From Funny and Hilarious News to Interesting Discoveries and Shocking Events | [LEARN & EARN - Week 25]

in #learnandearn5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!

Here is my entry for the initiative LEARN & EARN - Week 25, hosted by @brittandjosie.


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This week I've learnt some interesting things, laught a bit about some weird news that made the headlines... and along the way, I got shocked by a few events. Here are some examples.

A €600.000 Mansion in Portugal was listed as being a €12.000 Hay Barn, for tax and money laundering purposes.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in a corruption case which started after a private corporation which had received €3.1 Million from the EU funds was sold by only €1, two years after its inauguration!

The "Hay Barn" you see on the image is where the EU funds ended up being used, amongst other things.

The owner of the company is now under arrest and it's not probable that he's going to see freedom for a while.
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From funny to hilarious...

New rules were set in place for the Police Officers in Portugal, forcing them to buy (and pay) their own equipment, using a single Online Site. 😱

Well, the ONLY site where Police Officers are allowed to buy... is a total crap, delivering with huge delays, mismatched orders and even defective products - like the trousers you see on the image, already tearing apart in their first week of usage... 🙃
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Let's move to more interesting findings, now...

A Scientific Study discovered that changes in the bio-markers of the human body can be identified up to 30 years before the symptoms of Alzheimer appear.

Check out the article at the Science Alert site.
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Earlier this week, the University of Bristol published a paper by a British researcher - Gerard Cheshire - claiming to have cracked the code of the Voynich Manuscript, a mysterious medieval text written in an unknown language whose meaning has baffled scholars and scientists for more than a century.

The Voynich manuscript is a strange illustrated manuscript thought to have been created in the 15th or 16th century. Its name comes from antiquarian bookseller Wilfrid Voynich, who purchased it in 1912.

But a Massachusetts expert, Lisa Fagin Davis, a medievalist and the executive director of the Medieval Academy of America, disagreed from the findings, saying: "His methodology is flawed in so many respects. The whole thing just falls apart."

Gerard Cheshire replied: "It was inevitable and expected, given the passion that the manuscript arouses, that a marginal group would find it difficult to accept new evidence. The paper has been blind peer-reviewed and published in a highly reputable journal, which is the gold standard in scientific corroboration. Thus, all protocol was followed to the letter and the work is officially supported. Given time, many scholars will have used the solution for their own research of the manuscript and published their own papers, so the small tide of resistance will wane."

You can read more about this controversy here.

If you want to draw your own conclusions, here's the blind peer-reviewed paper.
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Just like I said in the introduction, this week there were some events which shocked me. This is just one of them...

In an elementary school in Tennessee, USA, an 11-year-old girl was sent to the principal's office after telling classmates to stop making the Nazi salute. 😱

Read more about this odd and shocking event here.

I strongly believe that if the American and European Governments weren't pandering to the Racist Regime of Israel for the last 7 decades, our World would be a much, much, much better and more tolerant place to live in. Since our Governments have been so eager to accommodate a racist and hateful entity, we might as well stop claiming "Never Again."

Israel was even hosting the Eurovision this week, just like Nazi Germany proudly hosted the Olympics, in 1936. Dejá vù!

Open your eyes, people. It is happening again! It has been happening for the last 70 years and no one cares. The only difference is that the previous victims have become the aggressors... and the new victims have darker skin.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." ~ George Santayana
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Let's not end this post with on such a negative feeling...

This information is only relevant if you are a cat owner living in Portugal.

Just like what happens already with dogs, the Portuguese Government wants every cat to be identified with an implanted microchip until 2021.

Failure to comply will result in fines ranging from 50€ to 3470€.
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I hope you have enjoyed reading about these findinds and events. Let me know about it on the comments below.



Интересные новости!
У вас тоже есть коррупция и мошенничество!

You have learned a lot this week. It is interesting what we can learn from your discoveries....Thanks a lot for sharing.

Did not watch the Eurovision contest....I am in Mauritius right now...but learned Norway got the 5th place....

Thanks for stopping by! You're on holidays, eh?

Yes, on holiday :)

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Hi @trincowski ,
I was wondering if you would enter this week hahahah you were in time yeahh : 22.00 Hour , I now learned is a better closing time for my contest on Sunday.
First about the Eurovision : WE WON !

And the world would be a better place if we all loved each other more and be a bit more understanding in stead off being offended really quick I know that doesn’t solve everything but it’s a start !

A Scientific Study discovered that changes in the bio-markers of the human body can be identified up to 30 years before the symptoms of Alzheimer appear.
This is something I read too i a Dutch newspaper if that’s true and we can apply that to our medical care would be a huge breakthrough. Results we can only not see for years !

Ok time to close I have to draw winners,
Thanks for entering

Yep, that closing time is much better!

I never cared about Eurovision anyway. It's not my kind of music. I prefer stuff like this:

Ehhheheheh thats different hahaah i listened the whole song btw

You did? Wow! What do you think of it?

By the way, I like a few Dutch bands, too. This one is my favourite and I think you might like it, too. It's a lot more melodic than Jinjer.

She is so sweet and she is so amazing WT and solo she is it! They were invited to do the eurovision so many times but she refuses everytime. Doesnt like it at all. And Within Temptation has more fans outside the netherlands than in our country fucking strange.

I like

That's nice... but I get no adrenaline rush from listening to such calm songs, nowadays! Ah ah! 😈

One day one day you will ... than calm songs are the BOMB

Interesting views interesting news, that Voynich Manuscript, wud love to hear what it has to say. I hop it isn't " The earth is flat" LOL

Ehehhehhheeh! 😂😂😂

Very interesting information!
Good luck and new achievements!

Thanks for stopping by!

Some really interesting stuff, I find the Alzheimer one quite fascinating.

Thanks. More participants are needed. Will you join us, this week?

I will check the parent post, bookmarked.

You have learned a lot this week...I came here to see what you have learned this week... This week I only learned about some editing stuffs, International marketing and how it works and project management... Poor me...:(

That's nice, too! 😉
Will you enter this contest, this week?

What should I write?? About my study that I always do work on steem and study ... Will that work @trincowski...

Anything goes! 😊

@trincowski, You have as always interesting and varied news.

Thanks for your attention!

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