Shindig Shop Song: Easily Gained-- A Look at the Creation of Tension So That There Can Be A Release

in #music7 years ago

When dissonance enters a song, it is expected that the music will resolve the conflicting notes or rhythms in time, and a release can be invented for that fabricated tension. If the foundation of the song is built to support such dissonance, then how many times can there be disharmony and resolution before it's time to end the song?

Around halfway through such a song, a feeling of commitment may compel the musician to keep playing, having invested so much time already into learning the chord structures and the beats. Others feel badly for having started the song to begin with, and choose to give little of themselves to it-- blandly waiting for someone else to end it. At some point it seems like even the happier parts of the tune are disjointed somehow, and everyone knows that the tune has served it's purpose by that time; such a beautiful beginning-- so easily gained, and therefore is easily lost when the final chorus comes into sight. Or is it the final chorus?

Easily Gained

If I had two cents, I'd stop on a dime- you keep me in the dark nearly all the time
Well it's no wonder you don't feel no pain; easily lost, easily gained
Did you sign with lead, or did you need more bread? Did you spend your hours with gentle flowers and a violin?
It's no wonder you don't feel no pain; easily lost, easily gained

Easily gained, easily lost, even if it takes a while
Easily gained, easily lost, oh boy

Like I'm living in a haha working in a yaya
It's like living in a haha working in a yaya

Easily gained, easily lost, even if it takes a while
Easily gained, easily lost, oh boy



beautiful mix. now on to hear Neighbor! thanks for this.

later edit: man, you guys were out of your time! a copy of Shindig Shop's cd would be a prized possession. much respect. listening right now to Neighbor and thinking about what i heard a while ago... you guys left it laying on the floor. love it.

Hey I appreciate your listening, and going back a little. There's a few more from the CD up here, and there's a few that I've yet to post, they will be soon. Thanks a lot!

It's a great feast for the ears! I really like how amidst chaos it all came together. Nice explanation and backstory for this. It really fit the song well. I do like the rich layers behind it. Definitely one of my top for this album!

This one seems to have a fuller audio quality, maybe it's just the nature of the tune, drums and things, but this one sounds good.

Beautiful it was great tunes and lyrics damm amazing :D

I loved the lyrics very much and I have found some good line to hum.
Easily gained, easily lost, even if it takes a while
Easily gained, easily lost, oh boy

I'm happy that you liked it, thanks!

Sounds about right. Nice jam.

Our slogan used to be 'Strange but true rock and roll' and this one rather fits that description.

Hey, there you are. This song is a bit like a theme song for my past week and a half, not so much the words but the disjointedness you described.

I actually came back to do more catching up. This past week, I don't know, I was just feeling exhausted. Particularly in a creative sense, also in a mental one I think. Trying to get back in the swing of things.

Normally I would not have let four days go by before getting worried about your absence, that really shows where my head is at- or rather where it isn't at. But I have been checking my responses ever since I commented to you, glad I came back to your page or worry would have been added to my funk this week. And guilt for not worrying sooner.

You had a paranormal thing to do, I knew you'd have to absorb all that data before we would hear much from you, but it is nice to know that I'm missed ;)

That gig this weekend took all of my time and brain power until today, now I have a bit of time to read here and get caught up too.

Wow that's awesome! And the lyrics, yeah those are really excellent as well! Thanks for sharing such great music with us!


I appreciate your listening to it!

Hi friend, easily gain easily lost, what is that things. I think it is a trust of some one else. You sang very nicely,your voice is very much sweet. Have a great day friend happy steeming.

It is about how people might fear getting hurt in relationships, and so they may not want to give themselves to it completely, as a way to protect themselves if things go bad.

You are so wise to be hear. But I am completely robot in this matter so often I get hurt in life. Thanks.

Oh but we are completely human- that's why we get hurt in life, instead of being cold robots that would not ever be hurt. Being human is also where beauty is found, we are the ones who make it all.

Yes you are right, being human is beautiful, but without its worship beauty becomes useless .You know friend my life is like a boat with out its racer. Any way you don't want to look my post, why become so rude for me, you are my friend, so I have some right to express me, please do upvote me, you can see with out you by post received very little response.

Thanks for hearing me. Have a great day friend happy steeming.

How are you? My last week is pretty much a blur...

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