
in GEMS3 years ago


Original photo, no filter. When I saw these bright red flowers standing tall I couldn't help but walk up and take some close up shots for my blog. So much color, the bright red and bright yellow in the middle go together so well. Need a little bit of orange in there to make it complete, wait we have that here as well! If you zoom in there really closely you can see the pollen surfacing, it's died down a bit since this photo was taken but it's still out there floating around, the pollen that is. I've been doing my best to get exercise and take the right vitamins, it's possible I should pick up some allergy meds but we'll see if I can fight it off. So nice and sunny but if you're sneezing nonstop it's not so pleasant. My arch nemesis the wind helps contribute to the pollen getting spread around far and wide. Wind and pollen are two aspects of mother nature I'm not a big fan of. Can we have sunshine only please? Thanks in advance.

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