My entry into the Power House Creatives Contest - Your Favorite Pet Pics

PowerHouseCreatives Contest -Fave Pet Pics blog thumbnail.jpg

This is my last minute even though I started writing this about 5 minutes after the contest was announced entry into the Power House Creatives Contest, "Your favourite pet pics" with the amazing and awesomesauce @fionasfavourites stepping in to help @zord189 with the judging (I'm guessing because he's so busy creating his amazeballs custom signatures).

First up, here's the basic deets on the contest -

  1. Share 2 or more of your favourite photos of your pet - any pet. It doesn't have to be domesticated animal like a dog or a cat; it can be a horse, snake or even a spider that you consider a pet and therefore has a name.
  2. Write a little about your pet and what about the photo makes it your favourite - make sure that in at least one of the photos, the type of animal is recogniseable

Now to be fair, asking me which pet is my favorite is like asking me to choose between my kids! However, this little guy now has a special place in my heart since he literally knocked on our door back in November 2018.

This is the very first picture of him, taken the night he arrived at our doorstep, so we could post it on social media in the hopes of finding his owners.

I've been meaning to put together a followup post to my, "Please help us help this stray cat, and in fact it was one of the first ones I meant to do for #SteemBloPoMo, but it keeps falling out of my brain. So for now I'll just simply say that we quickly found his owners - turns out it was us all along!😊

first night.jpg
How he spent most of his first night with us - curled up on me.


Now he's become such a part of the family that it's hard to believe he's been with us for only six months.

4. Freddie doesn't seem to mind the camera.jpg
Hanging out with Sandy our dog, and Sid (that ball of black fur to the right of Sandy) our elderly cat.

Circumstances necessitated that we keep this wild guy indoors. While he's definitely very interested in the outdoors, he hasn't tried to make a break for the front door, so I'm guessing he's okay with it.

Feb 13 - Jim took a picture of Freddie watching the squirrels outside the window.jpg
Squirrels and Juncos outside our window keeping him amused, and us amused by him!

Oh, and by the way - his name is Freddie.

Freddie lounging May 10.jpg

Thanks for stopping by!

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Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...


Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

I have 5 cats in my house. It's crazy but also lovely!

What a lovely cat Freddy is!
I can't believe he can stand straight on two feet. Our cat has never done that unless he stab you on the legs with his front paws. :)


He's quite the handsome dude! Glad you gave him a forever home since he fits in so well!
Our last cat that adopted us was totally accepted by our other cats when he moved in (literally came in through the cat door) So how could I turn him away!

Wow, The cat is so cool stands on two legs! I only saw this on YouTube))

Awww! @traciyork your Freddie does what our Ginger Melon used to do! Wheels-up! She's my post today... She must have sent her alter-ego and changed gender along the way to New Hampshire! He is gorgeous!

Freddie looks like an awesome cat and good luck on the competition 🤞😁

Nice pose for the thumbnail image :) I hope Freddie has fun. My regards.

A blessing came down the road and knocked at your door! Sooo Cuuute!

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