body.

So, I had some free time during my lunch break. 45 minutes to be precise. I decided to go by the lake and see if it was going to give me some inspiration.


The first thing I did was walking by the shore to gather some feathers and some shells. It brought me to make this random creation:






A Friend

A curious guy came to observe me. (But I think the food I had with me was his main motivation.)



Steam off

I still had some time to waste (or to gain?), so I made a little boat, don't ask me why. I was just following my random thoughts and inspiration. Maybe my desire to set off on the high seas.



The LeafeatherFly

I had 25 more minutes to spend. So I decided to go for a small walk in the forest by the lake. I gathered some leaves, and started to create a shape out of them. It's a really nice feeling to clear your mind, and just let yourself create something absurd.






"The LeafeatherFly" will be already blown by the wind at the time you're reading that. Thinking of that, adds some beauty to ephemeral art. These mayfly ephemerid short-lived creations.

And now, back to the "reality": Back to work, back to the laboratory.



End of the day

When I finally finished, I went cruising by the lake in my town. It was just before the rain, right in time to build a Cairn. :)








Short video

If images are not enough, you can watch this short video: (No monkey tricks this time, haha)

The music is an integral hang improvisation played by a friend of mine, thanks to him for letting me using it!
You can find him here.

See you!


"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein

Thank you for stopping by. <3


And stay tuned! I will try to tame and domesticate this swan soon. :)

I will make my swan compete in a dance battle against this well known goose!

A comment is always welcome, I try to respond to all of them, but not these ones:



Nice man! That LeafeatherFly is awesome.
It's like found object art but with elements of the natural world. Never seen art quite like that. I had to fractalize it, hope you don't mind.

And that Einstien quote? Perfect.

Woaaaah thank you so much, this fractal is awesome. (You know I love fractals)

I love the LeafeatherFly, it reminds me of the flower of life. You get quite a bit done during your lunch, I'm impressed!

:) No break, always in motion.

Great photos thanks for sharing.

Thank you Ribalinux!

well spent day... and nice creativity i love the thing u made with that feather and leaves...

When you tame the swan for the competition, play this tune yo!


Haha Perfect!

Nice post man, love that creativity, with random stuff you just make an awesome piece of art. The goose is trying to understand whats going on there, lol.
Great way to spend you lunch break, keep skating and posting. Have a great day my friend.

Actually, this is a swan :D

Thanks for the correction, English is not my native language so I'm constantly making this kind of mistakes.

WOW your relativity is off the charts all of this during a lunch break and such cool creations

The rock statue thingy is also very cool there's a couple of people that regularly do it at te beaches where I live, meet one last week as he was finishing it off and was cool to the see, the other person we have known each other on FB for close to 3 years now and I have seen many of his strange and rock creations sometimes apparently within minutes of him finishing them but we have never bumped into each other yet

Haha, thank you.

These rock statues are called "Cairn". You should try to do some too, it's really relaxing. You can even join these people at the beach where you live, and add even more Cairns!

Cheers my friend!

Not sure I have the patterns for building them I am always moving back and forth so photography is the hobby that works for me always looking for different angles and perspectives for shots


Wow @Troilo, very steem! Upvote lot, Much follow, Pliz bakfollow! haha sorry just had to do that xD

I see what you did there!
Haha. Cheers!

rock statue is amazing and other pics are also good

giphy-downsized (5).gif

@troilo what lake was this?

The first one is: Lac Léman
Second: Lac de Neuchâtel

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