Virtual reality or augmented reality?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

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Hello friends of Hope ..!

For today a new post with something that has caught my attention, today I will focus a little on the virtual reality (VR) environment. I think we have all seen in a commercial the famous screen-lenses that allow the user to experience the sensation of being in a different environment, experiencing sounds and images generated in a virtual way, these work connected to a PC, a game console and even in some cases connected to a Smartphone.

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The objective of this “virtual reality” experience is to provide real sensations for entertainment purposes, however another of its great uses is to allow physical interaction with virtual environments before These exist, for example, engineering and construction projects before being built, and one of the best known cases is flight simulators that allow pilots to practice the required flight hours and learn about the operation of some aircraft through virtual interaction. .

Now, in the case of augmented reality (AR), seen as a variation of virtual reality, we work with an overlap of “unreal” elements on an environment real (existing), to offer the same experiences of virtual reality in terms of the perception of a simulated environment, remember Pokemon Go?


But like all technological advances, virtual reality and augmented reality have different purposes and utilities, starting with the fact that virtual reality depends on an interaction device (the famous glasses ) that the user must use in order to "live" the alternate reality. On the other hand, augmented reality is more focused on the use of superimposed digital images based on real images and the interaction can be carried out through a PC, Tablet or Smartphone, for example.

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It is an undeniable "reality" that these two means of perception of environments are a great help in areas such as engineering, architecture and construction to improve design proposals; medicine to improve therapies and treatments, among other cases more useful than the simple reason for entertainment. In fact, I think that for the area of virtual education that is currently in vogue, these tools could significantly support “the knowledge” that you want to transmit to students.

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Finally, I believe that realities perception environments will constitute a new modality of tests and trials, identifying and contrasting a large number of hypotheses before they are implemented in life real and thus reduce the margin of errors. The tactile perception, the sensations in the best style of "3D movies", the recognition and interaction of an environment "that does not exist" or before it is created, will allow solid progress on new projects with the great possibility of identifying problems, failures and deviations before they occur in "palpable reality."

If you liked this post, comment and let me know your opinion ..!

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Hello @tocho2
Making a good differentiation of what each is, interesting. I was particularly unaware of the points of difference between each. Thanks for clarifying.
I've never used either of them, but, it sure must be a very interesting experience.

Hello @josevas217, if you can visit any technology fair you can try it.

Thanks for commenting.

The scope AI and Virtually reality will expand in the near future. This will change the way we interact with our surroundings.

It is true @knowledgefruit friend, and I think it will be soon..!

Hola querida amiga @tocho2 buen día
Excelente post, aprecio que nos dieras la información para entender la diferencia, entre la realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual
Para ser honesto nunca he probado ninguno, he escuchado maravillas de ellos y el gran uso que se le esta dando

Aprecio tu dedicacion para hacernos llegar esta información
Te deseo un gran día

Saludos @jlufer, cuando tengas oportuniadd de ir a una feria de tecnología podrías pbrarlos personalmente y de verdad que como aporte a los avances científicos o como apoyo para la educación si se les ve la gran utilidad.

Gracias por la visita

Excelente publicación, en un centro comercial cerca de mi localidad hay uno de estos equipos y con sinceridad nunca lo he experimentado, he visto a las personas asustarse, brincar, emocionarse creo que es una sensación fascinante espero algun dia comprobarlo y en verda que buena y lucrativa información nos has brindado en tu post. Éxitos y bendiciones.

Saludos @miguel001122, te recomiendo que lo experiemntes cuando puedas..!

ok perfecto lo haré!!

Greetings @tocho2, your post is very interesting, I have read a little about flight simulations, and the construction of mega structures, I think it allows us to anticipate what may or may not happen, I have heard about augmented reality but above all in games, your post is really very interesting, thanks for sharing it

Hello @nahela, I think that flight simulations are hes most amazing talking about virtual reality..!

Interesting information. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for read my post @valchiz friend..!

Hello friend, the truth is an excellent project, I have not had the opportunity to experience it but I know it looks great, it must be a great experience and that it can be implemented in other areas is very surprising, very helpful, I imagine that for your specialty it must be very beneficial. Best regards.

Hello @franyeligonzalez, When you go out for a walk to a commercial center, see if there is a technology fair and you will be able to try at least the virtual reality glasses, you will be amazed ..!

I completely agree with you, if virtual reality is going to support our world and would be a reason behind our development then it's something humanity always needed.

Hello @lennyblogs, thanks for commenting.
What you say it's true, it would be a great help for us..!

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