Three 5-Minute Freestyle Writings-- Plus an Original Drawing

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

There's this 5-minute Freestyle writing exercise going around, wherein a writer sets a timer and then improvises in a sort of stream-of-consciousness story, poetry or anything at all, for five minutes. I decided to try it, and with an emphasis on the 'freestyle' part, I didn't even use a timer, and instead I freestyled the time that I was freestyling.

My 5-minute freestyle writing ended up being shorter than I liked, so I did two more, still using no timer, and they got even shorter. Determined to make a decent post out of this exercise, I added a 30-minute pencil sketch to accompany the first freestyle attempt, and finally decided that I had done all that I could for my first 3 tries. Enjoy, and give it a try if you like!

Three 5-Minute Freestyle Writings

  • 1. 'These Guys'

Ok which of these guys invented the laugh? They always sit in the same spot, and always that laugh; it starts with a 'B' and even has a 'w' before they get to the 'haha' part. It's amazing how much those two look alike, but I think the shorter of the two got the laugh somewhere-- the tall guy only uses it when he is not really laughing. I'm not sure why he uses it when he does, what, am I a psychiatrist now? I just don't think it comes as naturally to him as it does the other guy. Neither of them seem qualified to attach the 'bw' to the beginning of a laugh-- is anything really that funny? I wonder why they talk so quietly, only to ruin it with the laugh-- it's a loud laugh by nature of the 'bw' sound, if you add that to a laugh you had better have something that's funny enough to share with the whole class. I think I'll be disappointed when I hear what compels them to bwaahaha between themselves-- methinks they are too easily amused, but then it could be the funniest thing I ever heard. Never know.

These Guys

  • 2. 'Zippo Songs'

Can you play Free Bird on that Zippo lighter? The clink is solid, the clink says something. There’s a smell too, it’s not good unless you’re playing that song. Then it’s rock and roll. How many guitars does it take to play free bird? None, just one lighter. There’s several other songs that work on the Zippo, like ‘Hold the Bottle Honey’ and of course ‘Mary’s Got My Howitzer’, which is often played with two lighters at once. Good stuff though.

  • 3. 'The Sets'

It’s a set. One might set a thing or set it down, or find the whole set in cereal boxes, and ethereal boxes. I set out to see if all of the meanings of set were of any use, and the word became set in the vocabulary. A swing set comes to mind, as we set down our beers, but then no law is set saying we can’t drink and swing, and if there were we would be obliged to drink on the swing. Set in our ways, I’ve set my sights on when I see a sun set, the son is set for life as is set in the will.

thanks for reading these three five-minute freestyle writing exercises, artwork featuring These Guys by me, 2017 in colored pencil. Thanks to @improv for creating this #freewrite fun, and thanks to @jedau and @dreemit for passing me the idea for this writing exercise



that idea is so helpful for improving your writing skills but personally, I didn't try it for writing but I am using it for drawing for 3 months and I started to see better drawing skills on myself
I do that because I want to stop using pictures in my posts and draw the images that I want in my posts freely as I want
but I think I will start using it in writing too
thank you so much bro for sharing such helpful idea to the community

Now that I think about it, I've used this improvisational style in drawing for a long time, where my pencil begins the drawing before I can focus on a subject or style.
My trouble with using this for writing is that my hands still type slowly while my ideas are pouring out, and I miss some things while waiting to type out that last notion.

I think by time and practicing you can overcome it

Haha! Nice, Paul! This is great :D Three for the price of one. Nice touch adding the drawing as well. It's hard, huh? Every sprint decreases the length. It lends credence to creativity being fuel. Given time it'll refill, but if you use it all throughout it would dissipate. It's awesome how you made the stories read like different ones. I didn't feel like I was reading three stories that sounded similar. This is quite a lot for 5 minutes (each) anyway.

Thanks for the shoutout, but I'm only a herald. @improv started the whole thing with the hashtag #freewrite so it would be great if you gave him a nod as well :D

Yes @improv dropped in and let me know the right tag to use, I'll make an edit and add the credit now that I know more. When I started writing I didn't read much details as I didn't want to influence the freshness of my writing improv flow, I just started writing rather spontaneously. Freestyle! I was a little surprised that when I read back over them that they actually were somewhat coherent, I expected more complete nonsense to pour from my noggin.

Haha! It seems you underestimated your brain haha! These are great stories and they really deserve more recognition :D

These guys are great, and the zippo songs a cool accompaniment, but I definitely have to say the sets are just set up to be setting a scene for awesomeness!! I am honored to have played a part in these words!

The tag is actually meant to be #freewrite. Nothing wrong with freestyle, but if you wanna get found under the #freewrite tag, that's the one we started! :P

Ah! I knew there had to be a tag for it, thanks!

Wow..another good uptade from @therealpaul
This is amazing..nice drawing..
I'm always like your lifestyles...
I think you more creative commiunication skills in different metherd...wel done..
Keep it up post my dear friend..

Thanks @dinisanda, I felt like I should add the drawing since my writing was so short, the picture says more than I can say in 5 minutes!.

Loving your style, need to get back into sketchbook stuff, inspiring.

Thanks, I think I' out of practice with my sketching-- it takes longer to get warmed up these days.

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