Feathered Friday - A Cooper's Hawk visit on July 9th, 2017

in #featheredfriday5 years ago (edited)

Earlier today, when the eldest was outside with our dog Sandy, and was talking to us through our bedroom window, she looked up and said, "Look! A hawk! Oh wait - it's a crow." It somehow reminded me that when I was looking at my unedited bird photos for last week's Feathered Friday, I noticed I had a bunch from a Cooper's Hawk visit on July 9th, 2017.

Over the years, I've submitted a number of photos to the HawkWatch International Ask An Expert website, and I've gotten some amazing assistance with identifying the hawks in our neighborhood. So usually if I've labeled a photo, it's either because I've gotten confirmation from them, or I was confident enough that the hawk looked like another that had been ID'ed. All of which means I'm about 99.99% sure this is actually a Cooper's Hawk. 😜

I also found I had a handful from a hawk flyby in the spring of 2017, so I thought I'd include them here as well.

But before I get started with my latest contribution to the Feathered Friday tag that @melinda010100 has kept flying on the Steem blockchain, be sure to check out the post Melinda did for this week's Feathered Friday - she has some adorable Hairy Woodpeckers captures!

Now here are nine shots from July 9th, 2017, and five shots from March 2nd, 2017 from my rather large unedited photo collection (which is different from my other, rather large edited but not published photo collection 😜).

A Cooper's Hawk visit on July 9th, 2017 & some hawk flybys

  Cooper's Hawk visit
Around 4pm this particular day, I looked out our bedroom window and spotted this beauty grooming himself on a tree branch (and I'm sure many of you recognize this branch, as it's made a number of appearances on my blog). He was so intent on the process that he didn't seem to mind when I ran outside with my camera.
  Cooper's Hawk visit
Him noticing me noticing him.
  Cooper's Hawk visit
We'd had a rainstorm earlier, and guessing from how he's shaking, he got a bit wet...
  Cooper's Hawk visit
... and a bit cranky.
  Cooper's Hawk visit
He took off and landed on a branch a bit further off.
  Cooper's Hawk visit
I soon realized why...
  Cooper's Hawk visit
... he wanted to spread his wings in the sunlight to dry!
  Cooper's Hawk visit
I've shared a different shot of him drying off from these handful of shots...
....but not these three.
While I can tell from this shot that this is a hawk, it's not a clear enough capture to tell what kind
Since he was flying around, it was hard to zoom in to get a clear enough shot to ID
But still, there's something about a hawk silhouette against the sky...
...that never fails...
...to make me smile.

Happy Feathered Friday!

Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
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Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...


The 'him noticing you noticed him' was way too adorable....

Indeed, how they spread their wings is simply magnificent!!!

Really beautiful shots you had captured.


The shots of him drying out his wings
That’s pretty cool
And his noticing you noticing him belongs in a song 😉
Nice pics as always

For some reason, I actually got the song, "Knowing Me Knowing You" stuck in my head when I was captioning this, @kaerpediem. 😂 And thanks so much! 😊

And I had Genesis' That's All
But what I like is we both had songs in our heads ;D

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a delayed resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie

Ok I am seriously jealous dear, we have one here every few months and I never get to get it to sit down and let me take pictures but one day one day hahahahaha I love the colors

LOL! Sorry not sorry @brittandjosie. As I've said bunches of times, I've been wicked spoiled by the wildlife on this property. Sending lots of good hawk juju your way! 😊

You captured some great photos of the hawk when he turned around, @traciyork.

Thanks, @redheadpei! I got lucky that he was as interested in what I was doing, as I was in what he was doing. Much appreciate you kind words. 😊

99.99% accurate seems close enough to being sure to me and what great shots of them, and I do agree there is something so striking about the silhouette of a hwk flying over

Why am I not at all surprised that you'd appreciate hawk flybys too, @tattoodjay? 😊

And now you see why I was so jealous of the amazing shots you got. They are such amazing creatures to have in your viewfinder.

Ohh they truly are, I have been lucky to see that same hawk to more times but not up so close, now I am working in another building so will have less chance to see it

Amazing series of photos! Great captures of him drying his wings! I don't know if I have ever seen that before. Thanks for posting to #featheredfriday!

Oh, you captured every moment of it. Nice!

He was nice enough to let me, @rem-steem! And thanks! 😊

That hawk is beautiful. And yes, the silhouette of a hawk is very special. Now I know what a hawk looks like in the air. I'm afraid they all look like great big birds to me. I have no eye for birds! Plants. I can do plants.

I used to be the same, @owasco - it was only thanks to the incredible patience and generosity of a local birding group, as well as the awesome people at the HawkWatch group, that I eventually started to figure them out. And thanks so much! 😊

Great post and pictures, @traciyork! I love hawks. We have many here and I get totally excited when I’m driving and I see one perched on a telephone wire or flying through nearby trees. Your pictures are so incredible!

I'm the same way - we joke the hubby and our eldest are hawk whisperers, because it seems like they show on the wires whenever either one is driving. They are such amazing birds, and thank you so much! 😊

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