Too Much Teeth

in #funny6 years ago

What I got my wife for her birthday because she uses too much teeth when she's going down on me

gif from giphy


Or you can remove her original teeth and put fake ones!

Traffy, then you can have 100% safety by removing it while deep throat!


well i least i know she's over 18


where can I order one this

only from the dark web

Lol. From her smile, I'm scared to think about what will happen when the guests leave

probably uses the toilet brush to clean her teeth

i can overlook that
she's still pretty hot

with these traits??? it makes her unique

Now if only there is a way to reduce the talking afterwards it would be perfect

by afterwards you mean for the next 70 years

Everybody likes to bite, don't do that @traf.

Seems like that only solves the too much lips problem. Is that a problem?

well i doubt it's a solution

Seems like that only
Solves the too much lips problem.
Is that a problem?

                 - farmergreen

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

well thought , just don't forget the leash

LOL XD i can't stop laughing

wahahaha, this is funny

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