Time Is Your Greatest Asset

in #triptolemus6 years ago

I was watching a really great youtube video by Gary Vaynerchuk today and he was talking to a bunch of young people about how time is their greatest asset and they shouldn't be overly worried about life.

His message was amazing and I knew I had to share it in my own way.

Time is Your Greatest Asset

The idea of time being more valuable than money is something that seems to get lost on a lot of people.

It's not all that surprising when you consider the fact that the entire workforce is trading their time for x amount of money.

Our whole society seems to run on money. Everything you do costs some amount of money and that's just the way it is.

Making money is, unfortunately, an essential burden that we have to bear in our society. We need money to survive and buy the things that we need like food, clothing and shelter.

But what you do for that money is what is quintessentially important to me. The way that you earn a living, should be a way that you want to live.

Especially when you are young, you should be tasting everything that life has to offer. You should be traveling, you should be meeting other people and learning about their lives, you should try every job, creative endeavor, craft, art form, etc. that you possibly can.

You only get one life and it's up to you whether you want to spend it in a cubicle or out in the real world garnering true and meaningful experiences.

The evolution of the internet has allowed millions of people to exit the 9-5 grind and enter a new era of living - a means of making money with their passion. A means of making money while they sleep. A means of no longer trading time for money...

I see cryptocurrencies as another means - maybe even a betters means - of creating that type of financial freedom. The kind of life where you don't have to work on meaningless crap in order to buy the things that you need and want.

STEEM is even more so in this category than many of the other cryptos out there. You can (theoretically) earn a bunch of STEEM with nothing but a smartphone and an internet connection.

More practically, earning STEEM is hard when you don't already have something. While it's hard, notice that it's not impossible and you'll see the opportunities. Add that to the fact that you can work hard in some other occupation and then use STEEM as a "side hustle" (as GaryV would put it) and earn your financial freedom 1 day at a time.

Time may be our greatest asset, but I think STEEM is a whole different beast. I think STEEM is something that can earn you back that lost time. I think STEEM and the Steem ecosystem can provide millions of people across the globe with the opportunity for financial freedom. Someday.


Thanks for the post. Time is indeed a very valuable Asset, and how we use it is of great importance. Nice!

Thank you for reading it!!! I agree! Time is our most valuable asset!

Gary is as usually on point here

time is precious that “time is money” but it is much more than that. Time is our greatest asset, Time is one of the few things in life that you cannot get back ore person waste of time is another’s time well spend it time is our greatest asset. You have to use it wisely! Every minute that goes by is a minute less than you have available to you, this is the reality of life thank u for sharing this post great work on it.

I'm glad you liked the article, what was your favorite part?

Former Beatle Ringo Starr announced a few years ago that he would no longer sign autographs as he didn't want to spend his remaining years doing so. He was peeved to see his signature for sale up on eBay after giving it to "fans."

Can't say I blame him. We all have a limited amount of TIME.

Time is the one thing you can't really buy. One of the equalizers in life.

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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Lost time is never found again

nice & very motivating article,
this is true that time is the most beautiful assett

Once you spent it its gone so dont waste it

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