Traveling Through Paintings #25

in #art5 years ago

Come walk with me as we travel through the many paintings 😎

---Start This Journey Here---

Slowly, ever so gradual the sky began to radiate in pinks and blues and greens and violets, and of course there were the yellows and reds as well. Slowly, the sun was about to take its course over these mysterious lands which I was looking forward to explorer. But for now I still sat here, taking in all which was taking place...

Finally the sun touched the edge of the mountain range on the horizon and leaped up over it to engulf these lands with a radiant shimmer. Colors exploded all around me and the sky started to turn into a beautiful ultramarine blue. The light sunk into the waters and illuminated that which had been sleeping in the long night: the water took on a depth which it did not have even in the darkest hour of the night: plants big and long, and small and narrow growing upwards from the bottom breathing with the water rhythmically; fishes and aquatic life sprung forth and mingled with itself; and of course there were the water lilies with their long tubular necks and circular heads dotted all over the surface.

The morning was still so fresh that nothing dared to disturb this heavenly peace and quiet and the lake became one big mirror and reflected the sky which had now become populated with some very fluffy clouds. Two worlds, two skies now lay at my feet and I just watched and let nature unfold.


As the day became fuller and fuller with radiance, so too the water lily roses overflowed with color and essence. Reds and pinks with greens and blues juxtaposed by yellows and oranges and turquoises. A whole sea of colors swirling in water as if they had been released by an artist's color palette. Yet they still held shape and form.


One more time I laid my eyes on this scene, imprinting it on my memory so that I would not forget the wonder. But my heart knew that a true moment could not be kept as such, but is instead only experienced in the present when one watches and listens with all of one's senses and lives and vibrates with life itself to become that which is observed and so the self becomes quite selfless.

Continue here (if the next chapter has been written already...


Oh! Wonderful! Love to have a small one on my wall. So, my place would be spring always!

I think I saw these in NYC at MOMA maybe. So pretty!

oh really?! Didn't know that one could see them in other countries besides France, cool :)

I think they were traveling for a few months, @tobetada. There were maybe six of them. Very impressive.

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