10 Benefits of Using an Oil Diffuser

in #health7 years ago

There’s more to oil diffusers than just making your home smell amazing, in fact there are many health benefits associated with their usage.

Before you go running out to pick up one to try for yourself, it’s important to understand the different types of diffusers that you’re likely to come across and what sets them apart from each other.

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Diffusers VS. Nebulizers

All nebulizers are diffusers, but not all diffusers are nebulizers. This is an important distinction you'll want to remember when you’re deciding which type of product to buy to begin experimenting with the effects of essential oils.

The main difference between a diffuser and a nebulizer is that a diffuser uses evaporated water to push out the essential oil out into the air while a nebulizer takes the essential oils and through its processing system, filters them into a gas-like state and then releases them into the air.

While both are widely used and fall around the same price point, many people feel that a nebulizer is the better option as they don’t alter the chemical composition of the oils making them a more natural way to absorb your essential oils. Personally, we agree.

Now that you understand the subtle difference, let’s dive into some of the many benefits of using essential oils with your nebulizing diffuser.

Beat the Blues with Mood-Boosting Essential Oils

It might be hard to comprehend that inhaling a sweet aroma can be the cure to relieving your stress, but ever since the invention of aromatherapy, people have been using essentials oils to relax and combat anxiety. Now, with advances in science, we can prove they really work.

Diffusing lavender oil in a nebulizer, in particular, has been shown to have remarkable effects when used to treat postpartum depression, anxiety and stress as showcased in this study.

Oils like bergamot have also been linked to anxiety and stress relief, as the flavonoids within it stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine, the “feel-good” hormones.

By using essential oils to aid with your mood, you’ll reduce your overall stress and the complications that come with it like having trouble sleeping.

Say Goodbye to Sleep Deprivation

We all crave a good night's sleep, especially after long work weeks, but do you know just how vital catching those z’s are to your overall health?

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Soft kitty, warm kitty,
little ball of fur....

Lack of sleep is linked to a weakened immune system, lack of focus, and even weight gain, so it’s not something you want to make a habit of if you can help it.

If a good night’s sleep and a boost in energy is something that appeals to you, you’ll want to try essential oils like lavender, roman chamomile, cedarwood and sandalwood, as they have all been shown to promote sleep and relaxation.

Daily Diffusing for Daily Protection

While making sure you get a good night’s rest is a great way to help keep your immune system in check, you can offer your body further protection with other essential oils.

What happens is that when the antimicrobials from the oils are released into the air, they quickly come into contact with any airborne pathogens, that might be looming and they catch them before they ever have a chance to get to you.

Think of them as little invisible fly swatters, batting away anything that gets too close.

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Do you want this guy buzzing around your home?

Many oils have been studied and proven to aid in eliminating colds and coughs and giving your immune system the boost you crave, making them your respiratory system's best friend, particularly around flu season.

For these super-immune effects, try using lemon, tea tree or eucalyptus in your nebulizer.

Get That Fresh Air Feeling From The Comfort of Your Home

With the weather quickly cooling, we’re already preparing ourselves for long days cooped up indoors away from the winter chill, so this is the perfect time to talk about the benefits of using a nebulizer to purify the air in your home or office.

Essential oils like oregano, thyme and clove bud are some of the strongest antibiotic oils. They help purify the air in your living space by eliminating any bacteria or fungus that might be present.

They’re the safer alternatives to things like candles or incense as you don’t have to worry about potential fire hazards or burn risks. In addition, unlike most consumer plug-in-scent dispensers, they don’t contain any harmful chemicals.

Mold and Fungus? Not in This Home!

Even fungus and mold don’t stand a chance against powerful essentials oils!

Studies show that pine and red thyme are incredible at fighting off fungus before it has a chance to spread throughout your home. They also aid in inhibiting mold growth of many varieties, even black mold and some strains of candida.

In addition, tea tree oil and eucalyptus are great oils to use to help combat dust mites due to their strong antiseptic properties as shown in this study. Those prone to dust-related allergies will also see a significant improvement in their breathing.

Protect your health and your home with these invisible heroes. Speaking of health, how’s that diet you're on going?

Trim Your Waistline Without Dieting

Keep hunger at bay with appetite-suppressing oils like lavender, grapefruit, orange and ylang ylang. These oils are particularly useful if you have a habit of reaching for the snacks after a particularly stressful day as these oils work together with your limbic system, which is the part of your brain associated with emotions.

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Dropping sizes in no time!

Beyond keeping your waistline in check, essential oils can be your front-line defenders against gut issues and can aid in preventing adrenal and thyroid diseases.

One of the most widespread diseases affecting people today is “Leaky Gut”, a gastrointestinal problem associated with poor diet and bacterial imbalances. Millions globally have experienced the discomfort associated with leaky gut, but much is still unknown about how to treat and prevent it.

Fortunately, essential oils can help.

If you’re interested in learning more about these kind of effects, check out this comprehensive video by Dr. Josh Axe.

Buzz Off, Mosquitos!

Pesky mosquitos and other insects are generally not what you want flying around your homes, and if you have small children or pets, the standard insect repellents you can find in stores are less than desirable.

While those repellents are full of harmful ingredients that are poisonous if ingested, studies on essential oils have shown you can avoid the consumer-grade repellents entirely and be confident in replacing them with equally effective (and better smelling) oils like clove and lemongrass.

Essential Oils Are the New Antibiotic

We’ve already gone over how essential oils can improve your immune system to help fight against things like the common cold, but the more they’re researched and experimented with, the more exciting the potential benefits of these oils becomes.

One study using Star Anise oils was able to effectively eliminate the herpes virus in patients at a remarkable 99% rate. Another study has shown incredible promise in protecting against influenza.

With so many studies still to be done, the sky's the limit for essential oils and we’re reaping all the benefits.

What’s That Smell? Oh, Just My Lemongrass

You might be wondering if essential oils are a good substitution for generic air fresheners to keep foul odours away, and you’re completely correct.

If you’re having trouble getting rid of a stale or musty smell, or maybe you’ve just moved into a home where the previous tenants were definite indoor smokers, essential oils are here to help.

You can quickly and effectively remedy these odours by diffusing oils like grapefruit, orange, lemongrass or bergamot, and your houseguests will be none the wiser, and in no time you’ll fall in love with their sweet scents.

Where Did I Put My….

As we age it feels like it gets more difficult to commit even basic things to our overworked brains, and sometimes focusing on even a simple task that you’ve done before can be a challenge. Don’t even get me started on that dreaded afternoon slump - you know what I’m talking about!

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Vetiver, cedarwood and lavender are all great essential oils to clear your brain fog and get you back in the game, mentally. They’ve shown to be effective in improving mental clarity and focus so you can tackle your projects with ease.

Start your day by diffusing some lavender in place or your morning coffee and you’ll reap all the benefits of caffeine without that nasty post-coffee crash.

The Take Home

Getting a diffuser or a nebulizer is a fantastic investment for every home, and as we outlined above, they’re benefits certainly stretch further than just omitting a pretty aroma.

Between improving autoimmune health, keeping your home free of mold and fungus, improving mental clarity, and helping you get that great night’s sleep you so outwardly deserve, the benefits to these powerful little oils is seemingly endless.

Personally, I can’t wait to see what further research and studies on essential oils prove what else they’re capable of and how we can better utilize these marvelous, natural oils.

If you liked this post and would like to see similar content, follow me @thisisjaimee and comment below!

Matt and I on New Years Eve, happy as a couple of clams who actively use oil diffusors ;)

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