Steemit: A Social Media or a Quality Content Dumping Ground.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.
Dale Carnegie.

I’ve heard a lot of people complaining that they post quality content and they get low rewards despite their quality content. I believe that the reason why that may be happening is that those people are not paying attention to a very important part of steemit which is the fact that Steemit is a social media platform. To succeed here, need to socialize. You need to be sociable.

@boxmining said that when he started Steemit, in order to get followers he socialised like a madman. If you know @boxmining, you would agree that he has a lot of followers on youtube and he has quality content but he too had to go through the process. He started from the scratch.

You need to socialize . I'll give you five tips that will help you socialize on steemit and get you more followers. These things actually helped me when I was just a tiny minnow.

How to Socialize and thus Get more Followers and Upvotes.

Join a Smaller Steemit Community

Steemit is like a vast ocean and if you come in as a loner you may just be lost in this vast ocean of awesomeness. You need to be part of a smaller tribe. You need people to support you and help you grow. I’m currently an admin in a WhatsApp group and whenever someone from the group enters a contest, he asks for help, we all go to lend our votes and our support. You need that kind of support to help you grow here. Register in Steemit chat. Connect to people. Join a discord group. Make sure you are part of a smaller group. It would help you.


Make new friends

Be friendly like @stellabelle. I don’t know how she manages to reply to all those comments on her post and yet have time to create awesome quality content and then go the extra mile to comment on other people’s post. I assume that she is a very busy person but she still takes time to know people personally. She is awesome. People tend to like you when you can relate to them personally that is why she is deeply loved in the Nigerian community.

I like to make new friends. This is one of the reasons why I started Sundayselfies contest. Sundayselfies is a great way to make new friends and connect to people.
So many people don’t use their real pictures as profile pictures. I want to know that you are some human being. I want to see your face. I want to know you. One of the reasons I organize this event is to meet real people. To see their faces and hear their stories. There are too many robots on steemit. I don’t like getting comments from ‘spambots’ and robots(except minnowbooster and randowhale, lol).

Invite your Friends to Steemit

This is very important. By doing this you are exposing them to a lethal dose of auspicious awesomeness(the opportunity of a lifetime).
Steemit is a social media and human beings are emotional beings.
The truth is that if i see a picture of my best friend in Steemit. I am going to upvote his picture because he is my friend. If you have the best quality content and nobody knows you, who is going to upvote your post?. I invite all my friends to Steemit. Most of them don’t get it, but it’s only a matter of time. If you are a quality content creator then it means you must have a lot of followers in other social media.


Invite them to Steemit; when they accumulate Steem Power, you wouldn't have to worry about low payouts.

Help People

If your quality content is so ‘quality’ that it doesn’t solve any problem then what kind of quality content is that?. The truth is that, what you spent two weeks studying and researching and creating may not be valuable to others. Value is a matter of perception. They say one man's meat is another man's poison. So think in terms of your audience. You can ask them what they want. Getting feedback is very wise. Whatever you are posting in Steemit must be adding value to Steemians.


Use the Golden Rule

Do what you want others to do for you. If you want people to upvote your posts, then upvote thiers. I make it a habit not to ask for anything on Steemit once I discovered this secret. If I see a good writer with a sizeable amount of Steem Power and I want him to put me on his Steem voter(lol), this is what I do. I start by following him, commenting on all his posts and resteeming. I put him on my Steem voter. If you want people to comment on your post, then comment on theirs post. If you want the people with a lot of Steem power to upvote your post then go and get a lot of Steem power. If you the whales to follow you, be a whale.

I decided I was going to be a whale in Steemit when my voting weight was just $0.02(lol). I have grown and it has been one hell of a funfilled and educative journey. Today my vote weight is worth much more than 15cents. Beyond the money I have made some really cool friends. I'm going to be a whale one day and all my friends are going to be glad they know me. I wish I have a lot of money to accumulate Steem Power.

Accumulate Steem Power

Does Steem Power affect the way you socialize? Yep! It makes you more attractive.
If you want to be noticed, you need Steem power. You can use your earning to accumulate SP. As a newbie if you cannot stand the sight of cents in your post then get a lot of Steem Power, you can also use Minnowbooster and Randowhale to boost your post. Steem Power is such a beauty. It does not directly guarantee that you will earn the big bucks. It actually increases your capacity to give. It makes your upvote worth much more. Do you remember when they say that give and it shall be given to you pressed down shaken together and running over. If you have a lot of steem power, you can upvote yourself and others. Human beings are selfish and greedy. I’m not judging. Its fact. When people see that you have a lot of Steem Power, they will follow you as if you gave them a love potion(lol).

There are many other advantages of having Steem Power. I have written a lot about Steem Power. I believe steem power is the best investment you can make in cryptocurrencies this year especially if you are a content creator.

One more thing

Don’t compare yourself with anyone. Steemit is a full time job for some people. If all you do is spend 10 minutes on Steemit then it's not fair to compare yourself with some other person who is investing their entire life into the platform.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I hope it was value for your time. Please leave a comment if it was and if wasn’t please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Thank you.

Sundayselfies contest is my way of showing love and giving back to the community.

It's a weekly selfie contest that opens on Sunday and closes on Saturday.



This is so awesome! Its things like this that keeps me going on the platform, presently I think my upvotes just gives$0.01 but then I am so encouraged and I am getting to meet a lot of thank you for making me realise that its going to be worth it in the end!!!

Its going to be worth it

This was an excellent post, the goal here is to spend so much time making friends that you don't have time left to complain. I laughed pretty hard on the spam comments joke, that was gold.

It's good to see you busy and working towards large goals that will help out a lot of people. You are a great rolemodel, and put the social aspect back into social media with this post.

I'm also here to let you know that I'll be entering your Selfie Sunday contest this week c:

Take it easy, and stay fierce @tojukaka!

Hey @tojukaka ! This is truly meaningful post man. Im only starting my adventure here but I can see huge potential of Steemit and you totally right that you need to build relationships with people not hoping that someone upvote your posts. Morover i do believe that steemit will change the history of social media platforms and will potentially take over entire space of it. Keep up great work man! Greetings from Poland!

Thank you so much for your graceful comment bro.
I feel like an international man. Lol

Thank you so much

See u @sundayselfies

@tojukaka, you deserve to be steem president o. I need to come and learn at your feet


Great post, @tojukaka! You nailed by saying that people don't put in the necessary steps to find their audience. Then gets people disappointed in Steemit or the whales or themselves. It is an endurance game for now because the platform doesn't help us much to get found. But there are many tools to speed things up.

I also like the fact that you say that people need to give value which they would like to have for themselves. That is what I do. After grinding through Steemit and researchiong so much I decided to do tutorials and help people who are new. Their upvotes might be small today but they will grow and they will remember who has helped them. :)

Exactly bro...
The tutorials are deeply appreciated...
Thanks for such a graceful comment too

I read your and I benefited one or two things in your post. One is the SP you elaborated on. I have shifted my focus on upvotes on steemit, to making friends. I wrote something related with this in my last post. You may check. However, you expressed some sentiment that is a factor affecting the platform. Inviting people to steemit is easy, making them stay is another things. I introduced someone to steemit last week and she already signed up, i have been thinking of how to make her stay if her first post does nt have fair payout. Maybe you can drop some suggestions.

Right now steemit is still in the infant stage. The userinterphase will be improved on. I believe that in the future people will use steemit primarily because of the values that it offers

Thats true...
Most people will not get it
But the ones who can will thank you for exposing them to steemit

Yes, i believe they will get it soonest before their value is duplicated here on the platform, People all over the world are thinking of bringing value to this platform. Thank you for your response.

Nice one @tojukaka. I admire your persona, who you are, what you've achieved and what you are doing for the Steemit community.

Wehdon sir!

Thank you sooo much

I never regret a day making you my mentor

My boss

Just call me an apprentice

I love the ending part "MY NAME IS TOJUKAKA"
Great post

Your ideas are very true and totally agree with you. Steemit is for all. Everyone does whatever they want

Thank you very much for commenting bro...
Thank you

It's just my pleasure @tojukaka!

Dang! You are acing these posts awesome work. Dope Tee-shirt too ;) styles!

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